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how to configure and run d2jsp / YAMB
First you will need a few things before we start. The d2jsp core, the d2jsp files and the YAMB files. You can get the d2jsp core at you can get the d2jsp files at and you can get the YAMB files at . Also, if you never installed Onlyer’s no cd loader before, you will need to download that… you can get that in the download section of (

Uninstall Diablo2… I know it’s a pain in the ***, but it solves a lot of problems later on, so just do it. Make sure to then go to your Diablo2 folder and delete anything that is still in there. Next, would be the longest part of this post… Reinstall d2, and do the full install.

Now you will need to set up onlyer’s no cd loader. READ THE INSTRUCTIONS… I WILL NOT SUPPORT PROBLEMS HAVING TO DO WITH NOT BEING ABLE TO INSTALL ONLYER’s NO CD LOADER… Also, make sure you make your shortcut for diablo2 with the –w –ns options (windowed and no sound…) ok, now that that’s out of the way… back to our regularly scheduled d2jsp/yamb guide…

Next you will need to extract (using winrar, winzip, or some unzipping program) the d2jsp files and the core ( and into a folder. DO NOT PUT THIS ON YOUR DESKTOP. I would recommend you put it in your root folder and name it something like d2jsp. (a root folder is your main hard drive. C: would be your root folder. So your d2jsp folder should be located at C:\d2jsp…)

If you did this correctly you will see all the files in your d2jsp folder that I have in mine If not… read the instructions again, and try again…

The highlighted file js32.dll will need to be copied to 2 other locations. First right click on it and go to copy. Now go you’re your windows/system32 folder and paste it there… (usually at C:\WINDOWS\system32) and then go to your windows/system folder and paste it there also (usually at C:\WINDOWS\system).<O:p></O:p>

Now, go back to your d2jsp folder (the one that I said should go in c:\... remember?). Now there are a few other files here.

Open up the makecdkeyhash.exe and click on the “Make CD-key hash” button. Right click and copy the Hash number it gives you. Now you need to open up makekeyfile.exe. Paste the numbers you just got into this program and hit the “Generate key file” button.

This next step is setting up d2jsp to run YAMB. Go to your d2jsp folder and then go into the scripts folder. Inside this folder there will be a default.d2j file… Open it in notepad or in any other text editor. When you open the file up it should have this information in it.

/* default.d2j, modify the values below to suit your needs. [by njaguar]*/
function main() {
switch( {
case "DefinitelyASorc":

You will need to change where it says DefinitelyASorc to your Sorc’s name. (IT IS CASE SENSTIVE… MF-TILLA is not the same as mF-TiLlA)… You will also want to change where it says


to say

load("bots/ YAMB.d2j ");

Make sure you do this for both of the load sections… after your done doing that, save the file, and exit the text editor.

Go to the d2jsp folder and open up the file autod2jsp.exe… you will get an error when you open it up but just click ok… then go to the Add button in the top left.

It will bring up this window

Here is a small part of Snarg’s (of guide to configuring this d2jsp…


1 - Setting name. Call it what you want, it only really matters for multi-botting.
2 - This is the location of your Diablo executable. Leave it as Game.exe if you are not using Onleyer's no CD loader. Click the '?' if you want to change it to Diablo II.exe.
3 - If you are using Diablo II.exe, click this checkmark.
4 - Change this to whatever you want the title of your Diablo II window to be. Usefull for multi-botting.
5 - If you are using multiple CD keys, click the 'Use cdkey.mpq' checkmark. You can change the name of cdkey.mpq to whatever you want. Usefull for multi-botting.
6 - Account name (duh)
7 - Password (duh)
8 - Leave this as-is.
9 - Leave this as-is.
10 - If you want random game names, leave this as it is otherwise uncheck 'Use Random' and select a game name.
11 - Leave it as-is for random passwords.
12 - Use these to select your characters location.
13 - Select your difficulty level.
14 - Leave this as-is if you wish to run the bot on Closed
15 - Various settings for your Diablo II window. Set this up as you see fit.<O:p></O:p>

After your done with this, click ok… (hard, wasn’t it…)

Now go to the top of the autod2jsp window and click save… if you don’t you will have to reconfigure ever time you restart autod2jsp >_<

YAY D2JSP IS CONFIGUED AND READY TO GO… but now we gotta install YAMB…

Ok, now this can be a bit of a pain in the ***, so be prepared to go back and try things over and over and over, till it works correctly…

Extract YAMB into the d2jsp/scripts folder…

Next you have to choose, what kind of sorc are you… Light, Fire, or Cold

Go to the d2jsp\scripts\libs\YAMB folder, and find the file that corresponds with your sorc “type”.




