03-03-2003, 06:35 PM
Well since this forum is empty, i'll post something to get it started..
These are a list of Packets from: xile.pixelmethods.com/1hacks.html
(The page may be long gone.. still in google cache though)
Drop item: 17
Pick up item from invitory: 19
Open a waypoint: 49
Drop in cube: 2a
Open cube: 20
Trade: 13
Use npc to switch acts: 38
Click on a vendor: 59
shift attack: 05
Id a item:27
Drop item in cube:2a
client to server:
03: Warp/ walk w/o seeing yourself do so, only can be seen by other people. (details)
13: Engage in worldwide interaction - (details)
14: Talk above your head "!" - (details)
15: Talk to everyone - (details)
16: pick up item from ground - (details)
17: drop to ground from hand - (details)
18: put item into inventory - (details)
19: plucks items from inventory - (details)
24: pick up item from belt slot - (details)
50: drop gold - (details)
61: Feed potion to mercenary portrait- (details)
FF: battle.net commands - (details)
server to client:
03: "Press OK to trade" menu comes up/ opens inventory out of town for one second. Weird!-(details)
59: Inform you of player name and ID - (details)
9C: item being moved - very complex, details NA
9D: item being moved - very complex, details NA
client to server:
01: Identifier (Game) - (details)
02: Identifier (File-Download) - (details)
02 (3rd Byte Packet): Creating Characters - (details)
07: Tells bnet to access your characters (details)
0A (4th Byte Packet): Deletes Character - (details)
11 (4th Byte Packet): Asks for Ladder Info - (details)
FF: battle.net commands - (details)
031c20 from server to confirm a trade cancel
may be used to confirm stash close
1302000000xx from client to tell server that
a wp menu was opened
xx= security byte for that wp
49xx000000yy from client. if yy=00 = closed wp
menu. if yy>00 = wp to warp to
xx = security byte
1300000000xx from client trade request to
player slot xx
6e Heartbeat from client. more
bytes maybe req. to indicate
This is for the Items your wearing:
Left Wepon:1c0400
Right Wepon:1c0500
L ring:1c0600
R ring:1c0700
Here is for your Merc:
Left Side:610400
Right side:610200
these are received packets
Open stach:7710
Close stach:770c
Asking to trade someone: 7700
Someone asking to trade you: 7701
Picking up gold:190c
40 - Get quest status info (sent when the quest window is opened)
38 - Open NPC trade window
[DWORD] - Trade type
00000001 - Trade
00000002 - Gamble
[DWORD] - Unit Id
[DWORD] - (00000000)
32 - Buy item from NPC
[DWORD] - NPC Unit Id
[DWORD] - Item Unit Id
[DWORD] - Buy type <------ these are the dwords used for matrix
00000000 - Regular
00000002 - Gamble
[DWORD] - Cost
33 - Sell item to NPC
[DWORD] - NPC Unit Id
[DWORD] - Item Unit Id <--- so are these
[DWORD] - (00000004)
[DWORD] - Cost
1A - Cursor item to body
[DWORD] - Item unit Id
[DWORD] - Item body location
ID: 1D (,1E & 1F)
Type: Server to Client
XX - Desc
1D - Z section is a byte long
1E - Z section is a word long
1F - Z section is a dword long
YY - Selector
(These are the visual effects I saw when testing)
00 - Strength
01 - Energy
02 - Dexterity
03 - Vitality
04 - Stat remaining
05 - Skill remaining
0C - LeveL
0D - Experience
0E - Gold on Person //Didn't notice any change in money
0F - Gold in Stash //but I might of missed it.
10 - Defense
11 - Max Attack Damage
12 - Min Attack Damage
13 - Attack Rating
15 - Min Attack Damage
16 - Max Attack Damage
19 - Damage
1f - Defense
27 - Fire Resistance
28 - +Max Fire Resistance
29 - Cold Resistance
2A - +Max Cold Resistance
2B - Lightning Resistance
2C - +Max Lightning Resistance
2D - Poison Resistance
2E - +Max poison Resistance
31 - Add Fire Damage
33 - Add Lightning damage
35 - Add Damage for Weapon/Items probably (one of these may
be cold damage)
37 - Add Damage for Weapon/Items probably (one of these may
be cold damage)
3A - Add Poison Damage
4C - Add Max Health for Weapon/Items probably
4D - Add Max Mana for Weapons/Items probably
A2 - Add Max Stamina for Weapons/Items probably
A3 - Add Max Stamina for Weapons/Items probably
AB - Add to Defense
Client to server:
01 - walk
04 - move to entity (?)
