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What is the best PvP?
I am getting sick and tired of getting pked and i am going to strike back so i was wondering what is the ultimate pvp charachter and the build ?
In my opinon a teleporting windy druid they can take most chars, and pallies are really nice for melee for an ele druid guide
i havnt dueled many windy druids....but the 5-6 i have.....didnt stand a chance.....i was in a duel game with my kickasin and there was a zon and ele druid partied, so i went to fight the zon, and the druid attacked me while the zon shot at me.....i tele-kicked the druid, then dragon taloned him, and he died, then i just tele-kicked the zon and killed her......although i took like 3 hits the zon and a few from the tornado's, and was inside his hurricane for about half a only took me down a few really depends on your playing style.......i've seen a bowazon able to kill 4 outta 5 ppl that were around her lvl, and they all even went at her at once.....i have also seen a few good necros, mainly the ones that use auto-aim, and just tele next to you and attack like mad.......and every once in a while there will be a pretty tough hammerdin.

for elemental, i would have to go with a godly PnB necro, or a godly lightning sorc (see once that did about 40k lightning.....only reason she owned though was cause auto-aim, got a direct hit on me from lightnings max 1 shot)

for melee, i would have to go with a godly bowazon or a good barb

if you mainly want to duel casters, i suggest a kickasin, they can own most casters without a problem
mpeck so ur talking about a dragon flight/ dragon talon assasin? wat skills/stats/gear?? ill make 1 of them
teh best pvp depends on who ur dueling. not one char will own everyone. u will always die unless u ahve some way of hacking. i dont care who ur. but best melee in my opinion is a smiter wiht charge or a kickasin. and best caster is a ele druid or lighting sorc.
There is a smite pally guid on this site and if you follow it and get the gear it requires u will kill most other chars
TheGotoGuy Wrote:mpeck so ur talking about a dragon flight/ dragon talon assasin? wat skills/stats/gear?? ill make 1 of them
follow this guide, or look for other mageslayer builds if you want a pure anti-caster kicker
fb sorc or blizz are nice
mpeck, I have seen Kickers use a Fury Phase Blade and an SS. This is probably for dueling physical attackers. I still beat her with my Smiter. :*p
blizz sorcs, wind druids are pretty good cuz if ur good they die when they get in ur hurricane
What would you guys recommend for the best PvP barb build??
bone necro are also nice
orb sorc or ele druid/light sorc
I personally would pick a Lightning Sorc. for a PvP game.

keep in mind that these are all biased opinions. there is no BEST pvp char. it's all a rock-paper-scissors game. im sick of hearing "what's the best ___?". no matter what char u build, u are bound to lose to SOMEONE.

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