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Necromancer Guides
All Necromancer Guides that members have put together can be found here.
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Skelemancer: by Keato

Strength:115-156 Depending on your items
Dexterity: Around 200 Enough for blocking
Vitality: All the rest.
Energy: 0-70.

20 Raise Skeleton
20 Skeleton Mastery
1 Raise Mage
1 Clay Golem
1 Blood Golem
1 Iron Golem
6+ Revive
1+ Golem Mastery
2+ Summon Resist

Poison & Bone:
1 Teeth
20 Corpse Explosion

4+ Amplify Damage
1 Dim Vision
1+ Attract
1 Decrepify
1 Iron Maiden
1 Life Tap
1 Lower Resist
1+ Bone Armour

Weapon-Arm of King Leoric
Armour-Enigma Runeword, Skin of the Vipermagi
Helm-Harlequin Crest
Amulet-Mara's Kaleidoscope
Boots-Wartraveller, Marrowwalk
Belt-Arachnid Mesh
Gloves-Frostburn, Trang Gloves
Rings-Stone of Jordan, Wisp

Skill Destribution
2: Amplify Damage
3-7: Raise Skeleton
Akara: Raise Skeleton
8: Skeleton Mastery
9-17: Raise Skeleton
Radament:Raise Skeleton
18-21: Raise Skeleton
22: Weaken
23: Terror
24: Decrep
25: Skeleton Mastery
26: Clay Golem
27: Golem Mastery
28-30: Skeleton Mastery
Tyrael: Skeleton Mastery
31-32: Summon Resist
33-45: Skeleton Mastery
Akara: Dim Vision
46: Confuse
47: Attract
48-50: Amplify Damage
51: Raise Mage
52: Blood Golem
53: Iron Golem
54: Revive
Radament: Revive
55: Teeth
56: Corpse Explosion
57- 60: Revive
Tyrael: Corpse Explosion
60-70: Corpse Explosion
71-72: Corpse Explosion
Akara: Corpse Explosion
73: Corpse Explosion
Radament: Corpse Explosion
74: Corpse Explosion

And the let overs are your choice.
Ex. Favorite Curses. (What I did)
Necro Guide: by heydude

Hello my young peoples im an active player on USEAST non-ladder almost everyday (I have no life ). Today i am going to be talking about a VERY special character to me...THE NECROMANCER, but not just the necromancer THE BONE NECRO....Bone necros are one of my FAVORITE characters and if you make them right they PWN SO MUCH to the max i currently am making ANOTHER bone necro to add on to my collection...The thing about bone necros is that they are also VERY expensive to build and this is not a good...but i will also provide the "the poor men items" as well.

Okay lets start off with the skills..bone necros are pretty easy to make i mean the skills

20 Teeth

20 Bone Spear
20 Bone Spirit
20 Bone Wall
1 Clay Golem
1 Golem Mastery
1 Decripfy
Rest into Bone Armor
Rest into Bone Armor

Okay now for the items ill post poor mans items and rich man items either way if you make your necro right youll be good.


Sheild:Um'ed hommunoclus(hommy)
Armor:Enigma(Breast Plate)
Helm:08 Valk Helm
In the invetory try to get as many Poison and Bone grand charms as you can get and try to get an anni it will really help
POOR MANS-_-_-_-
Armor:Skin of Vipermagi
Ammy:Magic Bone skills, maras

Okay now you have your skills and you got ur equipment now we need to do stats...

