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Best Bot MF
I have been building my mf up recently and i notiiced that i'v been getting less rare pickups as i built up mf. I built my way up to allmost 900 mf. Does anyone have any sugestions of what the best mf is for Pindle, Meph and Andy?
900 mf best ive ever seen and yes 400 mf is prob. the best
i suse betwen 298 and 389 on my 3 toons
435 is best i used it and found loads of good items form pindleBig Grin
On my main MF sorc I got over 1k with my merc's Items, She has no problem with finding Items, I bot hell pindle. I have read a real lot about MF and in myfindings and personal exp. I dont think you can ever have to much MF for boting. Sure people sug 400 - 500 or whatever because with high mf you loose kill power. I used to have 2 sorces who both had just about 500 MF, give or take 5 pts and one of them got alot of nice items when I boted her ! BUT on the other hand the other one did not. So really you just need to find a MF amount that seems to work for your char. If that means droping MF or raising MF all i can say is try it out and find what you like. As I said thoe my sorc has extreamly high amounts of MF and she gets preaty nice items Smile Good luck !
if yu go to high u get screwed out of the elite sockatables )
ya .... id say 650 ... on mep ive found tons of SS and 3sock so fourth ..but i agree depends on ur build of char..... but i used 650...

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