12-02-2004, 07:12 PM
This Can Soon become "The Makin of Diablo Hacks" and Hacking Diablo So yes this thread belongs here.
This is not illegal, And all i will say in this forum is about unix severs and gettin a unix account!
Ok First off Let me say, You Will night learn everthing in 1 Night, Ive been doin this zhit for 5 years and i still don't No everthing But, What i do no i will shar with all of you.
1. Juke Ownz you.. j/k
ALWAYS be parinoid when hacking. Not so much when just hacking a PC, more so when hacking a Big server or some shit. Like a web server to **** up someone's web page.
2. Dont send out trojans.. Please people. It's not cool. Now if you scan ports and find someone that has one on their computer and your trying to exploit them then by all means have phun. But dont use the client. Its not cool. Learn the commands for the differant types of servers. Like most of the pups use Netbus of Subseven. Thats not cool, But if you find one on a puter, Learn the commands for it and use raw commands. You will learn more that way. (Telnet into the server and use RAW commands)
3. Rember smoke at least 3 blunts a mounth. Minimum!
I will Add Links as i find them to Txt files
Ok First off you need to know how to open telnet. First click Start, then go to Run, and type in telnet. This should bring up the telnet window. Once there click on the connect button on the tool bar. Then go to Remote System ... Ok to Telnet into a host you need to enter their IP address into the Host Name box. Then where it says port either leave it Telnet or make it port 23. TermType just leave that alone. You'll learn about that later.
The most commen Telnet *Shell that I know of is Lonestar. To get a shell account just Telnet to host " sdf.lonestar.org " Once there just type in visitor. Then hit backspace and then the <enter> key. This will take you to a blank screen that says type "help" or Commands. Type mkacct and then press enter. This will guide you through the account setup. It should take all of about 2 miniutes. Then click conect on the toolbar again and disconect. *Shell = shell unix account for telnet, basically a server. Its free.
Then reconect. Same host same port. Once you do type your logon screen name press enter. Then type password and press enter. Ok now it will scroll some bullzhit and then your at a $ sign. it should look like this
At that you can type "Help" for a list of commands. Once at the $ sign you have access to run all commands you wish. You just have to know them.
"com" Chat (This chat is ok to go into. Unlike irc and mirc. Its the lonestar chat. Basically like a BBS) Tyep ":help" for commands
"users" Show current users logged onto Lonestar
"whois" Type Whois and a preson's name on lonestar, Or someone's IP address. This will show the information on this person.
$ whois juke
$ whois
"ping" This will do a 10 packet ping. Basically like sonar for computers. For each of the 10 packets it sends it will send you the info for each. Like the ms it takes for each ping to go from you to them and back. It will also tell you how many packets recieved back to you. And what % of them was lost.
"finger" This will show you the info on someone on lonestar. Their real name, When they crated the account, and thei ISP
"last" This will show you a list of all the members that have logged on for the current date. !!!DO NOT DO THIS IF YOUR COMPUTER IS SLOW!!!
"Who" Will show you who is on, when the logged on and their isp
"Telnet" This will telnet into someone's computer using this shell account. So if its traced(which 98% of people arent that smart) then it will trace it to lonestar.
"ftp" File transfer
"icr" ~~WARNING~~ Only go here if you know what your are doing.
"mirc" ~~WARNING~~ Only go here if you know what your are doing.
"online" see how long you have been on
"lwho" shows you Whats Up
"games" Sometimes people are hosting some preety cool games. Nouthing fancy. Sometime people play hack games in ehre look got HACK.
"banner" This will scroll any thing you type
"Hack" =) It doesn't do anything bad
*******Ok this is File Shit**********
"cd" change dir
"pwd" show dir
"ls" list files in dir
"more" lists files but stops when screen is full
"cp" copy file
"mv" move or rename file
"rm" delete file =) telnet in and. sz i rm C:/command.com OOPs =)
"mkdir" make dir
"rmdir" remove dir
"chmod" change permission of file. Like from com to exe
"sz" z modem
"sx" x modem
"sb" y modem
With the zmodem and the others you can get commands with it.
Im not going to show all the commands but here are a few.
First type sz,sx,sb for the differant type you wish to use. It doesnt really matter but I would stick to zmodem. So sz commands...
"sz c" send command
"sz i" send command ack immedantly
"sz k" send 1024 byte packet (ping)
"sz b" biniary file transfer
"sz f" send full path
Most of this is Easy shit once you get to know it. For most things you Wont need a telnet shell to do anything. You can make dirrect conenction's. With telnet making a raw connection it is a better way to find an open ports exploits. Say if you port scan someone and it says port 353 is open. I have no ****in clue what that shit is. So you connect to it with telnet. When you do that it will scroll all the connection shit in your telnet. Say it scrolls
"Wingate Server v 1.2 Ready..
(it wont look like that but..)
Then you have found a wingate server. You know more than a port scan will tell you. Now other than just an open port you also know what this open port is and try to find a a way to exploit it.
"Do what ever the **** you want with this but its not my fault if the fu<king pig's get your ***"
CopyRight 1999-2000 JukE aka Pratorian.
Yes I wrote that along time Ago
Next Post Port List:
WORD WRAP must be on!
List By. JukE
––––––– port –– Lable –– Description –––––––––––
Damn i have to break up the List
The text that you have entered is too long (53573 characters). Please shorten it to 40000 characters long.