I have a Blizzard sorc so I picked the YAM_Config_BlizzardSorc.d2l. Copy the file and rename it, and change the BlizzardSorc to your Sorc’s name…

Now open the new file (I named mine YAM_Config_Tilla.d2l because my sorc’s name is Tilla…

Now open up your newly created file and go to the section of the file that says


// Boss configuration<O:p></O:p>


// This is the list of currently available boss to run.<O:p></O:p>

// Reorder the lines to change the order in which they will be killed.<O:p></O:p>

// Comment out (put // before) a line to skip the boss.<O:p></O:p>

// Recommendation: Reorder the sequence in order of difficulty, <O:p></O:p>

// to kill the toughest boss last and the easiest boss first.<O:p></O:p>








Remove the // from the mobs you wanna kill, and put // infront of mobs you don’t want to kill.

The next thing you MUST configure is the DT_Columns part. If you do not configure this YOU WILL LOSE YOUR ITEMS IN YOUR INVENTORY…


Quote: WARNING: Make sure that you have set the DT_Columns correctly otherwise you can lose your existing items! I try hard to emphasize this to people because this bot has a feature to toss out "junk" items from its inventory (to offset a d2jsp-core selling bug), if you dont set your DT_Columns correctly the bot may wrongly think that your "charms" are junk and toss them out! "Junk" items are items that do not pass your snagit_xp.ini and your bmitems_xp.ini so set your DT_Columns correctly if you want your inventory charms to be ignored by these tests.
I will ignore/disapprove all posts that resulted from not reading the instructions posted here. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!


// The numbers correspond to your inventory. Set 0 to keep whatever is there, 1 to stash it.<O:p></O:p>

// This allows you to keep charms in inventory. Note: If you have an empty spot set to 0<O:p></O:p>

// the item that appears there during a run will NEVER get stashed.<O:p></O:p>

// (Useful if you have lots of space and want to use the bonuses of freshly-ID'd charms.)<O:p></O:p>

// WARNING: Make sure that you have set this correctly otherwise you can lose <O:p></O:p>

// your existing items!<O:p></O:p>







Everywhere there is a 1, that is a spot the bot will put items it gets… and everywhere there is a zero, it will not touch. Make sure you put your zeros where your charms / TP book are…

The next section is the skills you will be using. For my Blizz sorc I use blizz and iceblast… that is why I removed the // in front of their lines. If you would like to use different skills, you should remove the // infront of that skill…

//PXP_SorcSkill.push(64);                     // Frozen Orb<O:p></O:p>

//PXP_SorcSkill.push(59);                  // Blizzard<O:p></O:p>

//EXP_SorcSkill.push(59);                  // Blizzard<O:p></O:p>

//SXP_SorcSkill.push(59);                  // Blizzard<O:p></O:p>

//CXP_SorcSkill.push(59);                  // Blizzard<O:p></O:p>


//YAM_SorcSkill.push(64);      // Frozen Orb<O:p></O:p>

YAM_SorcSkill.push(59);      // Blizzard<O:p></O:p>

YAM_SorcSkill.push(45);                // Ice Blast<O:p></O:p>

//YAM_SorcSkill.push(55);      // Glacial Spike<O:p></O:p>

//YAM_SorcSkill.push(48);      // Nova<O:p></O:p>

//YAM_SorcSkill.push(62);      // Hydra<O:p></O:p>

//YAM_SorcSkill.push(56);      // Meteor<O:p></O:p>

//YAM_SorcSkill.push(38);      // Charged Bolt<O:p></O:p>

//YAM_SorcSkill.push(47);      // Fire Ball<O:p></O:p>

//YAM_SorcSkill.push(51);      // Fire Wall<O:p></O:p>

//YAM_SorcSkill.push(49);      // Lightning <O:p></O:p>

//YAM_SorcSkill.push(53);      // Chain Lightnin

Save and exit this file… (there are many other options you can change in here, but that is up for your personal taste…

Now copy the file called YAM_LifeWatchConfig_LightningSorc.d2l and change the LightningSorc to your sorc’s name… YAM_LifeWatchConfig_Tilla.d2l was mine…

This is my exact config, use it if you want… if not use your own settings...