~~If you got a Breast Plate Enigma then the str should only require 30.~~

str: 30

dex:not that many

**The marrows will give the "Bone Prison Glitch" so you will have bone prison and wont need to level it at all..
1.10 Poison Necro Build: by ._| 3 Vv |3



Shako-5/5 psn facet
"Delirium" Bone Visage
Rare Fcr/+2 Circlet (preferably 2os)


"Bramble" Archon, Dusk, Wyrm
"Enigma" Archon, Dusk, Wyrm


Trang's (only if you plan on using trang's shield for -25% enemy psn res set bonus)


Trang's Gloves


Trang's Shield-5/5 Psn Facet'd (-30% enemy psn res w/facet and belt/glove set bonus)
Homunculus-Um'd(Necassary if your using bramble, and not using trangs)


Rare +2/10fcr/res
Crafted +2/fcr/life/mana/res




Rare Fcr/Res/life and Soj
2x Sojs
2x Rare fcr/res/life


Poison Dagger:20
Poison Explosion:20
Poison Nova:20
Lower Res:5
Bone Armor:1
Clay Golem:1
Golem Mastery:1
Summon Res:1

*This setup leaves approx. 42 skills... (at lvl 99, including skills quests) so you may continue to max golem/mastery and that kinda stuff..*

Reasoning: I know you are dying to know why i have 1 on clay golem.... so i'll start with that... the clay golem has the ability to slow enemy.... and in hell it's a hell of a tank... it'll pretty much save your *** when fighting any SU's... i beat the whole game by myself... norm-through hell because of that little guy... better than a merc cuz he slows enemies naturally and can be resummoned as much as you like... no money for ressurecting your reapers toll merc. involved.... now this is an edit so i'm seeing you guys are interested in damage.... well that depends on your equipment... but i'll go for optimal equip to give you guys an idea of what you can obtain if your reasonably rich

And now the moment you've all been waiting for! the final damage calculations... now keep in mind MY poison mancer doesn't do nearly this much (and he still rapes) so it's all theoretical calculations based on a setup of the following equip:

Helm: +2 20fcr 2os circlet w/2 5/5psn facets
Armor: Glitched 100% (yes thats right, glitched +100% psn dmg) "bramble" Archon
Gloves: Trangs
Belt: Trangs
Shield: Trangs 5/5 Psn facet'd
Boots: Silkweave
Rings: 2x Sojs
Wep: Perfect (50% -ene psn res) Death's Web 5/5 psn facet'd
For a grand total of +10 p/b and +8 to curses... and 140% poison damage (inluding facets)

all this, not including your equip's natural -enemy psn res (a total of -95% using the setup above) or lower res (58% at level 13) will give you a total damage of 11-12k poison nova(as it would register in-game) and remember, that's over 2 seconds... as for poison explosion (your crowd control)... get ready... roughly 271,800 poison damage... O_O o_O O_o think i'm lying? do the calculations yourself... the number is obscenely large...this is not over 2 seconds however, this is over 14 seconds... (1 of the reasons i love clay golem, keeps them hitting ur tank, and even if they head for you chances are they're slowed....
and lets not forget, thank god for lower res... all those pesky psn immunes go poof.... (love that about 1.10 ) and if they've got more than 1 immunity and your lower res doesn't take care of the poison... 3x trangs gives u a set bonus of lvl 18fire ball (useless) and lvl 13 firewall (not useless, if u can manage to keep them in 1 spot, clay golem ) and 30% mana regen, meaning if you build this right, you can put very little to energy and very little to str (save trangs belt... so i advice using wyrm or archon, u'll need the str)

so basically this is the low-down... you nova 1x they're at 1 hp in about .5 seconds (if your using lower res...) and a 2nd will kill them... or u can use teeth (lvl 11 just from+skills) the end... and pvm = easy as anything
Necro Guide By: Legolas

Hello everybody this is what i think a good pvp necro, that can kill very well.I am only making this for a rich person on Diablo

1 corpse explosion
20 Teeth
20 Bone spear
20 bone wall
20 bone spirit
20 bone armor

Dexterty: enough for max block rate
Vitality :all extras
Energy: none

Armor: Mage Plate Enigma
Helm: Shako with um OR griffons eye with um OR 08 valk
Weapon: P HOTO
Ammy: STOrm Circlet
Rings: 2 SOJS or 2 rings with fcr or soj and ring with fcr
boots: Soul Spurs or eth treks
Gloves: magefist
Belt: Arachnids
Sheild: Homonculus
Weapon 2: 6 bo CTA
Shield 2: lidless
Charms: Anni 7 psn bone gcs with 40 life Rest with fhr 8x70-15s 1x5fhrcharm

