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YAMB question
My orb sorc uses mostly blizzard so how do i get it to use FO.I know all that // stuff but still she uses blizzard.So could anyone write the exact skill part here.
PXP_SorcSkill.push(64); // Frozen Orb
//PXP_SorcSkill.push(59); // Blizzard
//EXP_SorcSkill.push(59); // Blizzard
//SXP_SorcSkill.push(59); // Blizzard
//CXP_SorcSkill.push(59); // Blizzard

YAM_SorcSkill.push(64); // Frozen Orb
YAM_SorcSkill.push(59); // Blizzard
//YAM_SorcSkill.push(45); // Ice Blast
//YAM_SorcSkill.push(55); // Glacial Spike
//YAM_SorcSkill.push(48); // Nova
//YAM_SorcSkill.push(62); // Hydra
YAM_SorcSkill.push(56); // Meteor
//YAM_SorcSkill.push(38); // Charged Bolt
//YAM_SorcSkill.push(47); // Fire Ball
//YAM_SorcSkill.push(51); // Fire Wall
//YAM_SorcSkill.push(49); // Lightning
//YAM_SorcSkill.push(53); // Chain Lightning
Monster_SorcSkill.push(59); // Blizzard
//Monster_SorcSkill.push(55); // Glacial Spike
Monster_SorcSkill.push(64); // Frozen Orb
YAM_SorcSkill.push(59); // Blizzard instead of that make it look like

//YAM_SorcSkill.push(59); // Blizzard

same for

Monster_SorcSkill.push(59); // Blizzard
should look like
//Monster_SorcSkill.push(59); // Blizzard
i dont have a blizz sorc

How do u get points?
[size=7][b][i][u]How do u get points?
Another question. In the scripts/settings it says to rename some files. I looked and the new ones seem to have much more stuff to pick up. But when i rename those files it says something like couldnt find number. So what file defines what the bot pics up?
Ok the // means it ignorse that spell so it wont cast thats why i said ut // there. I only got the error message once and then the file was automiticly added.

If it dosnt add it u cna open up nte pad make a file that says gheed=0 (not exctatly sure what numbers is for but i dont get that error any mor ) then save to the d2jsp\scripts\settings diroctory with the file name bmNumbers.ini
Ok the snagit works now.But does the usnagit_xp.ini work correctly? 1 day botting and it hasnt picked up anything unique. It pics up most rare shit and sells it.
Arghh now i found out that i have to remove the ; infront of the things i want to be picked up.And what is snagit_xp_full for? Do i have to change this too?
ok it skipped blade buckle biecause it suks and u've got the ';'s in front of it, and u have to rename usnagit.ini to snagit.ini
not really... if u downloaded and extracted yamb properly u should have more then one file that has "snagit" in it. a usnagit and a snagit....... only edit snagit
jackass88 Wrote:Arghh now i found out that i have to remove the ; infront of the things i want to be picked up.And what is snagit_xp_full for? Do i have to change this too?
the snagit_xp_full has pretty much everything that you can pick up in it and the snagit_xp is the snagit you edit to add and or remove items that you want to pick up , i is smaller because it makes it quicker to find o r edit the the full snagit. lol Did that make sense lol ) .
Ok now my friend cant get it to run.It enters the accountname and then this:

Assertion Failure
Location : For\Src\ErrorManager.cpp line #357
Expression: !"FogValidateCriticalSection - bad critical section"
Ok, can someone tell me(beside in the original JSP install) where I can get the full file? Can someone email it to me?

Thmn with hell countess runs it keeps on crashing.When i restart it does 1 run and then crahes when my sorc enters black marsh.Some unhandeled exeption error?!.Anyone have the same problem?
jackass88 Wrote:Thmn with hell countess runs it keeps on crashing.When i restart it does 1 run and then crahes when my sorc enters black marsh.Some unhandeled exeption error?!.Anyone have the same problem?
did reboot the computer? also do you have the newest d2jsp? and the newest yamb? that could be the problem.

I am not sure of which download you are asking for Bre? if you are asking for the d2jsp I have put the link in on this forum I am sure also the yamb link
Oh, I was looking for the snagit_xp_full.ini file. I found it with YAMB download so I am using parts of it.

I know this is off topic but i just dont get it. My friend gets per night from hell countess usually: 2um,2mal,some pul,1 ist and i get with lvl 86 1 KO per night.Whyyy that?Sad The number of runs should also be the same.
Another question how do i make it use meteor only on countess?
K seems that i have to make a new thread. Anyway my question is why does it pick up normal bonewaves & stuff.I dont need that normal crap. So what file and where must i change?
jackass88 Error with D2loader... Tu Use usnagit_xp u must delete "U" Before snagit_xp and then add ";" in items u dont want to pick up !

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