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Ruin A Wish
but u get hit by a plane while ur flying

I wish im eating a pile of crap
Business & Computer Science major
i come over and beat you up...then i stitch your mouth shut so you can't eat...

i wish i had hair
[Image: skylinesmallxa9.jpg]
I set your head on fire.

I wish my shirt was clean.
[Image: pantoj9.jpg]
i crapped all over ur clean tshirt

i wish i was bald
Business & Computer Science major
I throw Rogaine at your head.

I wish My name looked better.
[Image: pantoj9.jpg]
you change your name but a mod doesnt like it and bans you

i wish i was in controll of the world
you get control, but then u get overtaken by a bunch of anarchists.

i wish i wasn't a procrastinator.
[Image: 2cxck74.jpg]
You procrastinate so long, you die of old age.
I wish I could watch more Sopranos
I take control of your TV, switching it on and off to shows like Survivor and American Idol.

I wish I had a maid to clean my room.
[Image: pantoj9.jpg]
You get a beautiful french maid, you two fall in love, then you find out she's a man.
I wish reality Tv shows all got canceled
( Does He still clean my room?)

Producers all over the world start making more and more reality tv shows, like "Who's wallet is this?","Male or Female - You decide!" and "Oh my God, it's a ****!"

I wish someone bought me Norton 2K5.
[Image: pantoj9.jpg]
You get Norton but it was actualy a virus that makes your computer kill you.

I wish I was immortal.
I kill you before you achieve immortality.

I wish there were more people in op DIIS.
[Image: pantoj9.jpg]
#34 crashes immensely, and there IS no op DIIS.

i wish i made more than $5.50 at mcdonalds working every weekend until my arms and legs fall off.
You apply for a job at a convenience store, and are rejected because of your unwillingness to bathe.

I wish people weren't so stupid.
[Image: pantoj9.jpg]
A mad scientist makes a machine that sounds out radio waves that triples brain output, turns it on and its the reverse button on accident after he spills coffee on himself, causing everyone to lose 3x brain power.
I wish school ended this week.
[Image: fuggyleetsignj8il7.jpg]
Nobody can handle the leetness of this sig.
' Wrote:Who loves orange soda?
Kel'thuzad loves orange soda!
Is it true?
you gotta post a new wish so i can reject it.

i wish that i could control time.
The earth is nuked. They build a school on the Moon and everyone is sent there to be educated.

I wish I had something to wish for.
[Image: pantoj9.jpg]
I remove your brain so you can't think at all, nor create cohesive thought, much less think.

I still wish i could control time.
You can stop time but you cannot resume it and life your life in a limbo state.

I wish I could have the look like Master Shake.

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