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My Bar
*sees miden standing near the recycling bar*
*begins to walk toward her*
well your not gonna get a drink around here anytime soon, thanks to that dragon -.-
*sees the scimitars*
whoa, i've never seen blades that looked like this in my lifespan, there must be a new genius blacksmith, there quality is amazing!!!
*politely asks*
would it be okay if i have a closer look at your weapons?, oh yeah i forgot to mention
*points to the nearby arena*
the arena currently is the location of the bar, it may not be the best place but it will work for now
*a look of anger crosses Midens face* Yo? YO!!?? *cloases her eyes for a moment and when she re-opens them she looks calmer but her voice is now ina razour edged tone* I will let that comment slide for now insolent male but in future I recomend you talk to me with the respect that being a highborne D... erm Elf female deserves, or you will get a very personal inspection of my weapons *the edge drops off of her voice* I wouldn't expect you to have seen blades like this, I have traveled over the great sea and covered almost a continent by foot on my travels things here seem alien to me too I hope you don't think me rude but these are my weapons which I have worked hard to earn and as such prefer to not let anyone else handle them.

Forgive my for my initial bluntness, I shall make myway to the arena.

*With that miden begins walking towards the arena*
... for a elf your really don't act like one, you know that!
its not that i haven't seen your weapon before, but more of the quality of rare metals and refinement that have me intrigued, some of these are not even existent on this planets said mines
*runs off ahead of her towards the arena*
i best check up on activity at the bar
{Allpone lies in his cot with a stillness unseen before except among the dead. In an instant of nothingness Allpone’s body is set into a raging quiver and shaking. Out of his mouth begins to spout the phrase.}

Nu Gruk'ov.”

Nu Gruk'ov.”

Nu Gruk'ov.”

Nu Gruk'ov.”

Nu Gruk'ov.”

Nu Gruk'ov.”

{Over and over the torment hits him and the words are shouted. Then he stops and rest again.}

{Pam returns to were her once grand bar was. Showing no emotion she hits to her knees seeing a chest with some belongings in it among the belongings she find a scribe of plans wrote in elvin language. The parchment shows 4 wings and 3 stories high with 2 basements upper and lower and adic. The front middle wing is the were the front door sets entering into the main part of the tavern. Each detail even to were tables and chairs are to be placed and the main counter bar itself with elvin barstools. One corner is secluded with a table and a window with blinds to block out even the smallest bit of light. Another corner is up a step on a small platform to the right head of the bar. With a pillow soft booster in the corner of the table.}

{ Pam giggles realizing that that was her table and the booster was for Neebs. Also reliving the secluded area must be Allpones. She looks closer to the details of the main tavern area. Seeing a sectioned off area for each main member. To how the person best thought they would like it even the chairs and items were written to detail for each person. Venoms had a book shelf for his art studies and Blue a weapons rack. Each booth different and sectioned off to the persons liking weather they were people persons or liked there privacy there was a place for all. In the middle of the room was a marble circle platform and a stage. { Pam stopped again to notice then realized a dancing and band area.} around the platform of marble slab were open tables and seats that must be for any one else who comes to enjoy.}

{Pam turns the page to see the next room.}

{next is the back wing it is simple enough sectioned off with a winery and kegs and kitchen supply room plus cooking slabs and furnaces, wood fires and magic wilding cooking spots hot ovens and water pools. Everything you need for a good cooking and brewing area. turns the page. East wing main floor. Pam notices that this room has yet to be planed but was there never the less for extra room turning the page she sees the main floor west wing is the same again she turns the page beginning to wonder if that was all then sees the 1st basement nothing but a large supply/main storage area next page is the bottom basement larger than the first and set up into 2nd separate sections this room is larger than the bar itself she thinks as she sees its lay out. But begins to reed that one half is a prison with ever precaution in place for any intruder or law breaker the other half were you enter into is set up as a training sparing area for small scale practice and one on one training and fighting. To the side a few benches for privet spectators on the other side many weapon racks with every sort of weapon known to all the known races. The second floor is rooms for gust set up very pleasant for each gust . The third floor is rooms for main bar members. But each room is blank with nothing but a floating orb in the middle of the large room on the page are instructions written in elvin on how to create the orb and how it works and what it dose. }

{Pam realizes the task of the orb was for her to create.}

The orb is simple enough the directions were as followed when entering the room speak your true name in your true tong placing your hand on the orb and merely thinking of your home lands or the lands you wish to live in at it shall be the room will turn to the lands of your heart and will stretch as far and wide as your lands stretch in your heart it may stretch for miles or feet what ever your heart desires making it difficult for others to find you in your own house it warns about the orb’s that you may only use them once then your room is what it is nothing will ever be able to change what you have set with out the combine power of Allpone Pam & Venom also warning that thou your actual room size is only a few yards the orb makes it all seem to be the furthest stretch of what you put there it may be the size of a hole new world you may loose your self or loved ones and the land weather and creatures are as real as any living being be careful.

