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Ruin A Wish
you own us but then we rebel and string you up by your entails

i wish i owned leagally all the video games with a lifetime warrenty, and new xbox also with a life time warrenty and a controllers witha life time warrenty
you die.

(what? i'm not creative.)

i wish i owned the world.
^ yea your really gay at this

you own the world but find you dont like controling and commit suicide by jumping off the duff air blimp into the atlantic ocena wearing bloody meat
(creative ay)

i wish i had a penguin
i suddenly turn into a walrus, appear on your doorstep, and eat your penguin because walri love penguin meat. ha.

i wish you all knew how hot my girlfriend is.
we all do but then she dumps you

i wish that i had a wish that noone could ruin
it gets ruined and after your loss you take a sharp can and hit your self continually with it hitting your balls till you blead to death

i wish pepsi was the best
pepsi shuts down after it realizes that MICROSOFT OWNS THE WORLD. RESISTANCE IS FUTILE. so coke wins.

i wish i had a lifetime supply of marshmallows.
(good job foog just what i wished for ^_^ down with pepsi!!!!)
oh you'll get your marshmallows alright, foog waits for the marshmallows olny to get the staypuff man instead a giant living marshmallow who crushes you. (i think i got the name right?)

i wish for a lovly bunch of cocanuts!!
Your nuts get all rotten and spoiled the second you take a hold of them.

I wish for infinite wishes.
You get infinite wishes...but then the genie gets freed and your screwed.

I wish my girlfriend was here. =D
since my girlfriend apparently dumped me before, i make her dump you and date me.

I wish i wasin control of diablo and i could change any aspect of it that i wanted.
Once you gain control you accidently delete all of your stuff and change your big important password to whatever you control D2 from and can't rememeber what it was... (I dunno...)

I wish I was eating chinese food right now.
You start eating sushi. Then one of the fish isn't dead and it eats you.

I wish I had tickets to the used concert.

P.S My girlfriend is way to hot for you dude =P
You then realize the wishing never comes true and the thread dies. The end.
[Image: fuggyleetsignj8il7.jpg]
Nobody can handle the leetness of this sig.
' Wrote:Who loves orange soda?
Kel'thuzad loves orange soda!
Is it true?
hey wishes happen...sometimes
I wish that I had the knowledge to not stick my p.enis in the electric socket anymore.
you take your new found knowledge and decide to stick it in a sausage grinder instead.

I wish everybody spoke English and Spanish didn't exist.
the wish is reversed so spanish is the univeral language of the universe

i wish people who think this is stupid fall down the stairs
i wish people who think this thread isnt stupid fall down stairs...

i wish for world peace lol
everybody is nice so they abolish all violent games! Even Diablo...and vice city...and Halo 2 :-(

I wish that i could shoot electricity out of my fingers.

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