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Smiters are too powerful?
Let me set the picture, most Smiters have crazy resistance, and the good developed ones are over Level 90 and have well over 40'000 defence. They have maxed Smite, Fantaticism, Holy Shield and Defiance (Synergy to Holy Shield). Many use a Offensive Act II Mercenary for Might, equiped with the Doom Rune Word for Holy Freeze.

The good ones tend to use an Ethereal Exile which not only has Life Tap, but well over 1000 Defence (which is further increased by its Defiance Aura). As for weapon, Grief seems to own everything and everyone, by making sure that each smite does over 10'000 damage. Enigma is a popular armor among many Smiters, for Teleport and its bonus to Strength, Fortitude is also powerful it's added bonus to damage.

So there you have it, a Smiter can have maxed resistance, over 40'000 defence, Life Tap for constant healing, Holy Freeze for slowing people down, and on top of that, an unblockable attack that hits 95% of the times, each hit doing over 10'000 damage.

Seeing as I'm not an experienced dueler, I don't know whether or not my statement is actually correct, but I claim that Smiters are too powerful. They seem to dominate every melee duel, and it has even gone so far that some duel games won't even allow the use of Smite.

What's your opinion?
Smite isn't melee, it doesn't leech.

I see where you're coming from, though. Smiters are a bit too powerful. Although, any character could kill one, if properly used.
[Image: pantoj9.jpg]
smiter's resistance arent that great..
Smite's kinda melee...doesnt IM affect smite??
Smiters can win almost any melee duels...

Sorcs can be beaten too if charge/smite are used correctly...
Only hammerdins/windy druids/warcry barbs really pwns smiters..
[Image: spidermancopy.jpg]
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my friend has a high lvl smiter not sure what lvl but very high and they do very good in deuls or at least he slaughters me everytime and im a good ice sorc :confused:
i had a pretty dman good smiter adn i owned smotly everyone, onyl pewople taht beat me were windy druids, fire sroc, hammerdins, and the possibility of a godly ww barb
:eek: wow i just noticed am i the only person who just has 1 person......every1s got like a pally a fire sorc ice sorc ww barb everything ahh!
lol nah now onyl thing i ahve is fury druid, o yeah nvm i also ahve hamemrdin and javazon ooops Tongue sryr for off topic psot
thanks sno boy i feel better about havin 1 person now *evil grin*
hehe ur welcome tech_nyne Tongue
smiters are more cheep then powerfull, also 95% hiting isent true, you ever heard about using a shield?
although they have good defence, their life isent that impressive and just about any range will beat them. and dont say resists cuzz cold sorceresses have cold mastery which makes your resists usally negitive and then there is no way you can absorb majic
also a decent tanker barb has 50% damige reduct, very good hit recovery, 75% chance to block, can use ww, and alot of life
o yea 10k damige? well each atack in pvp is reduced to 1/6 its damige so thats around 1600 damige then take that in half with damage reduction which is 800 per hit, while still decent damige its not enuff for an instant kill
considering that a good blizz sorce can do 10-14k damige and -150 enemy resists and a hammerdin can do around 13k damige and you have no resistance against it. so there not overpowered

and good luck atacking a bone necro melee without geting hit, even with enigma you still have to get close and even after that they can just telly away

and whats the point of life tap, im pritty sure smite dosent leech no matter what

ele druids will instantly have you in block-lock once you enter there hurricane and then there tornados will pick you apart

i cant realy think of one major char stratigy they will absolutly get owned by a smiter
only way they can win against zealots is if the zealots dont have life tap

and vs. fohers......... good luck
I think Autoaim bliz sorcs are overpowered AGG i hate then little rascals with their 16k dmg and and 105%fcr casting bliz at you from 3 screens away...

(cast rate for teleing away)
No, I don't think smiters are to good. Many characters can beat them. They aren't over powered. Only characters they really are good against is melee, and weaker not fully developed casters.

EDIT: A Smiter shouldn't be using Grief, but a 4x Shael'd, Ber, Um'd Phase Blade.
Perhaps I should've elaborated that more, I meant that they're too good in melee duels. As with most melee characters, you'll have a problem with casters. Of course the Paladin can always put a few points into Charge to partially solve this problem.

Quote:and whats the point of life tap, im pritty sure smite dosent leech no matter what

True, Smite doesn't leech. But it does work with Life Tap. If you don't belive me, try it. Wink

Quote:you ever heard about using a shield?

Smite is an unblockable attack, and Amazon's can't dodge or evade it either.

EDIT: Spelling.
smiters are able to beat almost all melee classes...believe me man...

when facing with a ww barb/sin...dun move and press shift and start smiting...barb/sin will get hit when he ww past u...

zealots...lets not say..smiters own them...even with the zealot's lt.. bow zons...Charging at them will do...thats why my fren uses a ebotdz for his smiter...hes a partial charger too...they'll most prolly shoot guided from afar...charge..keep charging...the arrows wont hit u even u charge through them...once u got em..smite their
sorcs can pose a little problem....if they using a lidless[most noob sorcs do] ure lucky...chargin alone kills them...even with 1 into charge its still possible...FOr those using ss might pose quite a problem...if theyre fb sorc ure kinda dead...if blizz u count on luck then...see if the shards hit you...

hammerdins...well..smiters are owned here..

summoner...might pose a lil prob cos u might not have enuf fhr to coutner the skeles...homon have not much block rate...chargin alone will do..namelock till the charge doesnt work then smite...

wind druids..depends on luck here

smiter...see whos the richer and luckier one...
[Image: spidermancopy.jpg]
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smiters godly lol. the only smiter that beat my barb was a lvl 98 smiter combined with a lvl 88 fc bear druid with a life spirit. ww cancels knockback on smite, and charge... lol go ahead and charge me u only hit 33% of the time and your running so i think your shield block is reduced to 1/3.
lol i dont think smiters r good. i would rather use nigma zealer with 1 skill into charge. u stun them with charge then zeal them, if they run u tele next to them char and zeal again
I really only use my smiter if i run into diablo clone...but yeah...90 resist +life steal helps...and simlpe weapons too, Malice+black. cant afford Exile....but even w/ weak equipment they can be really strong.
No compassion- like having a straight faced orgasm.
The_guy Wrote:lol i dont think smiters r good. i would rather use nigma zealer with 1 skill into charge. u stun them with charge then zeal them

smiters def are darn high...usually 40k...if with shout 50-60k...lets seee how u charge and stun em with 1 charge....Wink
[Image: spidermancopy.jpg]
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A|fzZz is correct, Smiters usually have the second most defence of any character in the entire game, beaten only by Paladin Wherebears.
Hmm... smiters are powerful.... but Necromancers can own them =P

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