03-05-2005, 02:32 AM
I made a Zeal pally but i cant find the best comination of stuff it seems like. I will tell yu all the gear i have and can people help me and give me best way to make him good...or tell me items to get
Helm- BER BER perfect COA :wacky: , or 2 soc visionary bonehelm with x2 40/15's (visonary is %added to Ar by lvl
Armor- Eth 210% cara (uqi shadow plate) soc with 40/15, or barlog skin Stone 2077 def
weap- 385% ebotdz
weap 2- +6 cta..i know Bad manner but i use anyway
shields-SS with um, and eth real HOZ
gloves - Dracs, bloodfist (i need help here)
Belt- 35/15 dongoes, set belt(hruras something like that)
rings- x2 anglic , or x2 ravens
ammy-anglic ammy, highlords
boots- Gores, Imps, set boots (also hruras)
charms-x1 anni, 12: 17-20 SC, couple posion. what charms should i get?
Ty in advance if you help me. I'm on nl west if yu ever want to play just message me
Helm- BER BER perfect COA :wacky: , or 2 soc visionary bonehelm with x2 40/15's (visonary is %added to Ar by lvl
Armor- Eth 210% cara (uqi shadow plate) soc with 40/15, or barlog skin Stone 2077 def
weap- 385% ebotdz
weap 2- +6 cta..i know Bad manner but i use anyway
shields-SS with um, and eth real HOZ
gloves - Dracs, bloodfist (i need help here)
Belt- 35/15 dongoes, set belt(hruras something like that)
rings- x2 anglic , or x2 ravens
ammy-anglic ammy, highlords
boots- Gores, Imps, set boots (also hruras)
charms-x1 anni, 12: 17-20 SC, couple posion. what charms should i get?
Ty in advance if you help me. I'm on nl west if yu ever want to play just message me