JUST e-mail me or PM Me
[email protected]
This is not illegal, And all i will say in this forum is about unix severs and gettin a unix account!
Ok First off Let me say, You Will night learn everthing in 1 Night, Ive been doin this zhit for 5 years and i still don't No everthing But, What i do no i will shar with all of you.
1. Juke Ownz you.. j/k
ALWAYS be parinoid when hacking. Not so much when just hacking a PC, more so when hacking a Big server or some shit. Like a web server to **** up someone's web page.
2. Dont send out trojans.. Please people. It's not cool. Now if you scan ports and find someone that has one on their computer and your trying to exploit them then by all means have phun. But dont use the client. Its not cool. Learn the commands for the differant types of servers. Like most of the pups use Netbus of Subseven. Thats not cool, But if you find one on a puter, Learn the commands for it and use raw commands. You will learn more that way. (Telnet into the server and use RAW commands)
3. Rember smoke at least 3 blunts a mounth. Minimum!
I will Add Links as i find them to Txt files
Ok First off you need to know how to open telnet. First click Start, then go to Run, and type in telnet. This should bring up the telnet window. Once there click on the connect button on the tool bar. Then go to Remote System ... Ok to Telnet into a host you need to enter their IP address into the Host Name box. Then where it says port either leave it Telnet or make it port 23. TermType just leave that alone. You'll learn about that later.
The most commen Telnet *Shell that I know of is Lonestar. To get a shell account just Telnet to host " sdf.lonestar.org " Once there just type in visitor. Then hit backspace and then the <enter> key. This will take you to a blank screen that says type "help" or Commands. Type mkacct and then press enter. This will guide you through the account setup. It should take all of about 2 miniutes. Then click conect on the toolbar again and disconect. *Shell = shell unix account for telnet, basically a server. Its free.
Then reconect. Same host same port. Once you do type your logon screen name press enter. Then type password and press enter. Ok now it will scroll some bullzhit and then your at a $ sign. it should look like this
At that you can type "Help" for a list of commands. Once at the $ sign you have access to run all commands you wish. You just have to know them.
"com" Chat (This chat is ok to go into. Unlike irc and mirc. Its the lonestar chat. Basically like a BBS) Tyep ":help" for commands
"users" Show current users logged onto Lonestar
"whois" Type Whois and a preson's name on lonestar, Or someone's IP address. This will show the information on this person.
$ whois juke
$ whois
"ping" This will do a 10 packet ping. Basically like sonar for computers. For each of the 10 packets it sends it will send you the info for each. Like the ms it takes for each ping to go from you to them and back. It will also tell you how many packets recieved back to you. And what % of them was lost.
"finger" This will show you the info on someone on lonestar. Their real name, When they crated the account, and thei ISP
"last" This will show you a list of all the members that have logged on for the current date. !!!DO NOT DO THIS IF YOUR COMPUTER IS SLOW!!!
"Who" Will show you who is on, when the logged on and their isp
"Telnet" This will telnet into someone's computer using this shell account. So if its traced(which 98% of people arent that smart) then it will trace it to lonestar.
"ftp" File transfer
"icr" ~~WARNING~~ Only go here if you know what your are doing.
"mirc" ~~WARNING~~ Only go here if you know what your are doing.
"online" see how long you have been on
"lwho" shows you Whats Up
"games" Sometimes people are hosting some preety cool games. Nouthing fancy. Sometime people play hack games in ehre look got HACK.
"banner" This will scroll any thing you type
"Hack" =) It doesn't do anything bad
*******Ok this is File Shit**********
"cd" change dir
"pwd" show dir
"ls" list files in dir
"more" lists files but stops when screen is full
"cp" copy file
"mv" move or rename file
"rm" delete file =) telnet in and. sz i rm C:/command.com OOPs =)
"mkdir" make dir
"rmdir" remove dir
"chmod" change permission of file. Like from com to exe
"sz" z modem
"sx" x modem
"sb" y modem
With the zmodem and the others you can get commands with it.
Im not going to show all the commands but here are a few.
First type sz,sx,sb for the differant type you wish to use. It doesnt really matter but I would stick to zmodem. So sz commands...
"sz c" send command
"sz i" send command ack immedantly
"sz k" send 1024 byte packet (ping)
"sz b" biniary file transfer
"sz f" send full path
Most of this is Easy shit once you get to know it. For most things you Wont need a telnet shell to do anything. You can make dirrect conenction's. With telnet making a raw connection it is a better way to find an open ports exploits. Say if you port scan someone and it says port 353 is open. I have no ****in clue what that shit is. So you connect to it with telnet. When you do that it will scroll all the connection shit in your telnet. Say it scrolls
"Wingate Server v 1.2 Ready..
(it wont look like that but..)
Then you have found a wingate server. You know more than a port scan will tell you. Now other than just an open port you also know what this open port is and try to find a a way to exploit it.
"Do what ever the **** you want with this but its not my fault if the fu<king pig's get your ***"
CopyRight 1999-2000 JukE aka Pratorian.
Yes I wrote that along time Ago
Next Post Port List:
WORD WRAP must be on!
List By. JukE
––––––– port –– Lable –– Description –––––––––––
Damn i have to break up the List
The text that you have entered is too long (53573 characters). Please shorten it to 40000 characters long.
JUST e-mail me or PM Me
[email protected]