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The Story
The Story

There was a story....

Young renshi wanted to become the most noble shinobi in town but he had to prove himself first. He couldnt just call himself the next gratest. He would endure test that were never accomplished but by one. The greatest Shinobi Alive. This will be young renshi's manage....FATHER! To become the next shinobi the world would know renshi had to learn the 1000th element attack. The greatest attack combining all elemements of in exsitense. This attack could devistate the world if not used wisley by the one...the only.........<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->

Maika...The Master and renown teacher...only he could train Renshi thru all the difficult task and abilities he would need to attain his goal of greatest Shinobi.
But Maiki had not taken a student in many years...his life had been violent and his power deadly in its magnitude.Seeking seclusion from the world he had built a cabin for himself and lived miles away from town.Young Renshi was determined,however and walked the 10 miles to where Maiki lived and humbly presented himself.......
Maiki chuckled softly to himself as he looked up the newcomer. "What do you mean by this, young one, coming to me for help?" He growled it at the boy as the boy stood there, clearly very afraid of him. [i]Just as he should be
, he thought to himself. Not to toot my own horn, or anything, but i am one commanding guy. "Please, master, I want to be like you. Can you teach me your ways?" The boy's voice was small, and thin, and it quavered on the last word, making him seem even more feeble. "Yes, i can teach you my ways. But the real question is, can you learn them?"


Renshi answers harsly with confidence. Yes! I will and i can learn from you. I will dedicate my time to being the next greatest Shinobi. Renshi though did not understand what he was in for exactly. This year of training would be the hardest thing of his life!
Maiki was slightly disquieted by this sudden show of confidence. He had guessed the child to be little over 15, but it seemed now that he had grown inches and years before his very eyes. "Very well. Show me what you can do, and I will know where to start my teaching. Do your worst." He spread his legs a little and slid into the comfortable fighting pose that he had come to know and love. He beckoned slowly with his index finger and prepared for the hardest fight of his life.


With a sudden blast from renshi's palm a huge burst of energy fired directly at maiki. There was a sudden cloud of dust and no sign of maiki. From out of no where renshi is on his hands and knees with a ancient dagger at the back of his neck. "You have much to learn but that wasnt all that bad, You have potential...Here is where the training STARTS!
Renshi slowly collapsed forward onto the ground face first, and died when he hit the ground. Maiki solemnly dusted his hands off, walked over to Renshi, and pulled the dagger out of his neck. Suddenly, Renshi rose from the ground and stood in front of Maiki, brushing his tunic and pants off, before turning around to face Maiki, who was standing awestruck, with a small bit of drool escaping from his open mouth. "Ho--wha---who---wh---HOW?!" he stuttered horribly as he stared at his newly resurrected student. Renshi winked enigmatically at Maiki before once again resuming his fighting pose. "Nice try, old man, but you'll have to do better than that to silence Renshi."


Renshi places his hands in a postition that Maika notices right away. "Oh no can it be! No the 1000th element attack! IT CANT BE! Trees are being uprooted the soil it turning white the sky darkens with a sea of black. Renshi is summoning all the elements needed! With a great attack renshi blast the amazing force towards Maika. The ground in front of renshi is destroyed. BUT! Where is maika. "I guess it will take more then that to silence you renshi...but you still have more to learn!" "Your behing me again!?! But how!" "Like i said you have much much more to learn!"
Even looking back on it, Renshi didn't know how he survived. Maika came from behind and leapt onto his back, weilding a newer, brighter blade, made of demon bone. It was large, blue, and sharp. Renshi, using the instinct born of his long training and boring repetition of drills, went into a tight forward somersault, designed to throw Maika off of his back and onto the ground. It didn't work, Maika only grabbed his hair and rolled with him, all the while weilding that fearsome blade. He performed his deadly dance of survival, trying to rid himself of the plague on his back, and once he had gotten him free, he simply ran.


