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My Bar
*writes in pain and and lies there sweating and rapidly breathing clearly still unconcious*

OOC: the final acts of Lord Apocalypse thread beholder
*Pamela looks shocked at the friend of many years is now dead ! Dropping to her knees she lifts his hands....bringing them to her face in a final goodbye,as tears of deep sorrow stream unchecked and unnoticed down her delicate cheeks*

*Slightly in a daze she becomes aware of others in the bar...trying in vain to make sense of their multiple conversations*
*With her mind reeling and thoughts scattered,she is aware of an outstretched hand being offered to help her to her feet...and a stranger then guides her to a nearby table ,seating her gently*
*Gathering her strength Pamela looks each patron in the eye....a long hard stare*

*Speaking for the forst time she utters these words*
^ I have a quest to fullfill...My partner will take over these duties for a few days...there is someone I must find^
*Pamela appears lost in thought for a brief moment,ans shakes her head ruefully at her absent thoughts,a slight smile curving her lips,as she ponders the supplies she will need and the outcome of the impending meeting*

A Light in your Darkness...always there...and burning...
*looks at staff and nods to sinner*<laughs at lord apocalypse and gives him a revitalizing phial>
*lifts him off floor easily and places him in booth*
*turns back to sinner and tells him the staff is a fine weapon, in fact, its one of my favs*
*hands Pam a tissue to wipe tears and a sac to pack*
*Walks threw the bar looking for a couple of people, B!tch mainly*
*Spots B!tch trying to hide close by the door*
*B!tch trys to hide behind his computer shield but it is ineffective against silents power*
*B!tch try's to call me immature but his words are reflected by his computer shield back onto him*
*Relizing theres nothing he can do but get owned he runs with his tail between his leg because he's part rat*
(Inside Joke)

" Can I get a couple shots Bartender, Wheres pam? "
(silent remove that post but leave your action...that is way off topic...)
*in the doorway to the bar, a shadowy figure appears from the street* *face hidden behind long drity black hair, and body concealed in a long black leather trench coat, the figure enters the bar almost unseen, but the ever seeing Pam notices the strange new patron* *after entering the bar, and noticing Pam has sensed his presence, he reveals himelf to be the old warrior and friend to Pam, Splintercell*
*scratches his head*
Isn't Pam gone????
*yea hasnt been here in a while
Ooops sry for the double ppost how do you delete it i posted twice because the screen said i couldnt post so i tried again SRY!
you cant delete double posts... either used edit or hit the refresh button if it doesnt "look" like it went through
*Smiles warmly at all her patrons and walks around the bar to collect dirty dishes and carries them to the sink* ((OOC sorry my internet was down for almost a monthSad ))

A Light in your Darkness...always there...and burning...
(you have a hard time staying in d2sector..... i feel bad)
<smiles broadly>
*welcome back PAM!*[Image: teas0004.gif]
How ya been?[Image: misc0004.gif]

Isn't technology fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![Image: work0003.gif]
is the bar still open???
YES, of course it is.....Does it look like this bar's going anywhere????
*starts making fireballs and juggles them while swallowing a bottle of ale
<catches fireballs and makes flaming whiskey shots-yeah alcohol!>
*to bad your underage! *Farts and the fireballs engulgh sopuld collecter
*eats soul collector* *beats the crap out of king rookie*
*Walks back in*
Wow long time no see guys.

(2000th post in the thread)

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