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whats the best equipment for a pala?
dude i need a little more info than just a pally. are u making a zealot, and if so a fanadin, frostdin, lightdin or what. i mean the equip for a zealot is tottally different than the equip for a hammerdin or a Fisterdin. also, are u looking for just good average gear or godly stuff. Thx, Chris
uh, zealadin generally ebotd zerker, ber/ber coa? arachs, gore riders? 2xsojs, maras, um'd hoz, maybe exile, nigma or coh, draculs? i think i'm a little off here and there, but that might be the general idea

.. beyond that we def need more information
zealot= max all synergies of zeal, max fant then holy shield then defiance last. put enough str for gear, enough dex for max block with holy shield, and the rest as vit.
use: cham 40/15 coa
3 angelic piece
ebotd zerker 390%+ or an ultra rare zerker
eth exile with % ed (better then resists)
superior archon coh works well
perf % dr verdungoes
and gore riders
on switch (cta+lidless)
in inventory: anni+3-20-20s or offensive gcs as they give more dmg then combat ones.
for baal runs get a nm might merc from act 2, give him leviathan+reapers toll+gaze and use perf diamond or um hoz, this is so u can swing and u wont cast lifetap, while ur merc will cast decripify onto the monsters. dont use exile for baal runs as its useless to cast life tap when decripify works much better.

for a hammerdin:
anni+enigma bp= all the str u will ever need
str: dont put any here
dex: enough for max block with holy shield
vit: all the rest goes here
energy: none

max blessed hammers then all the synergies for blessed hammers, then concentration,then max holy shield and finish off with defiance. put 1 point into meditation if u want to or just incase some hammerdin in ur party has a higher lvl concentration then you. wear
enigma bp
umed shako or +2 to pally skills 20% faster cast+ something to resist circlet
maras or armageddon slippers or a +2 to pally 20% faster cast +20 to resist ammy
umed zak
2 sojs
use cta flail+lidless on switch
note: if u get a perf cta and all of this gear u should have over 3k life.
put anni+ 5 offensive gcs in inventory, and 5 combat gcs in inventory. this should get u around 15k hammer dmg, maxed resists in hell. one of the fastests casts. and for baal runs take out 2 combats or 2 offensives i know if u take them out correctly u can have 8 squares left for picking up an eth cb if it drops. and u still get 14k hammer dmg.

ill add more guides if i feel like it.
im looking for a gd build for a hammerdin and gd equipment for a lightdin pala, wt u mean by godly cheatd? if nt yeh gimme da list full named items. n silver thnx for ur reply v helpful Smile im gna gis that hammerdin a go cheers
If you're extremely rich, find a perf eth 5 os runemaster, with 4x40/15 and a Zod, or an Eth 2 os perfect Heaven's Light with a Zod and Lo.
whut is heavens light? i have nver heard of it. can soemone post a picture or a link to a pic of it. sry if its offtopic just curious.
#8 light is the first scepter on the list, i personally dont know why people like it sooooo much........i think that The Redeemer is better.....but....idk some peeps boat floats a little differently.w/e
well A. Crushing Blow B. 2 Sockets C. more pally skills. D. More ias then redeemer. (sockets and skills if u got a good one)
id personally prefer a eth astreons (slow, crushing blow, extreme ar bonus %, possibly +4 to combat, and a nice bit of magic dmg to finish it off)
[Image: fuggyleetsignj8il7.jpg]
Nobody can handle the leetness of this sig.
' Wrote:Who loves orange soda?
Kel'thuzad loves orange soda!
Is it true?
The main factor is that it with the +3 from Heaven's, it gives Bonuses to Fanaticism, Holy Shield as well as Zeal. This can easily mean the difference from life and death in duels. And the Lo rune adds a very nice touch of Deadly Strike.
back on topic

Hammerdin gear:

enigma bp
shako um'd
Zaka um'd
One soj and one raven frost
Tearhaunch/eth trecks(?)

cta and lidless on switch

anni, as many all res charms as possible, as many combar skillers as possible


blessed hammer and all synergies maxed
concentration maxed
one into redemption and all pre req
rest into holy shield


str: none
dex: 150
energy: none

i think that's about it
Why the raven? why not 2 sojs?
raven has connot be frozen, very important, been frozen is also very annoying, beisdes cold absorb 20% is pretty good to have around
DeStRuCtIoN Wrote:back on topic

Actually, we WERE on topic. We were discussing equipment.

And you should Cham the Helm and change the ring to another SoJ or BK.
jst dont speak destruction..

i agree 2 sojs.. and YES they were on topic..

LOL and y would u use tearhaunch?

+ use imps not eth treks
Not everyone likes using mass-duped items, smirk. Tearhaunch is a great option, especially for D-Taloners who want more resists:

Defense: 60-63 (varies)(Base Defense: 12-15)
Required Level: 29
Required Strength: 70
Durability: 24
Assassin Kick Damage: 10-20
+60-80% Enhanced Defense (varies)
20% Faster Run/Walk
All Resistances +10%
+35 Defense
+5 To Dexterity
+5 To Strength
+2 To Vigor (Paladin Only)
(Only Spawns In Patch 1.09 or later)

When fully upgraded, it gives the highest kick damage possible for an assassin...

And not to mention it gives the interesting +2 to vigor for a paladin, all resist bonus, good defence when fully upgraded, as well as some useful stat bonuses. Not bad from a normal class boot, eh?
Rapta111 Wrote:Not everyone likes using mass-duped items, smirk. Tearhaunch is a great option, especially for D-Taloners who want more resists:

Defense: 60-63 (varies)(Base Defense: 12-15)
Required Level: 29
Required Strength: 70
Durability: 24
Assassin Kick Damage: 10-20
+60-80% Enhanced Defense (varies)
20% Faster Run/Walk
All Resistances +10%
+35 Defense
+5 To Dexterity
+5 To Strength
+2 To Vigor (Paladin Only)
(Only Spawns In Patch 1.09 or later)

When fully upgraded, it gives the highest kick damage possible for an assassin...

And not to mention it gives the interesting +2 to vigor for a paladin, all resist bonus, good defence when fully upgraded, as well as some useful stat bonuses. Not bad from a normal class boot, eh?

i stand corrected.. but i still refer imps...

30%faster run walk
20% faster hit recovery
+18 to str (gotta love it)
and on top of that.. massive resists to fire n light
Ohh and btw.. um.. vigor doesnt add to hammer damage or anyhitng if thats what ur thinking
No forget that! 4 Ur Hammerdin get a p hoto, enigma, tearhaunches, frostburns, arachnids, 2 sojs, maras, shako and a hoz.
omg.. its really basic stuff....

tearhaunch is INfERIOR to imps..
No, the BEST ULTIMA gear for a paladin is:

Cap socket with chipped ruby

Short Sword

Buckler socket with a chipped dimond

Quilted Armour socket with a ruby

Leather Gloves



5% resist all

2x 5 to life

Short Bow & Arrows

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