LW_UseTownChicken = true;<O:p></O:p>

LW_ChickenLife = 400;<O:p></O:p>

LW_ChickenTownLife = 550;<O:p></O:p>

LW_ChickenMana = 0;<O:p></O:p>

LW_LifeThresh = 700;<O:p></O:p>

LW_ManaThresh = 150;<O:p></O:p>

LW_LifeRejuvThresh = 450;<O:p></O:p>

LW_ManaRejuvThresh = 0;<O:p></O:p>

LW_QuitOnNoDrink = 450;<O:p></O:p>

LW_ChickenOnOutOfManaPots = false;<O:p></O:p>

LW_ChickenOnOutOfHealPots = false;<O:p></O:p>

LW_ChickenOnOutOfRejuvPots = false;<O:p></O:p>

LW_ChickenOnOutOfPots = true;<O:p></O:p>


LW_DisplayMercHP = true;<O:p></O:p>

LW_MercLifeThresh = 70;<O:p></O:p>

LW_MercRejuvThresh = 20;<O:p></O:p>

LW_DrinkTimer = 3;<O:p></O:p>

LW_RejuvDrinkTimer = 1;<O:p></O:p>

LW_MercChickenLife = 10;<O:p></O:p>

LW_DeadMercChicken = true;<O:p></O:p>


LW_LoopDelay = 150;<O:p></O:p>

LW_IgnorePosition = true;<O:p></O:p>

LW_QuitOnHostile = false;<O:p></O:p>

LW_MaxPing = 2500;

You must have a TP book in your inventory, and the bot recommends that you have an ID portal in your inventory too…

Now, open up autod2jsp.exe again and click start and Presto, if you configured it correctly it will first open up d2, log you in, select your character, and go in and wait a little bit. You will notice that at the Location tab on autod2jsp that it has a timer running downwards… this is how long till it will create a game, it will start the game and start to bot, then it will kill your mobs, keep what you told it to keep in the snagit_XP.ini… congrats you are done… if you have any problems, just drop a post after this and such and such…

I will be revising this a few times, but I wanted to put this out so people can start to get set up. <O:p></O:p>


Snarg of <O:p></O:p>

SUMO, Darkspirit and 2KH , the new maintainers of YAMB
im still wondering how i can get the bot fixed cause it enters in "accountname and password" rather then what i put in as my account name and password

wtf it says "error 0" now on d2jsp when i start it up

ok i tried extracting the entire core to a folder... the ****ing thing just never created any subfolders... how can i get it to automatically make subfolders
if i was in your position, i would just totaly reinstall d2jsp / yamb... i reformated last night so i had to and i did it while writing this... it works...

i think your problem is with autod2jsp... did you put in your username and password there and then hit save? if not thats your problem... if you did, maybe it didn't work correctly... try it again.


i think i figured out your problem, you probably didn't hit save after you configured autod2jsp

reconfigure it and make sure to hit save... then close it and reopen and start to bot ^_^
ok i found out how to extract d2jsp correctly and it shows up just like ur picture... now with yamb do i extract it to d2jsp/scripts/ or to d2jsp/scripts/libs and should i make it create subfolders or just have all the files appear at d2jsp/scripts/libs

ok i tried reisntalling d2jsp and yamb and i followed your guide and it still types in accountname//password
Hello, I was trying to download the file, but when I cliq on your link, it goes to some kind of computer pixture > <, can you help me please > <

-thx a lot
I have the same problem as Silver...It types in "Accountname" and "Password" instead of what i put in, but i know i have hit save many times after configuring it. i even copy+paste my password real quick when it was starting but then it jus takes my character in top left position. It was working before, i dont think this is the problem but i had opened up some files in d2jsp and shortly after it made the error when i started up.
Mistur_Kevin Wrote:Hello, I was trying to download the file, but when I cliq on your link, it goes to some kind of computer pixture > <, can you help me please > <

-thx a lot

i have same problem as u... can't download yamb
just copy the link and put it into your browser... they don't want people hotlinking right to thier files... or go to and get the top file...

and for silver / airhead, i have no idea atm why it would do this... i have set it up on a few comps now and i have not had this problem... i will do some research and try and figure it out =0
if it helps im using windows ME
maybe this is a noob question, but i cant figure out what to do when ur supposed to put -w -ns at the shortcut...thanks
Okay i think i figured out how to get D2jsp not to enter "accountname" & "password" ...or at least for me. If you click start on the program and it's not working right; Try Alt+Tab+Delete, Go to Processes, & Delete Game.exe from there. Mine is working great right now.

