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Things here are dying out...
not an avatar or sig yet thats just sad

it really is it make you look pathetic

why did you log out dangit

i was talking to you

was talking to you noob
Jaden SkyWalker hmm u have some nerve to come and call people noobs...... why so much hostility:confused:
I think the clan should run indefinitely. If we can, just keep basically the same group of people every season, if it all lasts that long. A lot of talk is going around about season 3 again, and so it's probably a good idea to get started pretty soon.

As for the leader, I still don't know how to go about choosing them. I was thinking a moderator/admin would do it, and just pick out of the more trusted members here. Name has to be something that reflects the site too, since it'd be more of an "official" deal to attract users into visiting and registering. D2S/D2sector, something along those lines like said.

Bots work, but I'd rather not have just anyone with acccess to the bot account if we do that. Something goes wrong, somebody is pissed off for whatever reason, etc. and then changes the bot's password or something, and it'll be a hassle.

What I had in mind to, was to split it into at least two separate divisions. NL/L, SC, then have one on USE/USW/Europe. Then have either a) A leader who's in charge of all of it, but can "appoint" different "heads" for each realm/division (nl/l), or b) several leaders, one for each realm and each division.

That way there's one person for each realm in charge of the items for that realm and whatever division they play, about a total of six or so, rather than one person leading everybody alone. It can be done, but is slightly less organized that way.. and somewhat slower. They'd have to keep track of EVERY item in and out, everywhere, as well as do most of the recruiting, etc.

With the other plan, we could probably end up with one "head" leader of some sort, probably a mod/admin here just to oversee the whole thing, and then a person who's appointed by them only has to keep track of say the.. US East, SCL division. Making it easier to keep track of clan items, where they are, clan members, etc. and if somebody needs something they're able to get it much faster since with the other plan we'd need some sort of.. request system. (It'd still be done but the leader would be head of everything, and then be taking requests from all 3 realms nl/l and so there'd be a slower response.)

If that makes sense.. lol, oh well. =]
hfday, ye thats something like i had in mind, afraid of posting it lol. I thought the admins should assign the leaders also but how interested are the d2s moderators about this clan making? If they dont care i could handle HC Ladder europe if so Big Grin.
Im not much of a clan maker but here is my 2 sense.....

I think that you should have appointed possitions that everyone should earn as they go....a sort of guide lines as you may say it....then they will earn their possions as main leader of all the realms.

Their will also be other possions such as secondary leader of the U.S. w/e, Europe, and the rest of the groups.

The main idea behind this is to just let everyone start off on a clean slate and then have at ever end of the week people vote other people for possitions that they think are best for filling that spot. not that good but this is what i think please tell me if you think something is wrong with the idea.....i would really want to know.Wink
I dont agree peach, since having "secondary leaders" is just a hazard, and we must have a leader from the start we must appoint some1 to the task. Neither do i think ranking system is important since its a clan of making every1 enjoy their time and besides, what could u get promoted to?
Well it could be very simple the promotion situation... and then yet it could get very thinking about it.. i get what you are saying.....people would start getting mad because they would feel bad because of their curent rank is not good enough or because they arent getting the benifits that the leaders have.

I do beleive that you have to start off with a leader but maybe the leader can promote people to their posisitions based on how they lvl, trading skills, and other atributes of the player. They would have to get to gether and make guide lines on how a person would be promoted and how a person could lose the promotion from not doing their duties.

But still people might still get mad that the leader hasent chosen them to be in the possition that they want to be in at the current time, but you are going to have people who are like that.
Could you please explain the "positions" further since i'm not following.
ok sry about the possitions situation....

2)Leaders of the realms
3)"secretary's of the realm leaders" people who will check on other members of the clan and regulate events and other public anouncements for the group
4) people who recruit the new members
5) new members and the people who have not yet aquired a possition yet

it could be something like that but, everyone who would start the clan would have to make up their own way of possitions and who knows what they would want them to be or what they would have the possitions do.

we have the same biography....... i like girls LOL! :laugh:
explain the second position further please, sry but im dumb Tongue
Lol.... the secound possition as i think hfday said earlier was that they would watch over the different realms like... U.S. east, U.S. west, europe and so on...

and the main leader would watch over the "secondary leaders"
Ops lol sry i meant the third position XD
I don't want much heirarchy, just the basic leader-member deal.. but D2 makes it a bit more complicated when you're making a multi-realm, nl/l, sc/hc or basically "open" clan where players choose their realm and ladder.

I'll wait to see what the replies from the staff are.. if any one of them would like to take the role of "senior" administrator or whatever of the clan, and then appoint admins to lead each realm, then good. =] If not, we'll have to work out something else.