Your Life: ok you start out with 50 life and youll have about 250 pts with = 500 life then Every level you get you get 1.5life and your skills will be maxed at level 90 so you get about 150 life from that so now you have 700 life then your 7 gcs give you 280 more life so that totals to 980 life yOUR storm circlet give 50 so that 1030 your 9 70-15s give you 135 llife so thats 1165 life your anni gives you 40 ife so 1165+40 is about 1.2k then your cta gives 90% more life so that's about 2.3k life and also you will be absorbing 1250 damage from your bone armor.

Resistances: Ok you get 40 from hoto 52 from homoc 21 from storm circlet 15 from shako 20 from anni and 30 from doing res q's . That totals to to about 178 res which gives max res.

Your Damage: Your Damage is very good your teeth is 1.2k your bone spear is 5.6k and your bone spirit is 5.5k

Overall: ok so first Your life is 2.3k your def is pretty good your res's are max and you have very good damage. Waalah
Hybrid Summoner Necromancer by Keitaro

This is probably one of the best chars trough the game. In this guide he is lvl.99 with all skill+ quests done. You can be lvl.80 and do good, but the real force you will get at lvl.99 as with all other characters. You maybe thinking it is hard getting to lvl.99, but if you use the items described in this guide, you will fall in love with it at once. You will play with it so often that you maybe wont even consider making another character again.

This necromancer is ment to be a PVP character, but it does pretty damn well as PvM if i must say it myself.
In PvP, you need some time to gather all your skeletons and maybe some revives for extra shield(and extra lagg for the other players), but when you have dont that, you can go out and strike in the name of the lord! You will find out that your mages die very fast, so if you loose some minions after the enemy is dead, you shoud go and make some new ones. Renember that you can cast IM and Amplify inside the town when the players waiting for you to move so its safe to go outside.

In PvM, you just play the game. Get your merc and golem, shoot some spirits and then you start gather your skeletons. Then you start killing more monsters for having some revives with you on the trip. Teleport close to a monster and curse it. The monster shoud die pretty quick since there will be hell`off alot minions at it.

The stats:
Strength: 0 (Annihilus give 10-20 all stats, mara`s give 5. This is enough for you to wear Enigma in a Breast Plate)
Dexterity: 0 (Annihilus provides the nessessery dexterity to hold HotO)
Vitality: All you can get
Energy: 0 (You will get enough mana from items and maximum mana% items)

The skills is as follow:
20 IM/Iron Maiden
Iron Maiden is a very evil curse wich will help you in all battles. Every attempt to hit you in phycial dmg will in most cases kill the foe, or scare them.

20 Skeleton Mastery
Skeleton Mastery makes you skeleton warriors and your revives stronger in life and dmg, and it gives the skeleton mages nice dmg.

20 Skeleton Warrior
This will be the fearsome warriors you have. Every one of them when maxed will do just as good as a average rich player will.

20 Skeleton Mages
Even though they have low hit-points, they do descent dmg and can be used as flesh shield. When they come in numbers they will do nice dmg.

1 Clay Golem
If its hit by melee, the attacker will be slowed down. Also good for meat shield.

1 Golem Mastery
Gives nice bonus to the golem and with all the skill+ items your golem will have extremly much life.

1 Blood Golem
This is just a skill you need to have revives.

1 Iron Golem
You might wanna change your clay golem for a good iron golem, but since it needs an item, you will probably stick with the clay golem.

1 Revive
One point here and you will get a heavily boost from your items. It will work good in PvM and in PvP you can use it for a flesh shield. Be aware of the 3 min limt.

