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kilon do u have the trigun series on ur comp?
"best get something to eat i cant sleep"
*smells fish and walks toward anubis *
"can i join you?im starving!"
no i dont
*Feels something in his stomach jumps out of his bunk and runs for the side of teh ship and loses everything he has ever eaten*
"They say if your in the water your not sick..."
*Ties a rope around his waist the oterh end to the mast pole and jumps in the water*

(200 post in this thread and i made 200 posts heh heh heh)
damit its so hard to dl of of bear share so far i got 1-8 -_- tthis show is to dam good
MOTHER SON OF A episode 8 IS A DAMN SONG NOT THE SHOW -_- *Breaks down and cries* 8 ****ing hours *crys even more* .... great 17 hours for episode 9 and and 7 hours for epissode 8
*sees kilon dive into the water
"HA HA HA HA ohh thats just to funny a powerful demon whos sea sick HA HA HA HA "
*falls of chair whiule laughing profusly*
"oww that hurt...."
*Macro sees a demonic sword where he had just been coming from a downward angle*
"Mumbles to himself"
i got to many dubed versions of tri gun and olny 1 english
"ok ok sorrry that i laughed but it just seemed funny ay the moment"
*watchs the tension lighten with kilions misfortune*
"good idea"
*ties a very long rope to self and jumps in the water*
"i need to relax for a bit"
*begins to calmly float mediatating in a sort of fashion*
"Uhh this is only day one of our boat trip..."
*Climbs up the rope and to his room and attepts to go to sleep but when teh boat his a wave he hit his head on the ceiling*
"Oww... god damnit"
*Gets some food and climbs back down to the water*
"ahh boats rock it some how makes the best of thing from the worst of thing and i nearly fell of the ship from that wave"
*takes a seat on a chair and starts to take a nap*
"Screw this..."
*Spikes come from his back and twist into wings*
"I guess ill just fly....... fly????? wtf when could i do this.. oh well im to sick to think right now"
"hey can i catch a ride then? im bored and cant sleep"
*eyes are blood red *
" and they burn to . and the goggles THEY DO NOTHING!"
"no you cant.. im not big like anubis.. i only got wings... nothing else... you can have my rope though"
we are sooo MAD POSTING

"hmmm * idea light blub * i got it! "
*as kilon flies away the rope he game me was used and caught on kilons leg and as he flies i game a piece of wood and is then wat skiing with the help of kilon(im weigh like nothing while im skiing so i wont weigh you down at all)*
to self-"hanzo is much like a child, spontanious and care free, he could easily be corrupted if he should meet raef by himself"
*climbs up the rope*
"i think its time to conjure my anchient spirits for help"
...."maybe they can give some aid to our cause"
*goes to his spot and pulls out powder, as soon as its spread a magical aura/portal apears*
*sits down and begins a ritualistic chant*
geez.. i posted over 200 points worth today...

*Decides to go higher so he slips the rope off his leg and ties it to teh back of teh ship*

damn .001 points away from 500 -.-
Well after doing nothing the whole time desides to go up in the crows nest

"soooo bored what is there to do"
*Sees anubis finshing ties a small rope to one of the arrows and puts in his bow*
*Starts to aim down at the water*
hehehe my way of fishing
(happy Thxs Giving To Everyone)
*See's Kilon with wings*

"What the hell....Kilon since when could you do any thing like that?"
"fine be that way then"
*rapid hand movements*
*unties rope and begins to run just a bit behind kilon*
"race ya kilon?"
*Looks at anubis..*
"No Clue.."
*Then looks at Hanzo..*
"You do know flying is faster than anything"
*Folds his his wings and dives picking up tremendous speed and right before hitting the water opens his wings and speeds of toward the horizon leaving hanzo a big wave*
*Notices a Leviathan swimmin underwater that was x3 the length of the ship*
"Oh shit...."
*The leviathan spots me and jumps out of the water while i have just enough time to dodge. I speed off towards teh ship to warn the others*
*Transfroms into his Demon form*
*Takes off after Kilon*
"Wow didn't know you had this much power your actually keeping up with me......What happened when you had your vision Kilon"?

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