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Gem Activation
When your in a nutral screen in bnet, (after u pciked your char, where is shows half the chat and the other half is the game joining and creating.), theres a fancy border seperating the 2(chat, and games) , and near the bottom, theres a pink/purple gem there, if u click on it, it says gem activated, or gem de-activated. WUT DOES THAT DO!!!!

anyhting at all? help me
its just somethign there the blizzard networkers put there to drive players insane

it does absloutely nothing

if u clikc it enogh times itll say perfect gem activated

and if ur bored click it ALOT

and it will go

haha, really? well, i hate blizzard, they haev too much time on their hands....making games harder to cheat in and stuff, lol
yeah pretty much

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