08 Summon Resist
Ok, with all your skill+ items you shoud have exactly 71% resist all without Battle Command.

1 Bone Armour
When using the Marrowwalk glitz, the armour will be boosted so much that its worth puting points here.

1 Bone Wall
Gives bonus to bone armour, spear and spirit. You never know when it comes in handy to use this skill.

1 Theeth
You need this skill to get Bone Spirit.

1 Corpse Explotion
When you battle clousters of monsters, this skill will come in handy. However it will be useless in PvP.

1 Bone Spear
A skill wich you may find usefull sometimes.

11 BS/Bone Spirit
This skill will always be on your left mouse button. With skill+ items and a huge syn-energy boost from marrowwalk glitz this will be a nice skill to have.

1 Amplify
This skill is needed to get Iron Maiden, and with skill+ items this will last long enough for duells. Cast it upon every char wich aint melee.

Ok, that was the skills.

Now for the gear:

Shako socket with Cham
2+ all skills
Much mana and life
10% dmg reduce
Cannot be Frozen

Harth of the Oak
40% FCR
Good resist
10 dexterity
15% more max mana
Oak Sage

Homoculus socket with Um (Perfect dimond can do)
Nice blocking
Good resist
2+ necro skills and 2+ curses
Good Mana boost

Enigma Breast Plate
2+ all skills
8% dmg reduce
5% more max life
1+ Teleport
Extreme strenght boost
45% FRW
Good defence


1+ all skills
20% FCR
5% more max mana

1-2+ skeleton mastery
Provides the glitz
17 Dexterity
20% FRW

Mara`s Kaleidoscope
2+ all skills
5+ all stats
Good resist

2 Stone of Jordan
50% more max mana
2+ all skills
40 more mana

On Switch:

Call to Arms
1-6 Battle Orders
2-6 Battle Command
1+ all skills

Lidless wall socket with Um (Perfect dimond can also work)
1+ all skills
Good cast rate
Used to help CtA

That was the gear.
We have passed 48% FCR and the next is 75% wich we wont reach
We have 0% FHR so this is something we have to work with

1 Annihilus
Good resist
1+ all skills
More points to stats
more exp gained

9 small charms
5% resist all
20 life

5 grand chams
1+ summoning skills
12% FHR

5 grand charms
1+ summoning skills
35-40 life

The FHR break points is 39%, 56%, 86% and we have 60% now.

In total we have theese skill bonuses:
13+ all skills
2+ necro skills
2+ curses
(1-)2+ skeleton mastery
10+ summoning skills
1+ with Battle Command

In total we have this skills to use:
48 Skeleton Mastery
46 Skeleton Warrior
46 Skeleton Mage
27 Clay Golem
27 Golem Mastery
34 Summon Resist
27 Blood Golem
27 Iron Golem
27 Revive
19 Amplify Damage
38 Iron Maiden
17 Bone Armour
17 Bone Wall
17 Teeth
17 Corpse Explotion
17 Bone Spear
27 Bone Spirit
15 Teleport
15-20 Battle Command
14-20 Battle Orders

Take a look at the skills: "OMG"

The best merc you can get:
Act2 Offensive from Nightmare.

Etheral Doom giant thresher
Etheral Gladiator`s Bane socket with um
Crown of Ages socketed with 2x ber

The task for your merc is to spread might aura to your skeletons and revives, as well as chilling your enemy`s with hes holy freeze aura.

Now for a duel guide:

Use IM on them, and they will only be avible to use 2 skills without dying.
Battle Cry = stunning your army wich is annoying, so here you must use bone spirit.
Berserk = powerfull magic attack, but he wont have any def while doing it, so here your skeleton warriors have a huge advantage.

Vs material art assassins and ww assassins, use IM, and they wont be avible to attack you.
Vs Lightning or Fire trap assassins, cast amplify and tele up to them. While you stand next to them, fire bone spirits on them and prey that they die before you.