Maika didnt run after him...he knew that renshi would return after he relizes how great of a master Maika is. "He cant run for ever...I know that and he does...he needs much training if he feel he wants to become the next most respected person in the village" Soon enough renshi came back...but different...He had blood pouring down his face..on his close...his hair turned a pitch black formorly yellow. His head band broken in two lay in his hand..His panths torn to the knee with blood speckled all over. What has happened what has renshi become!
Of course, being the master that maika was, he knew after a second what had gone wrong with Renshi. But why? there was really no reason for him to open himself to the demon Gretlen and become possessed. Now there was really no way but death to clear his soul of Gretlen. With a sigh he began the motions for the expulsion of the demon from Renshi. Unfortunately, the spell required the life of the was a price he had to pay.


But how could could he kill his own son! Maika placed his hand upon renshi's chest and with a gasp.... With a great sound of an explosion renshi rips maika's arm off! Blood pours out onto the ground while maika stands in an almost dead state...renshi then takes out his blood plated iron dagger and crushes it into his fathers,trainers,Supporteds....Head...
At that moment, the ground shook, and heavens opened, and the rain poured forth in a great upheaval of family. Renshi stood shaking, with his hand still pressed against his father's head, feeling so much smaller now that the demon had left his body...he didn't know where he was, or what he was doing, or why he was standing with his hand in his father's dead body. Suddenly he collapsed, and passed out. There would be a lot of uncomfortable question back home, he thought as he hit the ground.


Renshi awoke with an imense ache in his head....He was sweating horribly...he woke up to see who? MAIKA?! "But...didnt you...d...d...di...die....?" "my son..what do you speak of? i beilive is was just an awful need your rest...please...go back to bed" Maika pulls the cover tight over renshis awfully tired body and walks a way with an almost bone chilling smile on his face...."Goodnight renshi."
Renshi sat bolt upright with a horrid look on his already mangled, bloodied face. "Maika! Come back! Now!" He shouted, his voice becoming hoarse with fear and anger. Maika slowly came back into the room, this time with a thermometer and a cup of hot chocolate. "my son, you must rest. You've been asleep for three days, and you've still got a long road to recovery from this odd sickness. Go back to sleep, it will help matters." He slowly made his way to the bed, and waved his hand over Renshi's head, slowly enticing him into the realm of sleep...He thought no more.
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"Renshi renshi wake up...its Mayia....Come on renshi wake up...." "Whoa whoa whoa im awake chill out....""todays the big day renshi your advanced training lesson...of the ancient 1000th element.."Renshi looks at mayia beautifull face...and ponders...Renshi and mayia walk to their fathers house not so far away now being renshis house relocated for training....Renshi got to the house...but...what..happened!"Mayia The house! Where is it!?"
"Oh my God. Mayia! This is terrible!" He shouted, his voice cracking with anxiety for his father's life. They ran into the rubble of the house, searching frantically for his father. They found his twisted body laying in his bedroom's remains, and he was breathing hard to stay alive. As Renshi knelt down to see how he was, he barely heard his last breath, and with it, his last words. "Son....Gretlen...Demon...avenge my death...he's in the bathroom...find him and use the thousand element attack, it's the only way to kill him..." With that, he witnessed his father's passing into the Dark Forest of the afterlife. He stood up, tears openly coursing down both cheeks, as he gritted his teeth and clenched his palms. He shouted out his battle cry; "GRETLEN! YOU WILL PAY FOR MY FATHER!!" With a scream he launched himself into the bathroom and looked for the demon.


"Hello renshi, this is good to meet you""I will kill you and evenge my fathers death you low life!!""Mabey so renshi but not this time..."With a huge flash of blinding light renshi wakes up with a pool of sweat down his face."What again! who is this gretlen what does he want....?""I want you my son!!""What?! Who was that w...wh...where..who...are you...!" Renshi exclaims in a horrible voice!
"Maika? is that you?" He found his voice to be weak again, and he was almost incapable of forming words with his mouth..."MAIKA?!" He opened his eyes on the same bathroom, to find Mayia gone, and Maika sitting placidly on the toilet, staring avidly at him. He idly noticed that there was something odd about Maika...something that was not normal. THAT was it! his eyes! his pupils, normally black, had gone white, and his eye, normally white and blue, had gone to black and red. He remembered thinking how spooky it was, before Maika flicked his fingers, and he was knocked forcefully back into his sleeping position. His eyes were somehow wrested shut, and he sat under the control of Maika, waiting to obey his every whim. "What now, Maika? You've won control...what do you want with me?"