It'll basically be that realm leader's responsibility to keep a hold on how it's realm/ladder is doing, regulate events, and handle any public announcements. Members can help with the latter, by just keeping in contact with each other. Another thing we could do, is request a forum for D2S members, as well as several possible subforums. (Maybe one for each realm/ladder, and/or one for recruitment. If not just a large one in general. Appoint whatever admin/smod/mod that wants to be the "sr. admin" to moderate it, and/or possibly give moderator access to one or two of the realm/ladder leaders, if not to all of them. (This is questionable and especially up to the admin of the site)

Recruitment would probably be handled primarily by the leader, and/or be done through the site. We'll have to be particularly picky though in hopes of avoiding scammers etc..

;x That's my suggestion.
I think he pretty much summed up what i had in hfday your a mastermind....but to your question puffen...... the third role would be the secretary of the realm leaders....who would be doing stuff for the leaders of the realms who are too busy to do at the time... they are more or less another pair of hands for the realm leaders
I'll fill in examples for now to try and give a basic understanding of how it would work..

Primary Leader/Senior Administrator: In charge of most the "diplomatic" responsibilities. He appoints all of the secondary leaders and basically ensures everybody is maintaining a positive image for the clan, and especially the website. May or may not actually play or partake in clan activities, and is capable of appointing themself as a "secondary" leader for whatever realm/ladder they play in.
Secondary Leader: There'd be about 6+ of these. We would have someone appointed by the primary leader to be put in charge of a specific realm, and ladder. For example: US East, Ladder, Softcore. Then a different person for US East, Nonladder, Softcore. One more for US East, Ladder, Hardcore, and then finally US East, Nonladder, Hardcore. So.. it'd actually add up to more than six people if we get enough interest in each realm/ladder, and we'd have a total of four per realm, across 3 realms. Only issue is we have to have enough members/interest in a realm and ladder to create it. There isn't a point in having a single person playing US East, Nonladder, Hardcore.. is there? lol

These people would also be in charge of recruiting/banning members, users from the channel etc.. possibly have forum priviledges (see above post) and handle all the inventory for that realm/ladder's clan items. They'd be the ones who store items donated to the clan by people, as well as providing it to whoever needs it. They'd have to keep track of things such as: Who originally donated it, when it was donated, who it was given to (e.g., member says they need it, leader gives it to them) and when.. and/or when it was returned.

IMO Clan items aren't to be traded either, unless it's agreed upon by the donator, leader, and person wanting to trade it altogether.. and none of the other members have put in a request for that item.


peachykeen069 Wrote:I think he pretty much summed up what i had in hfday your a mastermind....but to your question puffen...... the third role would be the secretary of the realm leaders....who would be doing stuff for the leaders of the realms who are too busy to do at the time... they are more or less another pair of hands for the realm leaders
This could be an idea. Secondary leader, and.. hrm, secondary co-leader? lol

Just another trusted member of the realm/ladder given access to the clan items account, also in charge of collaborating with the leader of that division to keep track of all that was mentioned above. Also can help handle recruits, questions, and channel moderation.

Could work out nicely, but we need to appoint leaders first. Haha.
As i said before, and as hfday said, i think its better with just a leader role and the rest is the same position. We just have to wait for the admins reply to this idea and work something out.
It just becomes a hassle and causes conflict when you start appointing too many positions. With a single leader (or at MOST, two) per realm there's less likely a problem, most people focus on a single division. That way there isn't any real conflict, because you have a leader and then members.. the only higher up above that is the primary.

Smile Any decisions regarding the clan and it's progress would be handled by primary and/or the group of secondary leaders. Somewhat of the council idea typical to a lot of other clans.. and be a rather democractic process I guess.

Division decisions are handled almost exclusively by the appointed leader for that particular section, and they can pretty much use their judgment as to good additions for their realm, and so on.
This site is dying out because of mods that abuse their power just to seem better then everyone else. Thats what i think now.
[Image: bestsigzt2.jpg]
peachykeen069 Wrote:Im not much of a clan maker but here is my 2 sense.....

I think that you should have appointed possitions that everyone should earn as they go....a sort of guide lines as you may say it....then they will earn their possions as main leader of all the realms.

Their will also be other possions such as secondary leader of the U.S. w/e, Europe, and the rest of the groups.

The main idea behind this is to just let everyone start off on a clean slate and then have at ever end of the week people vote other people for possitions that they think are best for filling that spot. not that good but this is what i think please tell me if you think something is wrong with the idea.....i would really want to know.Wink

the only thing wrong with this is that if there is no offense to anyone a "noob" they could end up with the next highest rank next to leader i want to know whats up with that.... im not *****ing but just a thought
curruptedgod Wrote:the only thing wrong with this is that if there is no offense to anyone a "noob" they could end up with the next highest rank next to leader i want to know whats up with that.... im not *****ing but just a thought
I've seen clans with people that don't even play in the highest leader positions. It works out though, because they're good at what they're doing, and can focus completely on leading, and aren't required to do any playing of their own (usually don't care to neither).


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