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(QUOTE)1.Get 7 sorc's in a game.(for best results)
2.They must all have ice bolt.
3.The 9th char should be a barb with flamebellow
4.The barb does the flamebellow bug outside, after all the sorc's hostiled him
5.The barb waits as they fire ice bolts at him
6.As this is happening, constentaly click on any item(the barb does this)
7.Drag the item and click so it drops, but it doesn't really drop because you have a black wall.
8.All the sorc's dupe meph stones and bring and drop them all over the barb.
9.Keep attacking the barb.
10.One sorc who is the duper gets all the items, hostiles all sorcs, goes outside and gets froze.
11.he exits game
12.He can't join a game for awhile
13.The sorc's then leave that game at the EXACT time the barb leaves(need a clientless bot)
14.This will cause a rollback, and the sorc's will have their items along with the duper.

Hope u guys have a good time.. Do not abuse this dupe.. It is pretty hard, so collect like 40 high runes before doing it.. It works 75 percent of the time if you do perfectly, it will always work. Bye guys"

can this dupe possibly work??if so ill give the link for the website with more of these kinda dupes

Edit=back to how they were at the save. We all know this from the waypoint duping method and the socket/personalize one. All that was needed for a working dupe method was a way of getting an item onto the ground while in trade. Obviously dropping items manually or with packets or all sorts of obvious exploits like that immediately click the client. Here's the key point Imbuing an invalid item will make it drop at your feet. That's all there is to it. Go to trade, pick up the item on your cursor (hence sniffing the item code in the 0x17 packet), and send an imbue packet for that code (0x38 packet). An exact copy of the item falls to the floor at your feet, and when you close trade, the original remains in your inventory.

Side Notes: Very well thought out Dupe. Duped items quickly and efficiently. Was only made public after Blizzard had patched it. By far the most powerful dupe.(another quote) are those real or fake?<!-- End Center -->
WOW sounds like it would work but its way to hard to try it so ill let some one els try it.........
theres alot more of those dupes =] but i didnt try them yet.. =[
Way to complicated for me lol I like got lost after the first sentince lol Big Grin
the second one with charsi, was the old 1.09 dupe... used a nice little program, not fuss... it was grrreat ^_^
hmm.. so do those work?
my brain hurts now
[quote=Wanderinsamuri]10.One sorc who is the duper gets all the items, hostiles all sorcs, goes outside and gets froze.
11.he exits game
wont work, as soon as that sorc leaves the game, its instantly saved, therefore all the other characters will save without their items
What about these dupes..
a item is not woth all that hard work just for a dupe lol
yes it is lol
hahaha that dupe will not work
[Image: userbar579271ff0.gif]
Pamela : What in the hell are drugs? 0.o I take ibuprofin...
how would you know?
lol lots of dupes lol some one should try some out
These are all patched dupes.
There are only a couple of public lag dupes that you will never get working.
well the lag dupe will sometimes work... maybe 1 out of 20

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