"Haha what do i want from you!? have on thing that i need from you and thats just for a bit you little brat.""Take it take it what ever you need i dont care!""Ha you would have if you listened first...ha i want your body! i need to reside in someones body always but i am pushed out at the slaying of another human...what i need is you to accept your whole body to me....or..your little friend here will meet my fury!""What! NO!!! mayia! You will fall at my feet you irigant asshole! You will feel my rath!" As renshi brakes the spell placed upon him by maika he suddenly opens his eyes ready for battle.
"Oooh, feisty, are we?" Maika taunted Renshi as he rose to his feet and tried to approach Maika. "Who are you? You're not my father. He loves me, and he would never try and harm those that I love." He spat at the thing that was purportedly his father, and the father replied to him, "Who am I? You, mortal, dare to ask ME who I AM?!! You will die, but it will not be before i have achieved my goals. I am Gretlen, the almighty, he who has been, is, and shall be for eternity. You will serve as my next victim; just don't go dyin' on me, because that would put me in such a bad mood...that wouldn't fare well for your bonnie lass here..." He gave Mayia a little squeeze around the neck for emphasis. As Renshi prepared for the demon to enter his body, he screamed one last meaningful phrase: "MAYIA! I LOVE YOU!"
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"WAIT!" Renshi said in a deep manly voice. "You will put down mayia now and prepare to die!" Renshi hovered softly about 2 feet off the ground with a dark blue aura surronding him."Haha pure mortal thinks he can defeat me ha! Take your best shot little boy.""ENOUGH! small talk isnt for me..YOU WILL DIE NOW!" Renshi slid into his well known postion but this time his fingers werent in an ancient formation...but no this wasnt the 1000th element this was something greater..this was the power of his love for mayia...and his father..mixed with the power of his REVENGE!"NOW FEEL MY RATH!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Gretlen only had enough time to laugh once; Renshi was that fast. He signalled briefly in the air, and where he moved his hands there was a white trail of letters. There was a soundless *boom*...and everything and everyone in the room was knocked onto the ground, and the people were gasping for air. Their hearts and lungs felt like they had been compressed in a machine, and they were recovering from the love attack. Gretlen was nowhere to be found; they knew in their hearts that he was gone, and that he would never return. Renshi ran over to Mayia, picked her up from the ground, and immediately swept her off of her feet in the most passionate kiss of his that point, he didn't care what happened to anyone every again...all he cared about was that one moment.
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Renshi then let go of her while she stands in such a dase that all she can say is...."thank you..."Renshi without a word picks up his father and hugs him whispering in his ear.."everything will be fine now gretlen is gone father..."" have amazed have amazed any god or anything, EVERYTHING! renshi you have grown to become a man..and an elite shinobi you are on your way renshi!""Thank you father..." Renshi, his father, and mayai walk back to town...but something isnt right..renshi can feel a swift wind cirlceling around his body..
Just as his senses were registering this odd change in the feel of the moment, he felt mayia slip and fall next to him, as he held her in his arms. "MAYIA!" He screamed her name and immediately knelt next to her. He picked her up only to have her fall again, and he noticed that she wasn't breathing, nor was she conscious. He felt her pulse...non-existent. "NOOO!!!! MAYIAA!!!!" He yelled at her for everything...he let his feelings go. He yelled at her for her faults, for his faults, for his father's faults...for all the evil in the world, for the failure of his only love...He yelled. "WHY?! WHY DID YOU DO THIS?!" He screamed until his throat was raw, until he couldn't see, or breathe, and until he fell over himself, and only then was he reconciled with his mind, as a shadow settled over his soul...


