I'm bored. REALLY BORED. I'm waiting for someone to arrive.
And I have nothing better to do, so I'll try to help you.
First of all, you should have the editor Zonfire. If not, I suggest you get it now.
Let's divide this into 2 categories, defense and offense.
The common offense is smite and kill auras.
Smite is the only decent skill that hits NVs, and kill auras are another.
1.10 introduces enemy resistances pierce (i.e. -255% to enemy cold resistance), so this makes auras devastating.
More on this later.
First, you need life. The max you can get without items is 8190.
This is not good enough. The max life allowed by the game is 8388607 (hex 7FFFFF).
More life will cause it to roll into the negatives, and you die instanly from that.
So good life would be around 3-4 million. The following are the good attributes that increase life
+life %
aura 298(*oaksageaura) when equipped
Life "based on character level" (BOCL) is not affected by life% or oaksageaura, so it's not too good to get. Vitality isn't affected either (if you get +3 life per vit. point, that's stays as is).
Next, you need to stack resists and absorbs, due to the resist pierce.
The max pierce an opponent can get per item is 460% (250+255).
Resists BOCL is 779% resist for a level 99 character.
So stack resists BOCL on about 25-30 items (charms, jewels, etc).
This should stop them even if they have pierce on every item.
And do this for absorbs too. Use absorbs BOCL.
Using absorbs by % is dangerous, because if you overabsorb, and you life goes beyond 8.3 mill, you die.
So don't use it unless you know what you're doing. FYI, I use it
Defense is now a thing of the past, because of 3 new skills in 1.10.
NV Passive Dodge, avoid, and evade (nv d/a/e). This gives you 75% chance to d/a/e.
BUT, putting this on 2 charms/items will give you 150% chance to d/a/e.
This will make you dodge ALL skills, even guided arrow. Ones that will hit you for good damage are:
and ones that will hit but are absolutely useless damage-wise are:
mind blast
psychic blast
static field
inner sight
cloak of shadows
war cry
Also, since smite is the only way to attack, you can't leech with it.
If you're thinking of using life tap, stop now. NV Curse resistance 511% will stop you in your tracks. One of this on one item is good enough.
Now that you've stacked resists and absorbs, you should be immune to auras.
In fact, they should heal you.
How to stop smite then?
Damage reduction should help. But in this patch, it is capped at DR 50%.
To get to that, put 255% DR on one item and move on. But this isn't good enough.
So how else do we do it?
The answer: energy shield (ES)
At level 40, it reduces the damage dealt to you by 95%, making it hit your mana pool instead.
Don't forget it also has a synergy, telekinesis. This reduces the mana deduction. Here's a brief chart.
ES damage absorbed : mana drained : telekinesis level
1 2 0
1 1 16
1 0.75 20
Meaning at level 20, only 0.75 point of mana is lost per 1 point of damage stopped by ES.
But since you're a pally, the only way to get synergies is by abusing a glitch.
Ever heard of the Marrowwalk bug? Charges count as synergies. We can use that here.
level 63 charges of telekinesis will give you a level 63 synergy to energy shield.
Now, a new problem arises. Keeping your eshield up.
Eshield breaks when your mana hits zero. You have to increase your mana.
You can do this by
+max mana
+mana %
Energy and mana BOCL is also not recommended for the same reasons as life.
They just don't give too much benefit. Now, a little something about mana values.
Eshield is buggy here. Some mana values cause it to pass more damage to life, and also to kill yourself vs. level 1 thorns (we'll call this bad mana). This happens every hex 80000 (524288) points of mana. Here's a chart:
Status : Hex Range : Decimal Range
Good mana: 000000-07ffff : 0-524287
Bad mana : 080000-0fffff : 524288-1048575
Good mana: 100000-17ffff : 1048576-1572863
Bad Mana : 180000-1fffff : 1572864-2097151
Good mana: 200000-27ffff : 2097152-2621439
A good mana value is 2.5 mill.
Now, we have to regenerate mana. You can use the following, but DON'T.
Meditation aura
nv mana regen%
nv passive warmth
Meditation aura conflicts with prayer. You'll be using prayer later to heal the 5% smite damage that gets through your energy shield, rendering you "theoretically" invincible.
This is called PI (physical immune), but it isn't real PI (that existed only in patch 1.09).
Nv mana regen% is too slow, as is passive warmth, and are not worth it. What I recommend is:
mana regen plus%
+warmth (non-class-skill)
FYI, with more mana, you need less regen. With EXACTLY 2.5mill mana:
you need only 39 items with 255% mana regen plus to get max regen.
Or 34 items with max regen plus, and 2 items with +63 to warmth
(why only 2? skills max at 99, so more is a waste).
If you want an exact formula:
max mana 100+ %mana regen
-------- * ------------------ = mana regenerated per second
120 100
Maximum mana that can be regenerated per second is 1fffff hex, or 2097151.
