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PvM Rushing Sorc
Here is a Sorceress that I designed a few weeks ago, and created, completed, and was very pleased with her afterwards, when I was working with her a bit. I'll start with gear, and go on through stats, and then skills. She is based on Lvl 85 build at this point, with all skill quests finished in norm, nm, and hell. Enjoy.


Gear explanation is simple. Pretty much everything boosts skills and resistances. Very few items boost mana, but with regen, don't really need it too bad.

Helm: Shako *Um* -- the skills and resistances. Gives the obvious bonus to life/mana
Ammy: Tal's Ammy -- the skills help out a lot, resist doesn't really matter. Cheaper than Mara's, and you get the same effect from it.
Weapon Tab 1 -- Any% Hoto flail. Sucks for me right now, cuz the last one I made was a 30%, but with rest of gear, it all falls into place.
Armor -- CoH Dusk Shroud. 15% superior, and the resistances help out, and hell, why does a sorc need nigma anyways if they are just using it for skills? Get everything out of your gear you can.
Shield Tab 1 -- Sanctuary (Your Choice). I use a 15% sup Troll Nest, has 64 to resistances, not great, but better than the 51 I did have... Wink
Gloves -- Gravepalms. On B.Net everyones always asking me, "Why those?" Strength boost, mana boost, thats all you need em for.
Ring 1 -- Soj
Belt -- Arach Mesh. The bonus is super nice.
Ring 2 -- Rare ring with FCR, mana boost, hp boost, or just go soj. I personally did fcr rare ring.
Boots -- 15/15 Treks. Would be nice if they were eth 15/15's, but you gotta stick with what you have.
Weapon Tab 2 -- Your choice here. If you wanna go mf, go 6-ist crystal sword. If not, go any bo CTA, you already got 8-9 to all skills, so you will get something as far as an hp/mana/stamina boost.
Shield Tab 2 -- either 4-ist monarch, or go with a splendor shield if you do cta. Gives you an extra skill bonus, not too bad for eth lum...


Put in 10 str till you use the Gravepalms. After that, either go str charms or put str in until you can use the CoH Dusk, 77 str total. After that, you can use shako, arach belt, and sanct shield, and treks. All the rest, I kinda do a 3-2 vit-energy ratio per level after that.


I go primary lit on her, so skills are:

Lvl 20 CL
Lvl 10 Nova
Lvl 10 Blizzard
Lvl 10 Orb
Lvl 10-15 Lit Mastery
Lvl 10-15 Cold Mastery
Lvl 5 Warmth
All prerequisites, and I think I did Lvl 10 on all of CL synergies, and Lvl 20 Lightning. Yeah, you encounter a lot of Lightning Immune and Cold Immune, but you won't find as many that are immune to both. That about sums it up for my PvM rushing sorc. Hope it works out for you.
very explict (spelled wrong) verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry nice job. sent ya a rep 4 the good job.
wow, that's 10 ists...*dreamy look* for us poor'un's, that's a dream come true...can i .. *cough* .. borrow those? .. lol. seriously, nice long does it take you to hell rush with that build?
Well, when I rushed a couple of friends a few days ago, for hell it took me about 30-45 minutes each. Resistances are good in hell, ovbiously with the coh, hoto, and sanct shield. As far as the price of it all, 90% of it was free/found. I had an IK Barb which wasn't the best, but could do forges like there was no tomorrow, and thats how I ended up finding the Guls, Ists, and what not, and then an mf sorc for the shako, tals ammy, soj, ring, arach and boots. The Gravepalms were the hardest part about it all. Even for those, a crappy set of gloves, it ended up costing me about a Pul for them, I think I dumped damn near 25 pgems for them, but it was worth it. Really appreciate all the feedback from everyone, thanks a bunch on letting me know about the build.
By looking at the skills, i get goose-skinn.
Why cant anybody learn that if you gonna make a sorc good you have to focus on ONE of the elemental skills.
So what if a monster is immune, what do you think you got a merc for?
Lvl up a merc to lvl 80+ and give him good items.
You will notice he will do quite good, and better than many players will do, and with a BO from the CtA "every char shoud have exept barbars" he will get even more life.
Making hybrid chars is just making your character worse.
Considering that a char shoud be one type, not many.
Booster, mf`er, PvP or PvM.
Well, thats where it all comes in fun. I think that focusing on only ONE specific element is by all means stupid. If you can get away with it, go for it. But, I've been the person who's focused on primarily Cold Sorc in the past, and in my humble opinion, they are good, but they just aren't complete. I don't know really how to explain, but at least with the Lightning/Cold setup I use, there are guys that are immune to Lightning, so at that time, I use Orb and Blizz. With the skill bonuses, I get a mid-range level on synergies, and a normal Level 20 skill for the one I choose. As far as FB Sorcs, I think they are good builds. They do nice damage, but I just don't like them. The CtA, yes, that is a must for any character other than Barb, and on my Sorc, I have a 4bo CtA on switch, with a Splendor on switch for my shield. And, mercenary, the best setup I've seen for a mercenary has always been Act 2 Combat, but with the Sorc, I decided to go Act 2 Defensive, since Offensive and Combat won't help her out much. Gear, the gear that everyone should use for their merc, though expensive, but still all around good. The gear setup is a BotD Eth War Pike, and the one I use on him has about ~370% ed, give or take. The body armor, like what everyone is looking for right now, is a Superior 15% Eth Boneweave, Stone in it, and If i'm not mistaken, its a fairly high one, I think he has about 2.8k defense on it, and helm, I borrowed an idea I saw on a merc for a Hammerdin on another web site, and that is an Eth 2 socket Giant Skull, having Pul Pul in the sockets. Before I used the Stone Boneweave, I had a Duress Archon, 13% Superior, Eth, and it did really well for him also. It's all dependant on what people like, and I like doing Hybrid Characters. There are times, like now, when I will do something that is going down an awful lot, in that I'm working on a Hammerdin. I've never made one until now, but I plugged him into Hero Editor, and he seems like a good thing. Hell, you can't complain when you do 10k-10k damage with Hammers, and you have 0 (ZERO) PCombat GCs in Inventory. But, this character likes to defy the price system by telling you that you don't need the absolute best of everything to be good. But, try it out. Plug it into Hero Editor, check it out, and find out if its not a bad idea or not. You might just be surprised, Keitaro, I know I was.
dude u see in hell rushing wat if u encounter pretend ur a lightning sorc and u come across a boss taht is immues to lightning in pyhsical and u need to kill him to get to diablo but u cant so wat r those side skills for? thats the only thin u shld know about... NEVER THINK MUILT SKILL TREES R BAD
ken2520 Wrote:dude u see in hell rushing wat if u encounter pretend ur a lightning sorc and u come across a boss taht is immues to lightning in pyhsical and u need to kill him to get to diablo but u cant so wat r those side skills for? thats the only thin u shld know about... NEVER THINK MUILT SKILL TREES R BAD
All the important posses ain`t immune, and hybrids sux.
Only hybrid might worth putting skills in TS and Lightning Mastery after you maxed orb, but still it sux.