Renshi woke up in a hard flat table like item chained down...he looked to his left and to his right...Mayia...father...they were looking at him....he stared so hard into the eyes of the people he loved most...then he thought..he thought about his mother...but he didnt want to...He remembered how he felt when she died..thats how he felt now he had to meaning in life...he then whispered to mayia and his such a non existense voice..."Mayia, father...i will not lose you like i did mother...i will evenge whoever has done this to us trust me....they will pay...."
He finally came to realize that his parents and his love would not be returning, and that the images of his beloved friends and family were just that - images. with a primal scream of rage he broke free of his chains and took a look around him. he seemed to be in some sort of morgue. All around him were tables just like his own, with pale, glazed-looking people lying on their tables chained to them. He wanted to rip them all off of their tables and slap them to life, but he knew that greater powers were at work, and that he had his own quests to complete. Setting off at a run, he picked a random hallway and headed down it, straight towards his doom.


As he is running down the hallway he remembers what happened that awful night when he destroyed gretlen...the blast ended up hitting his father and mayai...but he was so overwelmed by the great amount of energy he had to use for the attack..he was in a dase..."who has me...who has captured me this time..and where am i..."He ran to the very end of the dark hallway presenting an open door at the end....He walked through the bright you could not see a thing...
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He blinked a few times to get his eyes accustomed to the light, and once again he tried to ascertain where he was, and what type of place he was in. His eyes took in his surroundings...some chairs set around the perimeter of a circular room, with lights embedded in the white walls, and the white floor blending perfectly with the walls, giving a strange, alien feeling. seated in one of the chairs was a tall man with a long beard, a staff, and a small child standing next to him, looking confused and bewildered. "Welcome, Renshi, I've been expecting you."


"WHo are you and how do you know my name.....?""Ha you will learn in time but for now my name is not of your concern...the task at hand is very important and i need you to achieve it for me...if your up for it i can help bring back....your father...mayai and....YOUR MOTHER!"Tears drip down renshi's face..."WHat is it....what do you need let it get down quick i dont have time to waste with you.[/i]

The boy looks Renshi up and down...obviously assesing his ability to complete the task at hand,turning away from him for but a moment the boy then produces a small clear crystal.Looking Renshi directly in the eye he announces"This you must do to revive your mother and father" *Placing the crystal in Renshi's hand and closing his fingers around it the crystal glows a bright blue*This crystal has to be placed in a clear pond far to the north of here...and when you go know is a perilous journey....and then you must return this to me...I will raise your parents then...Maiki will live once more...but...are you brave enough?
in spite of his tears, renshi was able to laugh. "am i brave enough? I've already braved the worst of perils only to lose my family...i am the bravest that there is." "Oh, a little confident, are we?" The man smiled mirthlessly and began twirling his beard in his hand. "Well, i expect you back in one day...that is, if you survive the journey." Renshi said nothing, but turned around and walked out of the room. It took him a good minute or two to realize that he had no idea where he was going. At that point he turned around and went back into the man's room. With some embarassment, he asked. "How do i get out of here?" The man kept twirling his beard as he replied, "What, you think it's that easy?" He would say no more, and Renshi turned back around and decided to find the way himself.

Renshi walked around and around....starting to get fustrated he bumped into an odd looking man with tattered cloths..bruised and bloody...."Are you okay....?""Yes...sorta..i was trapped here a while ago...""Well by any chance do you know the way out....?""Yes i need to head down the hall with the great statue of gretlen and there will be a doorway out....""GRETLEN!"
"Where am i? do you worship gretlen? is he a god? What building is this? what city is this?" He started stuttering at the sight of the odd man talking about his mortal enemy, the demon gretlen. "Whoa, there, young one, you mustn't fear. You are safe in this land; the great sun god gretlen will protect you. You are in the land of Nari-Ka. This is the head administrative productions agency. I can tell by the look on your face that you have no idea what that means...don't worry, this is the center of the city. Feel free to explore the city, because there is no crime, and no evil here." Renshi could tell by the blank look in the man's EYES that he was not in control of himself...there must have been some kind of mind control in place...He strode angrily out the hallway, past Gretlen, and out the door into the city, ready to face whatever came.


