12-31-2004, 04:39 AM
// Baal configuration
// SkipBaal = true/false Skip killing baal. Suggested for public run.
// AvoidHydra = true/false Set true to go back to town to avoid the councils' hydras.
// VenomLordCTA = true/false Set true to cast BO after Vemon Lord has been killed.
// NextGamemsg="text" What you want to say for the next game.
// MonsterSearch = number 2-9: put higher number if you find that you fail to kill all the monster.
// MonsterWait=number How many SECOND you should wait in throne before start searching for monster left over.
// AbortDoll=true/false Abort run if dolls around.
// preAttackAmount=number Number of attack before the boss spawn.
// RemovePoison=true/false Set to true if you want to go back to town to remove the poison from the unraverler.
// UseVigor=true/false Set to true to use vigor in town.
SkipBaal = true;
AvoidHydra = false;
VenomLordCTA = false;
NextGamemsg="I'll make next game, see you there";
var UseVigor=true
This looks different from the one that "allows" you to public Baal, because there is no "PublicMode = true/false Enable partying for public baaling." section.
Any help would be greatly appreciated,