And for you CDiggitY.
Why do you all of a sudden ask me about hammerdins?
i like that build, luckly i got a lot of high runes on ladder to get the stuff. i bet i can make the sorc within a week if i quit my job.
[Image: userbar579271ff0.gif]
Pamela : What in the hell are drugs? 0.o I take ibuprofin...
Mercs can be expensive if u want to make one godly...the ebotd cryptic is gonna cost u...
How i wish we can get 2 skill points per lvl...ahh..
[Image: spidermancopy.jpg]
If You Want To Lose Weight, You NEED To Read This First!
Hey alfz!
You dont happen to know a page where we can see the lvl of aura for mercenary?
Tyke: Yeah, it took me about 3 days to get her done. First to get rushed normal, trist, tomb, cow, baal, got to 45. Then a friend nm rushed, and I did to lvl 70 in nm. Second day, friend rushed, got forge, took into hell baals, got to 80 in a few hours, traded for gear, distributed skill points and stat points. Third, I did pit runs all day, leveled her to 85, and got the last remaining gear items I needed.

Alfz: Yeah, costs a bit to make a merc godly, thats why you stick with normal stuff. Either Duress or Stone eth armor (I generally use Boneweave) and EBotD War Pike. Got the Zod easily for a 2xist um, had 2 guls stashed to make the Vex, found the Pike, 13% superior, eth, used a socket quest to socket it, made me botd. The Giant Skull was a bit harder to find, cuz I was only looking for 2os Eth, and people kept bring 2os non-eth.

Also, I have a question for everyone here. I'm currently looking for a few items, well, runes. I'm trying to find Mal, Ist, and Ohm. Working on finishing my CtA, seeing what I can get, only need a 1bo, so I know I'm guaranteed to get that. If anyone has any of those, my USEast Ladder acct is *CDiggity-T. Peace.
ummmm *looks at his hammerdin* *then looks at the sorce u said that made on single player* hammerdin so much easier...

no they just sux ... weak in all skills ... btw there arent major bosses immuned ... there's just travi's and sanctuaries suckers, which can be taken by a good merc, even if he's not godly ...
CDiggity Wrote:had 2 guls stashed to make the Vex.

2 guls are worth a vex?!?!?! seriously?!?!? i have like....50 guls.....and no high runes...PARTAY! GAH!

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