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yes its mee.....i just named my char hanzo cuz it cool a may even make it my new name just need to save up alot
*Does a small chant to restore Hanzo's energy*

So what do you have to tell us?
well my good friend has been killed and as soon as i saw him i saw ambushed by wraith guards i had no choice but to run.
"No victor.. you are a SUMMONER of demons. not demon slaves as in the SLAVES of demons"
*Takes note from hanzo and pockets it*
"We will save this for later"
"Now victor if you can summon some of those flying minons it will make this trip alot shorter"
(what time of the day is it currently.... maybe you should write daily stats demon)
Sounds good.. im also going to update the map when we reach new locations. Ill edit it every So often.

Day Stats: April 26th, 1734, Monday, 9:32AM
Current Location : Highroad Between Kisu and ???
Party Status: Good
"what the hell is this *day stats*??? this aint no game damit!!!"
* show a guys playing the sedai rpg on the x-box *
in order for us to know when to rest wh need to know time date and locations it all rpg things
* Grab's a stock of grass, bend's it left then right, grab's an amulet that's around his neck*
We need to get off the road otherwise there will be more trouble then any of us can handle.
* Take's out a dried lizard and mumble's a few thing's*
We should be inivisible for a little while with this.
Well.. Lets have a Vote.. Pm me your opinion.. for now we will contine the old way of sleeping/events when they come along i will up date the map when we visist new areas
Later that night

"Hey i think i see a town"***
*Upon closer expection*
"Somethings wrong. Its to bright"
*runs toward town to notice its on fire*
"Comeon we gotta help. Look for surviors and the cause"

***Map Edit
*opens a portal leading to the town's center*
" come we must make haste if we r to save any survivors"
*Runs into a burning building and jumps out just before it collapses*
"No one in here"
*Continues to look around*
*Eyes become dark a a horrific wind comes from no where the fire slowly goes out*
"There is no surviors there isnt even any bodys.. What happened here"
"Spread out and look for things to salvage"
horrid wind?
me thinks we should follow it... sure, when ever the heros follow the wvil weather they get casught in some trap, but, what the hell, im following it.
*sprints off at top speed following trail of destruction the wind left*
(oh yeah, its a tornado, btw, casue it would be dumb to follow a peacful breeze Big Grin)
i say instead of following the horrid wind we should follow the purple haze
*follows endromada and suggests * "we should split up me and endro will follow the horid wind while someone follows the haze"
*as we follow the wind the surrounding area slowly becomes darker and darker till we are unable to follow it*
"I sense something amiss in this area"
um.. i summoned the Horrifc wind to put out the flames ^^

and horrific as in real strong not tornado heh i gues i shoulda been more clear
to late now were alrdy lost in a dense fog of darkness
"where the hell are we now???"
*You hear kilons sword come out. the next moment you hear a slash in the air and a giant rift appeared in the sky above to reveal that we are still in the town after all that walking*
"We might be stuck in a void"
*Rift closes*
"who know how long it lasts"
well i need to read somthing so i can get thinking *takes out flirting paradise and begins to read but a few minutes later starts to slowly sink into the ground*
*pulls out twinkle and iceingdeath*
"i did become a legend for nothing"
*and cast barrier and follows it by castting shock wave*
clears the haze for 50 ft quickly someone cast a divine cirlce of light

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