Cast amplify on them.
Meteor: Tele close to them and fire bone spirits and tele back before the meteor strikes.
Fireball: Tele up to them, cast spirit. Constantly tele up to them when they try to tele away. Can be hard if the fireball dmg is strong.
Hydra: Tele up to them, cast spirits. They wont be hard.
Cold Sorceress: Theese will slow down your army as well as they will pierce trough their cold resistance. Tele close to them and fire spirits. Spirits is your main weapon here, because you will probably find yourself alone without any army to watch your back.
Lightning Sorceress: Theese onces are so dangerous you may die by one hit. Tele up to them, cast spirits and pray that they will die before you do.

Cast amplify on them.
Bone Necro: Tele close to him, and spirit him. Since you have many skeletons as shield you have an advantake. Be aware of the spear.
Psn Nova: Dont get close to him because he will kill your army in 1-2 hits. Rater stand out of hes range and fire spirits on him untill he is dead.
Summoner: First to kill the necro wins.

Fireclaw Bears/Wolfs: Cast amplify, tele to them and fire spirits.
Rabies Druides: Amplify them, tele into them and fire spirits. Rabies won`t kill you or your minions as long as you are in hell.
Fury Wolfs: Cast IM and they cant hit you without dying.
Armageddon/Fissure druides: Amplify and tele to them. They die fast, but be aware. Armageddon impact at max is enourmusly strong.
Windy Druides: One of the biggest treats in the game. They will tele to you and fire tornados. Amplify them incase your skeletons will do any dmg before they die, and tele away from the druide. Any near-contact is deadly for you. Tele-dodging and casting spirits is the key.
Summoner druides: A really "lol" battle, cause they are so weak. Just use amplify and tele to them.

Vs. Smiters, sacrifice and zeal, use IM and they can`t touch you without dying.
Hammerdins: Amplify them, tele to them so you are south of their character. Cast spirits on them. You have to be quick or you will die. (In one hit)
FoH: Amplify them and tele right to them. Cast spirits. He will have to max holy bolt to be a treat (something no player does exept real noobs), so you will stand 4-10 FoH`s before your minions die. Enough time for you to cast enough spirits for him to die.

Lightning Fury: This is a real nasty skill vs your minions. Amplify and tele close to them before your minions die. Rely on spirits.
Other lightning zons: Amplify them and and tele close to them. They will be trapped in an evade lock so dont worry.
Plague Zons: Dangerous skill. Amplify them, tele to them and use spirit.
Guided Arrow: Tele often so she cant name lock you. Amplify, tele and boom. Dead.
Multishot/Strafe: Amplify, tele and take a smoke. Now you stomp it on her dead body :p
Dodge/Avoid/Evade: Almost all amazons use this skills, and that is accually an advantage for you. Teleport to them and you have 30-40 monsters attacking her at once. The amazon will now dodge most of the attacks, but when she does a dodge, she automaticly stands still. This will make you avible to make another 30-40 hits on her and she cant move again. Soon she will be dead. Wink

Some often asked questions

Q: Why use a CtA?
A: CtA provides a nice bonus of health to your minions wich means the difference between winning and loosing.

Q: Why use +all skill items instead of summoning items wich has more skill+?
A: +All skills gives bonus to more than only necromancer skills. It will help the extra skills you get, sutch as "teleport, battle orders and command".
+Summoning skills can be good if you are PvM, but in PvP you must be prepared for all.

Q: Why use HotO instead of Beast?
A: I know beast give a good aura, but it gives no skill+ and it dont have FCR. This means that you will tele slower wich can be the thing that kills you.

Q: Why use HotO instead of King Leoric?
A: King leoric give 2 more skills to skeleton warriors and mastery, and give 1 more skill to mages. However, it dont have +all skills and it dont have much resist. With HotO you can even cast a Oak Sage wich is a nice thing to have with you even though it dies fast.

Q: I dont wanna use HotO, what can I use instead?
A: Doom runeword is the only thing else worth changing your HotO for because it has 2+ all skills, and it gives you the holy freeze aura. The aura will slow down enemys and that again makes it easyer for you to kill them. However, you can get holy freeze from your merc.
[Image: 2cxck74.jpg]

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