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Best Rpg Game Ever
Since I caught some heat over liking the FF series, I decided to have yall post what Yall think is the best Rpg Game ever. I still think the best is FF8 but I also like the Suikoden Series.
From what I have played of Knights of the Old Republic, have not played the second one yet, thats a really good RPG'ish type game also. But the following rank higher:

- Chrono Trigger
- Breath of Fire (the concepts were good but some were poorly executed I'll agree. The newest one is just amazing though)
- Legend of Dragoon
- Suikoden ( these are some of the hardest RPG's I have ever played and getting EVERYTHING in the games takes FOREVER and is very difficult )
- Everquest ( its an RPG even if it is a massive multiplayer online RPG )
- Ragnarok Online ( before it became a crappy pay to play game )
- Secret of Evermore
- Secret of Mana
- Land of Lore

Thats about the sum of it all. Yes I left out Final Fantasy because each one is a regurgitation of the last one with slight changes.
"One murder makes a villain, millions a hero. "
- Beilby Porteus, Death, A Poem
pokemon! j/k lol the best rpg games are final fantasy ones
I dunno there are 2 games out on gamecube that are pretty sweet RPG's; both are made by Namcon, there are probably more sweet RPG's these are just the one's i've played lately:

1) Baten Kaitos---(uses cards but is not necessarily a card RPG)---i need to re-borrow from a friend to finish it up.
2) Tales of Symphonia---[You've got all of your other players controlled by the computer (if you set it up so they are AI-controlled) then you got one player that you actaully control in battle, so its not the old "players attack, enemy attacks, player attacks, etc" style of battle which seems to reflect upon the Revolutionary War style of battle; which seems outdated, we don't want to take turns these days, we want answers right away! lol]--rented it from blockbuster and am currently playing now.
[Image: 2cxck74.jpg]
Crono Trigger
Business & Computer Science major
Yeah, chrono trigger. I didn't think breath of fire was that good, I just thought the idea was really good. I heard the latest one for ps2 was really good but really hard though.
Final Fantasy pwns. I love Morrowind. Who can forget Diablo 2?
ff 7 and 10, phantasy star epesode 1 and 2, baten kiatos, legacy of goku series, and legend of dragoon.

and who could forget diablo 2

i cant stand sudokin, they try to be to much like final fantasy
Sinner Wrote:Suikoden, Breath of Fire and Ledgend of Dragoon along with Secret of Mana and Secret of Evermore.
Legend of Dragoon was an awesome game.
[Image: fuggyleetsignj8il7.jpg]
Nobody can handle the leetness of this sig.
' Wrote:Who loves orange soda?
Kel'thuzad loves orange soda!
Is it true?
the old classic chrono trigger was fun in my super nintendo days
Suikoden, is like the only rpg i play anymore, Final Fantasies, have gotten to anime, and not everyone likes anime. But seriously check out Suikoden 2, best rpg ever.
Planescape: Torment or Fallout 2 is the best Smile
Legend Of Dragoon BY FAR is the best ever RPG
Final Fantasy 6-10 are the best games, plain and simple. Diablo 2 is half-assed, and fairly boring after a while, replay value on single player is low. Final Fantasy is an ever changing world, that is why I like it.


Lulu ownz 0,0
Chrono Trigger and the Pokemon games.
all FF games are ownage but FFX is my favorite.

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