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*looks at dust*
"meh, no big loss there its was really made to make great armor "
"gnight man "
*walks outside and sits on a bench to think about the myesterious lady (im not totally taking all my ideas back and kilon is that crasy flash back still on??)*
*Sitting at the bar talking with a woman when, see's Hanzo brooding and wonders why*
*Gets out of the bar with the girl in tow*
"See ya a little bit later Hanzo"
*Big grin as he goes back to his room with her still in tow*
*Knocks on door with anubis*

Thats my chick!!! Jessie get yo a$$ outta there
*Pulls out his bow and knocks down the door grabs his girl and leaves while pointing his bow at anubis while he slowly walks out*

Hiya me shoot peoples with my bow Confusedmartass2
*Hears the door being crashed down and runs upstairs*
"Anubis.. What happened?"
"Anyway.. *Still staring at the door* We leave tommarrow morning after sunrise"
*Leaves room and passes Redux while hes in a pissy mood*
*Tells everyone else the same things*

(Macro you are free to do w/e you want as long as its in resonable ranges and just so you have a lil freedom you can have one of your gems btw what crasy flash back??? i remember no flash back)

*Goes back to the inn and takes his room*
*About 5 hours later in the middle of the night he hears people screaming as he looks out his window the mast to the ship is on fire and sees multiplu men running away seemingly hiding something remembers his horse in the hold of the ship*
*Mumbles curses to himself*
"Hey anubis *Knocks on the wall* we got a problem"
*Goes to the boat and summons his wind again to put out the fire. then runs toward a bandit running away, grabs him and throws him agaist a crate instantly knocking him out*
"We are in a town.. avoid killing"
*hears comotion out side grabs his bow and runs out the door*
*sees a bandit runs passed him and shoots him in the leg*

*looks at kilon*
hey you need a little help?
macro_one Wrote:... an image u kno a face or sumthin like that i meant since i wanna tie raef with my guy's past origonaslly u were to show a image of him and my guy gets a flashback of raef moving his homeland and stuff.
(ff7 advent children look NIIICCEE my ava is vincent for now...)
(this flash back..)
*sees the bandit knocked out *
"what this guy try to do??"
*sees the chared mast*
"oh i see ,a pyromaniac bandit . what are we gonna do with him?"
*Runs up a flight of stairs to get to the to of a roof were he can snipe*
*Continues shooting bandit that are runnig around the town in a hurry*
In all my years in this town we have been rarely attackted some must be wronge
*Runs to the chruch and sees 5 bandits turn around a look at him*
Oh crap i got to get in there
*Starts to run at the bandit shooting 3 while bursting through the door*
*Looks a the sacred orb trying to be stolen*
*other two bandits catch up to redux and slowly start to creep behind him*
*Slash the two bandits from behind killing them*
*Stares at redux and then at the glowing object*
"what is that?"
*notices the bandits and quickly jumps into the frey using a flurry of blows to knock out the bandits*
*more bandits arrive and suround me*
*Runs toward the church building to assist Drizzt, after finishing that goes inside to swee redux guarding the orb*
"Its a holy orb i cant touch it maybe you have a better chance to holding it"
*Drizzt notifys that the orb can show you things well beyond the sight of man*
*Gets Hanzo and Anubis to show him whats happening*
*We Veiw a massive army maybe 500 companys of men and 100 companys of riders... the lens zooms upon a single man in the middle of it all... Raef.*
"We must leave the orb here its property of this church we got to tell the to keep a guard around it from no on though"

(Theres your picture Macro)
*See's a man getting robbed by a bandit and slashes off his head*
*Waits outside the church for the others*
"Kilon how'd you get into that church? I can't even do that one"
*See's them looking at an orb*
"Guy's I think we need to leave this village I think these bandits are here because of us"

*Continues fighting, while waiting for them to come out of the church*
*Finished the bandits in the church and it is time to move on*
*Starts to move to the harbor to protect the ships*
*Finds the harbor and most a the dock and the ship ar damaged*
*While shooting Bandits trying to save the rest of the ships
I get hit in the head by a bandit and get knocked out for a whileSad*
"Well... im not full demon.. if i was i would have died when you took my demon powers"
"The boats gonna be delayed for a while till its mast is fixed ....."
*Goes to inn to rest*
*sees the image of raef and a quick flashback occurs and its showing the man moving my homeland to be raef*
"it... its can't be him ... it was 20 years ago when that happend but he looks as if he never aged! "
(im not sure if there are any bandit cuz of this
'Demon[kilon Wrote:*Goes to inn to rest*
if soo take the first 1 not the 2nd or what ever one you like)
* in a blind rage unleashes ,thunder element dragon no jutsu to unleash thender clab on the remaining bandits and when they die charges directly at raef of strike him down but when attacking hits a barrier surounding raef and is knocked down and passes out from the over use of his charka mumbling "damit,damit,damit."*
*kills about 5 bandits in a group of 10 scaring them enough to run away*
"phew. *looks at anubis and asks* how many more are left?"
*looks over in the direction of raef *
"ill make him pay for what he did to my home ,my friends and my family"
*takes a break while there are no bandits around*
"geez there were so many"
(Bandits all dead and it was just an image of raef in teh orb so that negates the 1st.. so make a 3rd option)
"Hey guys didnt i say minimise the killing...... we are in a town"
"ok...odd why is the orb showing a image of raef"
*looks a kilion*
"dont look at me i didnt even get a chance to kill one "
*lifts redux onto a shoulder *
"we best put him on a bed for now*
*takes redux into a room at the inn places him on a bed and goes into another room down the hall to rest*
(kilon u better not say make a fourth or ill kill u.....)
(make a fourth......j/p)
"ill gaurd the orb since im the only non corupted person here"
*stands gaurd dilagently*
*wonders if were going to survive*
"I havent killed any one really, I've just incapacitated them"
Beholder99 Wrote:*Slash the two bandits from behind killing them*

"least corrupt.. well your the only one who killed.. cept anubis with his incapacitatedness oh welll i doubt they are going to try anythign stupid for a time.."
*Gets up*
"I hate doing nothing.. im gonna help repair the ship.. i took a lil carpentry back at Kisu"
*offers to help repair the ship and walks inside after a brief*
(pisst beholder i am not corruted in fact i am probly less corruted than you :p )
twp out of the 6? of us can turn into demons... how is that not coruppted and killing doesnt mean anything as long as your doing it for a just cause not for revenge or gain i was killing cause i was defending

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