Just put that in the right side, put you mana in the equation, and solve for the maximum amount of regen you can have.
Try the setup I said earlier (39 charms).
But add 1 more 255% mana regen charm and your mana goes to zero.
Because like life, mana regen rolls into the negatives, and you get super mana drain.
Now that you have:
life, good mana, DR%, resists/absorbs BOCL stacked, eshield, and perfect mana regen
That's all I'll teach you about defense.
Learn the rest on your own (like SMITE DODGE hah!).
Here's a tip. Stack prayer aura when equipped.
You'll see the items level 248 prayer aura when equipped on good duelers.
They heal 500k per prayer cycle, and this is more than the damage you can smite in, after the eshield.
But remember, prayer uses mana. So it might destroy your eshield.
Balance it, test, and learn. :p
Now for...
At the advent of nv d/a/e, 99% of the attacks became obsolete.
BUT it was discovered that smite can hit them, because
(unless your enemy has smite dodge)
Now, it is also known that onscreen damage is now false in 1.10.
So, how do you get good damage with smite?
The answer: test, test, test
Smite damage caps at 714k, against 50% DR.
So the solution is to hit a dummy with 715000 life, and only 1 charm with only 255% DR on it.
If your damage rolls, you will deal 0 damage to the dummy.
This means your damage rolled into the negatives. Take it down a bit.
So, how do you increase your damage?
enhanced min dmg%
nv damage%
Strength damage bonus is the percent of melee damage you deal.
If your items give 50 damage, 200 strength will give you 100 more damage.
Why min dmg, and not just enhanced damage %?
This increases the damage spread. i.e. 7k-714k
You want it accurate as possible i.e. 714k-714k
Remember again, ONSCREEN DAMAGE is FALSE. You must test.
Next is kill auras.
Why use auras? Everyone good is immune to it anyway.
#1 to kill new players before they can even come near you :devilish:
#2 you can't kill a good dueler with smite
Yes. They will always heal with prayer the minute amount of smite damage you got through their energy shield. So how do you kill anyone??
Double-hitting. If the smite and the aura hit together, this causes a GREAT strain on the mana pool. If the double-hit occurs while their prayer is drawing from their mana, you MAY break their PI. You will know because you'll knock their life by 1/4 or 1/3, depending on how much it is.
So, how do you get a kill aura? Stack the following items:
lvl 31 ? aura when equipped
? passive mastery
-%205 to enemy ? resistances (passive)
-%255 to enemy ? resistances (pierce)
Where ? is the aura (holy freeze, holy shock, or holy fire).
Again, test this against a naked dummy, with 8 mill life (don't use 8388607, it's buggy).
Try it until it 1-hit kills it. Then add resists and absorbs little by little, until you refine your aura.
Auras also roll into the negatives, so you have to TEST.
There's more, but that's all I feel like typing in right now.
Some tips:
You shouldn't overhack. Maximum file size is 8kb. If you go beyond that, it'll crash.
You should focus this 8kb in getting high life, good mana, and regen.
This is why I avoid non-helping attributes (life BOCL, etc.)
Extreme speeds:
to double hit, you need to attack fast. You can use these negative values to be REALLY fast
-121% IAS
-121% FHR
-121% FCR
-163% Faster Run/Walk
Don't use nv's for speed.
Set your dex to 1. You don't need to block because of nv d/a/e.
Blocking wastes precious smiting time, to be used for double-hitting.
1 dex gives 0% Chance to block. Optimal.
You can double the attributes of jewels in Zonfire, by using ITH jewels.
Put your mouse over the jewel. Press CTRL+G.
Select Basic1.
Set "Item has a Runeword" to true.
Now you can use Runeword magic attributes as well as Magic attributes.
But you have to socket them in the editor, not ingame.
The game deletes ITHs except in sockets, so this is good only in jewels.
You can give something upto 7 working sockets, if its magical/rare/unique/crafted.
Magic Attributes->Extra->Increased Sockets
You can have 7 socketed rings and amulets, but not
charms, gloves, belts, and boots.
Having 2 charms/items with "lvl 31 x aura when equipped" stacks them,
giving you level 62 x aura.
Stack your auras!
You can only have one aura per item. Always use the option in Zonfire
-> "Check item for errors" <-
Conserve your auras.
Random tips:
- I don't use oaksageaura. It takes up the aura space I need for prayer aura.
- Increase your chances of double-hitting (even triple). Level 124 Thorns aura when equipped
- Use prayer as a right-hand skill. That an additional 99 levels, free is you're a pally.
Damn, I was bored.
I was planning on writing a 1.10 open bnet guide anyway. :confused:
It would be a waste if this get purged. I don't really care but...
Maybe someone can review it to be a guide? :p