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Ruin A Wish
you get a polish nun's bike where there is no seat. just the little pole

i wish i had a polish nun's bike
you ride your bike all day long and get so sore that your boyfriend cant screw you so he dumps you

i wish the countess would give me a sol rune
the countess drops the sol rune as soon as you pick it up, death comes out of nowhere and steals your gold.

I wish i knew what i do all day.
you figure out that you completely waste every day and it depresses you so much you have to take pills.

i wish water tasted better
its the best tasting substance on earth and people drink up the rivers, lakes, oceans, and such.

i wish my back wasnt sore
it stops being sore cause it breaks clean in half so now you cant feel it anymore. nor can you feel your d!ck

i wish calculus wasnt so complicated
calculus becomes so easy that it makes you more stupid when you do it

i wish my coach wasnt such a ****ing idiot

p.s. whoever changed my title thing plz change it back and dont mess with it again
he becomes more stupid comes to teach you drunk and never gets fired and gets away with everything.

I wish I could change bloodangal26's title to something that fits him more..

FYI: Blood go to- links (ontop of page while looking at this messege..) - ushop - then recent purchases... u can see who changed your title...they costs 1500 points to change other people's titles... changing your own is 499..
lol you find the best title for blood-angel but u never get more then 1499 points
your wish?

i wish i had a donkey for upcomming partys and get it wasted.
the donkey rapes you

i wish mods would stop warning me for things other people do
instead you get warned for your actions but also mine.
(i am the source of evil on this whole forum~ ROFLMFAO)

I wish my pet snake would stop sticking his head up all the time.
in a late night eating spree u accidentily take a knife back to ur room with you and your snake has his head up but its dark and you dont recognise it therefore u chop it off but even in death it raises up bites u in the neck and kills you

i wish i could understand the bible
you understand the bible and realize that you are going to hell because of every little thing you've done that you didnt even realize was a sin. (ps welcome back red)

i wish i could legally punch my coach in the face
You punch your coach in the face but then he orders your entire team to whoop ur ***.

I wish I never went over my cell phone minutes.
You dont go over your cell phone minutes for the country you are in but instead pay cell phone minutes from other countries that you did not make phone calls in.. therefore you are in dept for life.

I wish i could help out b33asy by telling him you can save money on car insurrance by switching to gieko.
He switches to Gieko, then Gieko goes bankrupt the next day, making his car dissapear and his money go down t3h sh1tt3R and.. yeah, then he kills himself. [Lmao, I gotta always have someone kill themselves.]

I wish I didnt have all this ghey homework.
you have gay homework instead

i wish i had bajillion badollars
the president decrees the since u made up a currency you must work in the sewers till death

i wish i could sterilize my room
all the sterilesers in the world and the whole universe die so you can never ever sterilise you room

I wish i could have my cake and eat it.

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