{ Pam done reading gets up and begins to think of the plans she has found knowing she will have to get all together to start the building and ponders what to do with the 2 open unplanned space and thinks of the warnings of the new rooms also the energy it will take to create each orb to the specification placed.}
OOC Damn nice job!! I am just too tired tonight to use my orb ^^ LOL

A Light in your Darkness...always there...and burning...
OC: what does that essay bassically say?
[Image: nyyzok.gif]
As Miden comes in his direction after her interaction with Venom, Zero locks eyes with her and brings her to a halt. As she stands there, looking up into the deep and vivid amber eyes with vertical pupils, Zero lets a few words slid forth from his lips in a low whisper. "It has been some time now since I have seen on of your kind. You are no regular Elf, we both know the truth of that. The weapons you carry, your attitude, everything about you reminds me of the Drows I knew some time ago." Seeing her eyes widen then narrow in a blazing gaze that would burn a normal man alive, Zero chuckle, for he is anything but normal himself.

As the Mountain that Moves chuckles, men around him stop to see what the comotion is about. Noticing this, Zero immediatly stops and levels a piercing gaze at each one. Slowly, the men return to the task of construction put before them. Looking back to Miden, Zero gives her the same peircing gaze. "I will keep your secret, for now. You seem to be of some use in the manner of weapon art. Plus, I don't think my lady, a Elf of such noble blood that she makes nobles appear as peasents, would take the news of you bieng a Drow very warmly. In any case, try not to stir up to much. Venom can be a bit, difficult at times yes, but aren't we all at some time or another?" Giving Miden a playful wink, Zero heads of the the arena to see to the sleeping quarters of the men working on the reconstruction of the bar.
You can run....but you'll just die tired.
[Image: 150.gif]
OC: well bluebleeder it means that pam now holds in her plans the design of the new bar, i have no clue what zerok's men a doing since 1) pam just recived the plan right now and 2) the location of where the bar is ,is still being recycled

so basicly the building of the bar will start soon enough
*goes to the arena to have a beer*
"Venom, can i have a beer please"
[Image: nyyzok.gif]
You forgot to introduce yourself one who assumes to know much, *lowers voice* I am not drow but a closely related variant* (OOC: think warhammer fantasy dark elves) I'm mearly a traveler and aren't here for trouble...... *a wicked smile plays accross her face* Yet
OC: dark eldar(sp?) if i am correct?
sure sure bleeder
*tosses him a beer from the cooler*
i wonder what pam got from bar's remains?
*looks to miden*
so what will it be?, i recently came to "aquire" some unique drinks it was a bit odd though the realm it was from, most of the people there were in some major power suits and screaming "for the emperor!!!"
but they were as easy to kill as the likeliness of them shutting up -.-
(OOC: Sry people, I cant get online much, or at all. I'm still trying to get around to post, but can't get time.)
(OOC: the dark eldar are the 40k equivelant they're similar except the dark Eldar are space elves the dark elves are medieval equivalants)

IC: I'll have the finest red wine you have.
*Wakes up again, sees the changes..*

"I gotta stay more awake :O This place gets more modified every time I wake up..."

*Goes to the jukebox, which is beaten to pieces*
"Who the .... did that?"

*Makes a few calls and orders a new jukebox*
"What sort of music everyone would like?"
Ratsu Wrote:*Wakes up again, sees the changes..*

"I gotta stay more awake :O This place gets more modified every time I wake up..."

*Goes to the jukebox, which is beaten to pieces*
"Who the .... did that?"

*Makes a few calls and orders a new jukebox*
"What sort of music everyone would like?"

If you can get it I'll have the sounds of 1000 tortured souls...... it's my favourite
*Pamela , upon finding the plans for the creation of the new Bar seeks out Allpone and Venom.*
After a bit of looking she notes that they are both now in the last location of its destruction,and are guiding the efforts of workers in the salvaging ,if any ,items the new place can use.*

*Upon noticing her ,the 2 come forward and bow in a respectful manner and eye the Lady with some couriosity,and openly questioning stares.*

*Pamela then brings forth the parchment she found,and presents the plan for the Bar to both Allpone and Venom.*

*Tossing her long braid over one shoulder,as it falls against her forest green tunic,the light in her eyes begins to glow brightly.*

*Speaking in a musical voice ,her long lost elvaan tounge her true name,the orb she touches begins to glow.*

*Looking at her companions with now dark crimson eyes,she speaks.*
My Elvaan magic is strong,but I will need both of you to help in this endeavour. Let us combine our magic,and bring forth what the orb,and plans have stated.

*Begining to chant in her native tongue Pamela builds her powers.Stroking the amulet about her slender neck to give her increased duration in casting.*

I am ready sirs...let us make this so.
*Pamela awaits the response from them both*

A Light in your Darkness...always there...and burning...
*sees the orb*
i dare not ask where you got these...
*i place my right hand onto the orb*
lets get this done as soon a possible and store these things in a safe place
*shouts in joy*
"woohoo! a new bar very soon"
"lets get it done boys"
[Image: nyyzok.gif]
*once again appears in a cloud of flame and smoke, this time bringing along skeletal minions.*
hey venom, who's your new friend? and what the hell happened to the bar? i senced destruction so i came with some of my minions to see what was going on.
*looks at beast*
a dragon of course , but while your here i guess we can use your minions for some work when we are finished

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