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Us East Ladder Tourney
I think it would be time if we had a dueling tourney...So post here if you're east ladder and interested...Also post what type of character you want to enter...Winner will get either an item prize or a point prize...

Tournament will be this saturday and 8 PM eastern time...seems like a time most people are around...For now its just east ladder because i want to see how things go and if they go well then we'll have one for non ladder and west...Unless someone wants to run one for me?

Good luck Peace
[Image: skylinesmallxa9.jpg]
i will put my barb in if i can get eth botd cb by then but idk
my foh paly!!!!! btw can we do team duels?
My hammerdino
Business & Computer Science major
Count me in.

Skidude, you'll have your BOTD by then.
[Image: pantoj9.jpg]
Warcry barb, dont know if ill be ready by then. Gotta remake so i can use the ss.
You don't use shields with warcry barbs... You use 2x hoto...

EDIT: Whoops, that was spam. I'll fix that.
UGM, We should keep a list of people who want in. Should I keep track?
[Image: pantoj9.jpg]
Against meleere's ill be screwed, will i not?

I think Killbobo would be interested in this too.
don't worry pant i'll keep track of it...thanks for the offer though
[Image: skylinesmallxa9.jpg]
Warcry barbs suck for duels anyhow.
Actually, I have no idea what they're good for.

But to answer your question, no, you wouldn't be. Just keep teleporting with enigma and use warcry on people. I believe it's unblockable.
[Image: pantoj9.jpg]
i can enter my hammy or you can wait till i get my pvpv char together (prolly a bone necro or foher)
UGM, Should I write the rules down? Just in case people aren't aware of them, you know,
[Image: pantoj9.jpg]
my question was... can we team duel???
I'd imagine so, Destruction.

When I get to talk with UGM, I'll ask him about it. It's his tourney, so they're his rules.

He'll be back soon, hopefully.
[Image: pantoj9.jpg]
btw eastern time is -5 gmt right??? if it is then 8pm +18 hours = 2 pm here

hmm yea i mght not be able to come though
yeah its gmt - 5 and woah since when did this become my tourney i just announced it...
[Image: skylinesmallxa9.jpg]
Sorry then. You announced it, so I figured it was your idea.
Anyway, want me listing rules or something?
[Image: pantoj9.jpg]
why don't you PM me some rules you think would be appropriate and then i'll just add them to the rules under a dueling section...

you guys wanna use a merc or not?
[Image: skylinesmallxa9.jpg]
mercs... nah, only summoned creatures
I'm not going to be in the tourney because it's ladder, but I would still say that people should be able to use their mercs if they want...

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