ok well i was in a game and this dude said all this crap about duping and all this shit right so i was like ok ok w/e ur all BS cause like what? 99.9 people out there are.. sadly.. cause duping is cool and i know that everyone on here thinks it is.. we all want to know how to dupe. but we dont but yeah he said he could and i said w/e w/e then he made this portal thing outside of town... ill give a picture of it after and i went into it.. and it was a cows level. but its called No Level Name... and when u enter it says Entering Moo Moo Farm.. so. maybe someone knows about this maybe not. but someone answer me please. heres the pic
im not sure about that 1 but i will check into it and see there might be 1 i will check
if its what i think it is a dupe and if so i will post a thread about it i got timed out right now tho
Just an idea, but he probably made cow portal on the edge of town and the game cant name it as the cow portal because the tp isnt supposed to exist outside of the rogue encampment.
i dun kno, im not saying its not but i dun relly think thats even your pic and mayb you got it from somewhere else and is just questioning it when someone probably tampered with the picture in PSP. It just seems a little sketchy. Maybe we could meet in a game and prove to me its relly you, but than again i dun relly care. lol
CrackheadCM Wrote:ok well i was in a game and this dude said all this crap about duping and all this shit right so i was like ok ok w/e ur all BS cause like what? 99.9 people out there are.. sadly.. cause duping is cool and i know that everyone on here thinks it is.. we all want to know how to dupe. but we dont but yeah he said he could and i said w/e w/e then he made this portal thing outside of town... ill give a picture of it after and i went into it.. and it was a cows level. but its called No Level Name... and when u enter it says Entering Moo Moo Farm.. so. maybe someone knows about this maybe not. but someone answer me please. heres the pic
i know it wasnt you doing the "dupe" scam you were the otherone, but i figure your saying its your screenshot and im sayin i dont think it is that it is probably a screenshot you got off a website and are questioning it.
nah i know it dosnt matter, but did you take that screenshot or did someone else and you just got it from a website because if someone else got it, it can prevent us from waisting our time looking into it when someone just used PSP to tamper the image. if YOU got it mayb we can look into it, cause id be interested if i knew it was YOUR screenshot martass2
oh crap dude lol i forgot to go to page 2 on this so i thought u were just pasting the same thing sry for saying that :p i was gettin mad then i saw there was a page 2 and i was like **** i'm an idiot lol no.. its not my screen shot.. your right i wasn't thinking at the time so i didn't take one.. but right after i left that game i thought oh damn i should have taken a screen shot.. so i looked for about 30 mins for a screen shot of it to post it here... its not changed around or anything its exactly how it was when i was in the game with the guy.. oh and i got like IP banned or something.. it says i'm not connected to the internet when i try to get onto b.net... lol my friend said it would go away soon though