Im also using YAMB now that i got correct files, doubt that had anything to do with it but it might i guess.
good to hear it airhead have fun botting =p,

deus you don't have to, it is one of the settings when you set up d2jsp,

silver, winME might be the problem, i wrote the article from the perspective of someone having winxp... i'll look around and see where else you have to put the js32 file for windows 9x / ME

-- Cyberfire
alright thanks i got it working, i was wandering if your can do like andy meph and pindle in 1 run? if so how?
cyberfire2k4 Wrote:good to hear it airhead have fun botting =p,

deus you don't have to, it is one of the settings when you set up d2jsp,

silver, winME might be the problem, i wrote the article from the perspective of someone having winxp... i'll look around and see where else you have to put the js32 file for windows 9x / ME

-- Cyberfire
i put the js32 file in system and system34, ill try airhead's method to fix the problem.

tried airheads method... alt+Tab+delete didnt do anything.

also, i tried opening up the yamb zipped file and just placing all the files in d2jsp/scripts and i got this error

[Image: d2jsperror.jpg] i got this far by copy-n pasting in my password and selecting my char and then making a game.....
Make sure you Delete Game.exe when you do Alt+Tab+Delete. Also, how do u get the bot to keep the items it finds. It just finds them next game it drops them and continues. Any help Appreciated
Quote:alright thanks i got it working, i was wandering if your can do like andy meph and pindle in 1 run? if so how?

just remove the // infront of pindle andy and meph like i put in the one part of the configuration

Quote:also, i tried opening up the yamb zipped file and just placing all the files in d2jsp/scripts and i got this error

for some reason your bot is trying to go to the wrong configuration... its going to d2jsp\\scripts\bots/ YAMB

notice there is a double \\ between d2jsp and a space after the bots/
this could have somethign to do with the problem...

Quote: Make sure you Delete Game.exe when you do Alt+Tab+Delete. Also, how do u get the bot to keep the items it finds. It just finds them next game it drops them and continues. Any help Appreciated

with this /base config/ it will keep only the really good items... if you want to pick specific items go to the d2jsp\scripts\settings folder and change the settings in the snagit_XP.ini file... any item you un-comment (take away the //...) you will pick up.
cyberfire2k4 Wrote:just remove the // infront of pindle andy and meph like i put in the one part of the configuration

for some reason your bot is trying to go to the wrong configuration... its going to d2jsp\\scripts\bots/ YAMB

notice there is a double \\ between d2jsp and a space after the bots/
this could have somethign to do with the problem...

with this /base config/ it will keep only the really good items... if you want to pick specific items go to the d2jsp\scripts\settings folder and change the settings in the snagit_XP.ini file... any item you un-comment (take away the //...) you will pick up.
ok so how do i fix that problem?

to say


load("bots/ YAMB.d2j ");
ok i copied this line exactly... with the space... should it not have a space between the / and yamb?
sorry, i wasn't clear...

on that line you should have


the exact text of the entire document default.d2j

/* default.d2j, modify the values below to suit your needs. [by njaguar]*/
function main() {
switch( {
  case "Thenlia":
ah sweet, thx for helping us out..

*hands over rep point*
thanks for solving that problem.. now where should yamb go in, like d2jsp/scripts/yamb? cause ive extracted yamb like that before and it made subdirectories or should it just have all the yamb files placed in d2jsp/scripts/




the exact text of the entire document default.d2j


/* default.d2j, modify the values below to suit your needs. [by njaguar]*/function main() { switch( { case "Thenlia": load("bots/YAMB.d2j"); break; default: load("bots/YAMB.d2j"); break; }}


<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->__________________ok i did a little test... im not sure if this accomplished much.. but i changed the bots/yamb.d2j to countessxp.d2j and my sorc got up to tower level 5 then said cannot find countess...
also from the error i still get... im thinking yamb should be in d2jsp/scripts/bots thats where yamb.d2j should be.... bots/yamb should be where the rest of it is... is that right?

i did another test.... i deleted all the yamb files that were in the folder c:/d2jsp/scripts and i moved them to c:/d2jsp/scripts/bots and it made a folder called yamb..... it now looks like this
[Image: newerror.jpg]

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