He knew this town was a former shinobi town and he knew if he wanted to embark on this so called journey he would need some equipment...He had about 200 dollars on him which wasnt much where he was...He went into a store by the name ShInObI EquIpment.The name pretty much gave him the idea." here for some shinobi gear..""Okay what are you looking for exactly?"
"Well, I need a weapon, first. What good is a real shinobi without a weapon?" "Well spoken, young master. Today's your lucky day. Here," He pulled out a long, sharp katana, with small gems inlaid into the handle, and a giant ruby as the pommel stone. "And here," As he unsheathed a giant long sword, with ancient runes carved into its length. As Renshi lofted the giant blade over his head, it began humming and growing darker, finally becoming completely black, and almost screaming with fury. The shopkeeper looked very afraid, and ushered Renshi out of the store without him paying, saying "Well, i guess it likes you...consider it a gift." He ended abruptly by slamming the door in Renshi's face and flipping the sign to read "Closed. Come again soon!"


Renshi had a harsh look on his face..he knew something was up but what...."That was strange....that young shinobi has been accepted by the great Iriaka Sword...It cant be....he is the one who destroyed our village one thousand years ago....The Shinobi Of Calcose...the town not far from here.....i have to warn our great god gretlen....."Renshi walked a while and decided to sit and rest...he pulled out the iriaka sword and examined its pail blue handle with the incrested gems..still the sword had an aura surronding it with a blackish blue glow...
he picked an apple up off of the ground and dropped it onto the side of the blade, to test the strength and fortitude of the blade. It immediately sliced directly in half and fell to the ground in two pieces. He gasped, seeing how incredible the new sword that he had was. "Hmm...I wonder what i can do with this." He had no time to wonder, because at the time seven shinobis had materialized around him, and they all swarmed him at once, attacking him from every front. He flung himself off of the bench and into the air, escaping their attacks for the moment, as they regrouped and attacked again, flying into the air to meet him.


He pulled out his iriaka sword and the sword flew out of his hands and hovered above his head. His eyes turned pitch black and his muscles seemed to immensly grow. His arms were out side to side and his legs striaght forming a t shape. His palms quivered open reavealing an orb in each hand about the size of his head glowing orange with a tint of blue in the middle. it grew larger covering his hands. The other shinobis could not move they were in a state of confusion frozen in time. Renshi clapped his palms with a sudden blast as the 7 shinobies disinegrated.
The tall man that he had seen inside the round room with the crystal appeared from the mist. "That was well done. I did not think that you would be able to conquer my shinobis this well." "Wait...YOUR shinobis?! Those maniacs were YOURS?!? What are you, mad??? I could have died!" "Ah, well, i knew that for you to complete your quest, you would have to be strong. I did not want any old person coming by and doing the quest. Many have come before you, and failed. You have succeeded where none have before, and thus shall you succeed in the future." With a *whoosh* and a brush of wind and leaves on his face, he was standing by the pond. With a small shout of glee, he ran over to the pond and looked into its depths. His own reflection stared back at him as he plunged the hand with the crystal into the water..


For a moment nothing happened...he was confused... but then again he really didnt know what would happen..he kept his hand in the water for about 2 and a half minutes until out from the water a great passage way appeared. It was the passage way to becoming the shinobi he has always dreamed off. The end...the finish....the very beggining of another journey lied upon this entrance...this was all a test by who himself...maika..out from the passage he appeared...renshi let out a tear and hugged his father."renshi youve made now have completed the greatest task of your are the next greatest shinboi..."And at the grasp of those words his father died in renshis arms.Renshi knew what he had to do..he had to forfill his and his fathers dream..he would embrace this great gift..and pass it on to the future greatest shinboi.

To be continued in"The Story 2"

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holy FRICK!!! that was sweeeeet!!!! man, you and me, kemwing, and pam, we rock. let me know when story 2 comes out.

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