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help me with sig
i drew this picture (in a lecture -it beats taking notes :devilish: ) and i wanted 2 include it in a sig. the thing is, i can draw but i cant design:confused: so i was wondering if some one can gimmy a few sugestions the image is at (i did the fire in maya so if u want more msg me)
looks good, kinda big. the flames would look awsome if u invert them. ^^ i m thinking a demonic scheme like main pic would be that, and maybe put some small black demons.
this will do lol
its toooooooo big 500X120 is max also crop out the demon guy and remake the fire cuz it does look right.
ya its too big
i got a 400x 100 sig which i tried uploading but i get the X...any suggestions?
what format is it in? it has to be a .Gif or .Jpeg
did u upload it here?
yeah. tried. as you can see below it's not working for reasons im trying to find
try any or all of these:
1) save the sig as a different name.
2) upload it on imageshack or photobucket.
[Image: 2cxck74.jpg]
thanks Anferny & jedi for the help i believe it's working now
ya its working now, good job ^^

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