0c - use skill (single click)
0f - use skill (button held down)
13 - interact with NPC, entity, corpse, etc
3c - set skill
40 - quests info
41 - ressurect after death
5d - player mute/squelch/hostile
5e - player invite/cancel
5f - player's position (sent when out of sync with server)
66 - quit game
server to client:
0c - entity state info
0d - entity state info (health, dead, position, etc)
0f - player (entity?) running
12 - update entity state (auras, spells, dead, etc)
15 - entity position (sent when out of sync with client or for major updates)
23 - skill in use
50 - quest related
51 - world entity info
52 - quest related
55 - NPC entity info
56 - monster entity info
59 - player/corpse update/position
5a - player notifications (leave, death, party, etc)
5b - player info
5d - quest update
63 - waypoints accessible
67 - entity move
68 - monster attacking target
74/75 - corpse related, probably more
8e - corpse picked up
8f - heartbeat
95 - player (entity?) hit
27--kill counter 7710-stash
These are a list of Packets from: xile.pixelmethods.com/1hacks.html
(The page may be long gone.. still in google cache though)
Drop item: 17
Pick up item from invitory: 19
Open a waypoint: 49
Drop in cube: 2a
Open cube: 20
Trade: 13
Use npc to switch acts: 38
Click on a vendor: 59
shift attack: 05
Id a item:27
Drop item in cube:2a
client to server:
03: Warp/ walk w/o seeing yourself do so, only can be seen by other people. (details)
13: Engage in worldwide interaction - (details)
14: Talk above your head "!" - (details)
15: Talk to everyone - (details)
16: pick up item from ground - (details)
17: drop to ground from hand - (details)
18: put item into inventory - (details)
19: plucks items from inventory - (details)
24: pick up item from belt slot - (details)
50: drop gold - (details)
61: Feed potion to mercenary portrait- (details)
FF: battle.net commands - (details)
server to client:
03: "Press OK to trade" menu comes up/ opens inventory out of town for one second. Weird!-(details)
59: Inform you of player name and ID - (details)
9C: item being moved - very complex, details NA
9D: item being moved - very complex, details NA
client to server:
01: Identifier (Game) - (details)
02: Identifier (File-Download) - (details)
02 (3rd Byte Packet): Creating Characters - (details)
07: Tells bnet to access your characters (details)
0A (4th Byte Packet): Deletes Character - (details)
11 (4th Byte Packet): Asks for Ladder Info - (details)
FF: battle.net commands - (details)
031c20 from server to confirm a trade cancel
may be used to confirm stash close
1302000000xx from client to tell server that
a wp menu was opened
xx= security byte for that wp
49xx000000yy from client. if yy=00 = closed wp
menu. if yy>00 = wp to warp to
xx = security byte
1300000000xx from client trade request to
player slot xx
6e Heartbeat from client. more
bytes maybe req. to indicate
This is for the Items your wearing:
Left Wepon:1c0400
Right Wepon:1c0500
L ring:1c0600
R ring:1c0700
Here is for your Merc:
Left Side:610400
Right side:610200
these are received packets
Open stach:7710
Close stach:770c
Asking to trade someone: 7700
Someone asking to trade you: 7701
Picking up gold:190c
40 - Get quest status info (sent when the quest window is opened)
38 - Open NPC trade window
[DWORD] - Trade type
00000001 - Trade
00000002 - Gamble
[DWORD] - Unit Id
[DWORD] - (00000000)
32 - Buy item from NPC
[DWORD] - NPC Unit Id
[DWORD] - Item Unit Id
[DWORD] - Buy type <------ these are the dwords used for matrix
00000000 - Regular
00000002 - Gamble
[DWORD] - Cost
33 - Sell item to NPC
[DWORD] - NPC Unit Id
[DWORD] - Item Unit Id <--- so are these
[DWORD] - (00000004)
[DWORD] - Cost
1A - Cursor item to body
[DWORD] - Item unit Id
[DWORD] - Item body location
ID: 1D (,1E & 1F)
Type: Server to Client
XX - Desc
1D - Z section is a byte long
1E - Z section is a word long
1F - Z section is a dword long
YY - Selector
(These are the visual effects I saw when testing)
00 - Strength
01 - Energy
02 - Dexterity
03 - Vitality
04 - Stat remaining
05 - Skill remaining
0C - LeveL
0D - Experience
0E - Gold on Person //Didn't notice any change in money
0F - Gold in Stash //but I might of missed it.
10 - Defense
11 - Max Attack Damage
12 - Min Attack Damage
13 - Attack Rating
15 - Min Attack Damage
16 - Max Attack Damage
19 - Damage
1f - Defense
27 - Fire Resistance
28 - +Max Fire Resistance
29 - Cold Resistance
2A - +Max Cold Resistance
2B - Lightning Resistance
2C - +Max Lightning Resistance
2D - Poison Resistance
2E - +Max poison Resistance
31 - Add Fire Damage
33 - Add Lightning damage
35 - Add Damage for Weapon/Items probably (one of these may
be cold damage)
37 - Add Damage for Weapon/Items probably (one of these may
be cold damage)
3A - Add Poison Damage
4C - Add Max Health for Weapon/Items probably
4D - Add Max Mana for Weapons/Items probably
A2 - Add Max Stamina for Weapons/Items probably
A3 - Add Max Stamina for Weapons/Items probably
AB - Add to Defense
Client to server:
01 - walk
04 - move to entity (?)
0c - use skill (single click)
0f - use skill (button held down)
13 - interact with NPC, entity, corpse, etc
3c - set skill
40 - quests info
41 - ressurect after death
5d - player mute/squelch/hostile
5e - player invite/cancel
5f - player's position (sent when out of sync with server)
66 - quit game
server to client:
0c - entity state info
0d - entity state info (health, dead, position, etc)
0f - player (entity?) running
12 - update entity state (auras, spells, dead, etc)
15 - entity position (sent when out of sync with client or for major updates)
23 - skill in use
50 - quest related
51 - world entity info
52 - quest related
55 - NPC entity info
56 - monster entity info
59 - player/corpse update/position
5a - player notifications (leave, death, party, etc)
5b - player info
5d - quest update
63 - waypoints accessible
67 - entity move
68 - monster attacking target
74/75 - corpse related, probably more
8e - corpse picked up
8f - heartbeat
95 - player (entity?) hit
27--kill counter 7710-stash