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Ruin A Wish
you also get it, but the US government makes up official documents proving ur connection with osama, your are thrown in jail with gator where u each drop the soap in turn and are forced to take each other up the butt

i wish the steelers had lost(the jets kicker SUCKS)
yout wish is ruined because the steelers are pimps and beat the freakin eagles, therefor they are infallable

i wish michael vick was qb for steelers
He becomes the qb for the steelers but hurts his arm in the beginning of the season and can no longer play.

I wish pickles didn't taste like crap
i wish all pickles were now soaked in shit for 6 months
Uhm... thats kinda didn't answer my wish.. so I'll repost it

I wish pickles didn't taste like crap
pickles taste like pickles

i wish i could magically teleport wherever i wanted
You can teleport anywhere now, but are only given 1 day to live because teleporting drains the life out of ya.

I wish that people weren't oblivious and ignorant.
You realize you are one of those ppl and hang yourself.
I wish there was a point to life.
Everyone realizes their point in life, thus no spontiuity and basically fun occur, everyone knowing what they were born to do.

I wish 7 x 7 didn't equal 49
Your math teacher belts you on the head with a hammer till you accept that it does.
I wish I had a piece of gum.
You get your gum but it taste like crap and are forced to chew is until is dissolves (That happens with Winterfresh blah)

I wish I didn't have a house, thus ending up homeless.
I give you a shitty house 1/2 bedroom and charge you 500k a month

I wish i had Gordon Freeman as a body guard
You get him as a bodyguard but in a crazy rampage to protect you he kills you

n/w: I wish I owned a stapler that actually ****ing worked
the stapler works but then it turns mutant and shoots 50 staples into your balls and 50 in your skull

i wish all hott women loved me
d3a7h_dr4g0n Wrote:the stapler works but then it turns mutant and shoots 50 staples into your balls and 50 in your skull

i wish all hott women loved me
You finds out you are gay and you try to escape their love for you. It results in a sexual death.

I wish all realms where one.
but when they actually merge........there are so many bugs n problems....that it makes your computer explode.

i wish my computer could shoot
Blizz merges all of the realms, the resultant lag is so horrible, you cant even get on any more.

EDIT: I was beaten to it, oh well. You PC shoots a CD and cuts your head off

I wish 6244
well 4426 Tongue

I wish my house wasnt so damn messy
u hire a maid to clean your house, but she ends up stealing all your personal info and all your money and credit cards. You lose everything and become a bum n the street.

I wish school wasnt so boring
School becomes insanely interesting, but now that nobody want to leave, nobody leaves their parents either and you live with em for the rest of your life... *shiver*

I wish that Halo 2 didn't have so many bugs

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