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The Different Characters
some rabies druids rely on the lvl 21 psn creeper charges on carrion wind ring instead of putting pts in the skill. that's just another option.
AznAvatar Wrote:some rabies druids rely on the lvl 21 psn creeper charges on carrion wind ring instead of putting pts in the skill. that's just another option.
Added it.
hey i just need 2 ask what in your guys opinion is the absolute best build hands down. this is pvm and pvp. personally i think it s hammerdin. i need 2 know what u guys think. srry if this is off topic also i need 2 know what i should make next. i got a sumner, h din, zealot, freezer, and im buildin a windy druid. give me some suggestions.
its hammerdin, but this is not the place for this. there're aready threads for this.
awesome i didnt know that nova necro's needed fire golem thx u rok
I think someone should sticky this.
ig0tfish Wrote:awesome i didnt know that nova necro's needed fire golem thx u rok
The fire golem is for finnishing of people with hes holy fire aura. A very nice pet to have in PvP and as tank in PvM.

devilslilboy69 Wrote:I think someone should sticky this.
I though about it. Ill send a PM to jedimaster86 about it.
it's not really necessary for u to make these changes, but paladin builds and subclasses tend to have really fancy names. here's a list:

Vindicator (Smite paladin)
Templar (FoH paladin)
Hammerdin (Blessed Hammer paladin)
Crusader (Charge paladin)
Ranger (Bow paladin)
Undead Hunter (Sanctuary paladin)
Martyr (Sacrifice paladin)
Mage (Blessed Hammer + FoH paladin)
Vindicator/Templar (Smite + FoH paladin)
Liberator (Charge + Blessed Hammer + FoH paladin)
Judicator (Blessed Hammer + Smite + FoH paladin)
Frost Crusader (Charge + Holy Freeze paladin)
Avenger (Vengeance paladin)
Fanatic Avenger (Vengeance + Fanaticism paladin)
Zealot (Zeal + Fanaticism paladin)
Power Zealot (Zeal + Concentration paladin)
Elemental Zealot (Zeal paladin with lots of elemental damage)
Tesladin / Shockadin (Holy Shock paladin, usually coupled with Zeal)
Missionary (Conversion + Thorns paladin)
Medic (Holy Bolt + Prayer paladin)
Vanquisher (Smite + Blessed Hammer paladin)
Smealot (Smite + Zeal paladin)
Dragoon (Throwing paladin)
Fallen Paladin (Auraless paladin)
I think you missed the tankazon, hand-weapon and shield and a whole lot of passive skills. Very cra**y, its very hard to get an attack in with this build becuase your dodge and simular skills will be high so you will dodge your foes attacks and you wont be able to attack much.

oh i just relised that the necrozon is pretty musch the same, but with this build you would have less summons and more dodge, critical hit.
Added the a amazon character. "The Pacifist."

Changed some paladin names:
Vindicator (never heard that name for a smither, but ok)

Many good names, but i add the one who is worth adding.
i want you to tell me wich skills the following focus on:
Ranger (Good name, shoud have added it before)
Undead Hunter
Martyr (I shoud have added this in the start, but wich aura would be best? fanaticm?)
Frost Crusader (Maybe it shoud be a name for all the elements together? Else i just invent something)
Dragoon (Never heard of it)
Fallen Paladin (Sounds evil, but wich skills?)

I dont add FoH/Smite or BH/Smite since they max holy shield and get enough dmg from it. Else it would ruin the stats.
whats carrion wind bug for the rabie druid ?
Level21 Poison Creeper (15 Charges)

it is the same mechanism as the 33 bprison charges on marrowwalks.
Keitaro Wrote:AznAvatar:
Many good names, but i add the one who is worth adding.
i want you to tell me wich skills the following focus on:
Ranger (Good name, shoud have added it before)
Undead Hunter
Martyr (I shoud have added this in the start, but wich aura would be best? fanaticm?)
Frost Crusader (Maybe it shoud be a name for all the elements together? Else i just invent something)
Dragoon (Never heard of it)
Fallen Paladin (Sounds evil, but wich skills?)

I dont add FoH/Smite or BH/Smite since they max holy shield and get enough dmg from it. Else it would ruin the stats.
all u really need is maxed fanat. i don't think there's such thing as a "pure" ranger. any fanat-based pally can be converted to a ranger with just a few gear switches. it's a pretty bad subclass imo, since u'll have very low def without holy shield, u can't block, and u can't dodge like zons do. some ranger variants use holy freeze instead of fanat.

Undead Hunter
there are a few possibilities. u can go combat style with maxed sanctuary and zeal, or u can go caster style with foh (+convic) and holy bolt. since a lotta skill pts are required, combinations wouldn't work. a high lvl sanc aura gives u well over 700%ed against undead, so i think it' can be a pretty fun build.

fanat is undoubtedly the main aura, unless u want an Undead Hunting Martyr, in which case u would use sanc aura instead.

Frost Crusader
holy freeze + charge.

like the ranger, any fanat-based pally can be a dragoon. just switch the weapon out for a throwing weapon.

Fallen Paladin
don't bother making this lol. a pally is pretty screwed without any auras. i'm not sure, but i think u can put pts in auras for synergies, as long as u don't actually use the auras. any pally with no auras is a fallen paladin. it doesn't matter what skills u use.

a lot of the subclasses i listed are not very viable. u decide which ones to add and which ones to leave out.
wow nice list...what weap u use to make a guided arrow assassin?
People say its like Diablo 3d/WoW/EQ, etc combined.
If you like it, add LordTyler to your friends Wink.
the only weapon in the game that grants any char guided arrow is Widowmaker.
nice, now i wont be bored about not knowing what kind of char to make
o yea...i think Cleric sounds better than Medic in a medievalish kinda way lol. think u could change that?
Added some paladins:
Freezer (could need a better name)
Undead Hunter

I diddent add "Frost Crusader" because:
Quote:Shocker (Holy Shock, Zeal/Charge, Lightning Resist, Salvation)
Freezer (Holy Freeze, Zeal/Charge, Cold Resist, Salvation)
Afterburn (Holy Fire, Zeal/Charge, Fire Resist, Salvation)

I still prefere Medic over Cleric. People seems to enjoy the name and shout out in baal games "!MEDIC!!!!) as a sign of needing help, lol.

Ok, if anyone got more suggestion for better names or more characters, post them here.
wow lots of cool namesCool ....i thought vindicatpr was avenger tho =|
Lose And Win? OR Win And Lose?
Royal Coward You Must Choose
Bow Your Head And Creep Away
Or You And Yours Will Curse This Day
you need to add Concentration to the skills on your hammerdin Tongue
also, i forgot, which attack stuns your opponent on a pally, charge or smite?
People say its like Diablo 3d/WoW/EQ, etc combined.
If you like it, add LordTyler to your friends Wink.

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