01-13-2005, 03:42 PM
Have you ever been scammed? or have you ever scammed? Ill tell you about how i accidently scammed some1. It happened like this, some guy wanted my SS , some pretty good items for it (i cant remember wat they were), i had my SS in my inventory along with some other junk, and i didnt have any space left to accept the trade, so i went to my stash and put the stuff in it, wat i didnt notice was that i had a Steel Clash in my stash, and i accidently switched it my with my SS (not knowing i did that). So i went back to the guy and he put on his stuff he wanted to trade, and i put on the shield, we both accepted, i went to put the stuff in my stash and i look at the shield i had in my stash, the back of it was red (as if you couldnt use the item) i hovered my mouse over it and noticed that it was my SS and i figured out that i had given him the Steel Clash, so i quickly left before he found out, it was really funny, i tried to do that again, but it never worked, funny how things work by accidents, but they never work wen you plan them to...