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"thx for the lift"
"well umm i think that we should let kilon have a try and if it get to dangerous we will pull him out and seal him some how so what i am saying is that we let kilon so what he dose and if it gets out.. well you know"
"but that is just opinon by me"
"well i will fight with you guys till the end"
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*stares coldly at macro*
*swings at macro missing*
*Does a back spin and slash with iceingdeath and thrusts with twinkle getting macro in the leg as he tries to dive out of the way*
*with that he runs off back after kilion*
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*eye go solid white*
*drizzit stops turns around and is punched right in the face knocking him trough 5 trees *
"do you think u have a chance to kill kilon"
*starts to move towards drizzit and picks him up by the throat*
"well uour not going to kill him any time soon"
*takes a piece of paper and writes and enchantment on and places it on beholders forehead*
"well you wont be moving untill i decide you can "
*takes two fingers and slaps him across the head *
"and it wont be soon"
*walks back to redux and sits on a nearby rock*
"you best go on ahead redux i'm gonna be out of action for a little bit till i heal my leg dont worry kilon ain't that crasy he won't kill you but on the safe side dont get in his way he can be rash at sometimes"
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*as macro is talking to redux he feels a cold breeze and as he turns around two swords enter his stomach*
"no one can stop me"
*all notice drizzits appearance is beginnig to change and the armour hes wearing is molding into his body*
*punchs macro sending him into redux and slamming into a tree*
*takes paper off of his face crumples it and charges onward*
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*His body turns Blue*
*picks Hanzo and Drizzit up by thier thoats*
"one of you cast a sleep spell on all of us right now"
*Has a hard time not killing them even though he wants to taste thier blood*
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(ok beholder you can't move then inchantment makes you imobile no matter what not even if you had the hulks strenth X100)
"ok now that hurt alot"
*grabs the swords and pulls them out of his stomach*
"best do this quickly"
*takes 2 more pieces of papers and place to enchantments of petrify sealing both swords in stone*
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*thrashs wildly in anubis's hands*
"LET me go demon"
*all notice drizzits's voice begin to deepen into a bellow*
*swords magically return to their sheeths on drizzits back*
*takes orb that hanzo gave and uses it to restore the swords to their normal state*
*then uses its remaining power to put everyone to sleep*
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*looks closely at everybody with a puzzled face*
*walk away..... slowly*
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so were all out cold but kilon does't this seem nice....
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i know but he hasnt been on for a while at least he hasnt written for a while
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We met a rather nice end there.
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well where is he anyway? is he sick or dead?
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most likely on a trip sumwhere warm .....
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No, like most people he probably got sick of the site and left.
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aww hes vital to this game i dont think he would just quite like that..
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sry about that guys.. redux you couldnt do anything about my busy life but ill try and post more often (and macro you wernt far off for i live in hawaii!!)
*Notices a void behind him as something erupts as a spirit resembling Drizzt Rises into the air..*
"Great.. another slave to the angels.. im starting to wonder who the holy ones are"
*Turns around and sees that the spiritually mishapen form of drizzt over the seemingly dead body of Hanzo and the unconsious bodys of everyone else*
"Drizzt!! What have you done"
*Drizzt, using energys fueled by rage, leaps up to attack*
*Holds his two hands together as a huge sword materializes infront of him grabs it and falls after Drizzt*
"You dont know what youve done.. your not even him anymore i can see it in your eyes"
*Drizzt Appears and stabs me right through the back*
"Ha ha ha... its going to take more than that to kill me"
*Grabs his sword and pulls it all the way through then throws is at drizzt pinning him to a tree*
*Concentrates as Spines form into wings.. but come up along the back down the arms.. as i turn into a very large creature.. picks up Hanzo and the others and flies off leaving Drizzt unconcious and pinned to the tree*
"Wont be the last we see of him"
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*rage becomes so much drizzit transforms into a mutated form, wings begin to rip out of the flesh and rises into the air*
*in a more demonic voice*" i come"
*flies stright after kilion*
*swords begin to form into larger versions, and a carapace begins to form around drizzit's body*
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*wakes up and sees drizzit*
"...... why does that happen every time were close to killing the main threat its so ****ing anoying "
*looks at hand covered in blood*
"hmmm now i remember "
*small chant and strong holy magic runs along my body so strong the kilon is forced to drop me during flight*
"just a bit longer"
*becomes fully healed lands on a tip of a tree*
"kenpui(took over drizzit's body and beholder if you don't like it it will just be you) i will kill you!!!"
*takes out matsamune(can't spell name..) *
"you DIE now!!!"
*swings the sword and (any of you guys played golden sun 2 ??? if so the atk is like garets liquifyer hard to describe it .... srry)*
(you kno wut i live in ontairo and its cold....-_-)