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Possible away time.
With the release of World of Warcraft, my time will most likely be diverted between that and schoolwork. I will still be on aim/msn some of the time and will periodically check-in to the site. But I may miss a few problems. So if anybody has a serious problem to report, you can report it to me through a Private Message and I will deal with it as I see fit.

God damn I love this game Smile
Cool, have fun.
Though I have no idea what Warcraft is xD
lol should i get the game... is it that fun
Lets compare my games to WoW. 50$ a year for as many games as i want that i can actually SPEAK in. not just type. Halo 2 greatest game online... now lets see the competition. WoW something like 9-11$ per month (eww) Close to EQ, the queerest game ever created. I might laugh if Nubli gets sucked in like EQ junkies and never leaves his house again. Kills himself when he dies at lvl 93 or something. Well it is obvious. The winner is Halo 2 and Xbox Live.
[Image: fuggyleetsignj8il7.jpg]
Nobody can handle the leetness of this sig.
' Wrote:Who loves orange soda?
Kel'thuzad loves orange soda!
Is it true?
whoot party time a mod is leaven 4 a while kinda :devilish: j/k we will miss u thats means there will be like no mods on cause your the only 1 ever on really :laugh:
ooh good ur gone, time to initiate my master plan! lol
hehe he comes back to this forum that's in taters
This thread is a ****ing month old.
SilverIce > Warning for bringing back old threads.

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