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Sig/Ava Showoff Thread
I've reset the Show off thread.

Have Signatures you want to showoff? or want to know what people think of your work? then post your work here.

Couple of things to remember when posting in this thread
-you must rate the signature and/or work in the previous post (this is to insure everyone gets a rating on there work)
-you may go back and rate earlier post but plz make sure you state who's work your rating
-scale of 1-10

people going off topic will have there post deleted No and i mean NO CHIT CHAT in this thread, if you wish to talk more about a certain person work/post do it by pm's

New Rule...
If you go off topic and does not have a rate of another person's sig in your post, it will result in a 2 day ban...
and no warning cuz the rules have been up for months now and people like to ignore it.

10/10 Anferny, for your current sigs..
cant find anything wrong with them.. they're perfect Wink
here's my latest: (remember im a begginer ;D )
[Image: WardenSig.jpg][Image: Wardensig.jpg]

and i edited my other one:

[Image: SuperdotSig3.jpg]

They are both nice, but the bottom one is too big, the max size is 500x150. i also dont like the size of the top one, very nice, dunno what to say but change the size, try 400x120 or 300x100. both get 7/10
Anferny Wrote:They are both nice, but the bottom one is too big, the max size is 500x150. i also dont like the size of the top one, very nice, dunno what to say but change the size, try 400x120 or 300x100. both get 7/10
Heh, The Size for this forum may be 500-150, But others its not. I like them both.
9/10 for each.
[Image: zerosumsiggy.jpg]
neon401 Wrote:10/10 Anferny, for your current sigs..
cant find anything wrong with them.. they're perfect Wink
here's my latest: (remember im a begginer ;D )
[Image: WardenSig.jpg][Image: Wardensig.jpg]

and i edited my other one:

[Image: SuperdotSig3.jpg]


Why you don't write Neon401 on them???

UP: 6/10 because I can't figure what is the thing at left.... =\
DOWN: 6/10 because of same reason, your pictures aren't easy to figure....

Or maybe it's cuz I'm dumb...???Rolleyes

Colors and backgrounds are nice....Continue that way!
well my NEW sigs,

[Image: renderation.gif]
[Image: Death.gif]
[Image: worrior.gif]

and no sig is ever perfect so no 10/10's and do u want to see my friend's sigs he is THE best :laugh:
neon Wrote:theyre perfect

Dun quite think so...bottom sig is over brushed alil and the name cant really be seen..[anferny]
Neon ur top pic's render's very choppy...7/10 for both

Unknown u shud brush ur renders to blend into the background..
and yea..they look great...8.5/10
[Image: spidermancopy.jpg]
If You Want To Lose Weight, You NEED To Read This First!
brushing you renders doesnt show ur blending skills :p
Mayb only the edges..
btw that bottom pic..forgot to rate it just nw..
[Image: spidermancopy.jpg]
If You Want To Lose Weight, You NEED To Read This First!
Joker read the rules....Would you please stop chit-chatting, use the PM feature.
Anferny Wrote:Joker read the rules....Would you please stop chit-chatting, use the PM feature.

well then ill just rate some of ur work from ur photocucket account, in every sig there is a text issue, use text effects and make the main text alot bigger.(then subtext almost no effects unless it looks as if its needed.ur blending is WAY overdone, let the renders fly out of the sig and not be covered up with a crappy brush.And please use more thn 1 color, multicolor them(but keep the colors blended)

ur account 7/10

i dunno if its this site or the people here but alot of u guys have a designing issue(not trying to be rude or nothin, just every site that is purly about GFX helps people and knows a real sig when they see one.)(if you wanna know some ill pm them to u)

now if you think any bit of what i rated u was wrong, ill be glad to get pro's to come in and tell you what i missed or what i was wrong about.

and if possible can i showoff some of their work, just to show u a hot sig Wink

but yeah, im just getting agitated by the c&c's here, basicly thats not how it was taught and thats the way ill keep doing it.

My first attempt at an abstract sig. [Image: deathabstractsig5xf.jpg]
Joker...i saw ur works at the photobucket thingie..
awesome man!!!Ill gladly rate a 9.5/10 for all of em...

Death blend the text into the bg...And mayb change the blending options for the text...
[Image: spidermancopy.jpg]
If You Want To Lose Weight, You NEED To Read This First!
A little too tall for my liking but 9/10 Nice tentacles. Are they brushed or made? Or is it the grass for CS?Font works good with it.

Joker this site is not a graphic design site. If it was I would say that your sigs have no point. In graphic "design" your point is supposed to come accross and your eyes go from one place to another in the order that the designer chose. And most of all, you don't use fancy fonts in graphic design. Since this site isn't a professional graphic design site why sould you say this...
UnknownJoker Wrote:i dunno if its this site or the people here but alot of u guys have a designing issue
After being a designer for a year now with a job here and there in the field, I helped design the Campbell's soup can layout, and helped design two website layouts. So you can't say that. I made $1300 which I'm using to buy a new computer soon. Saving for an Alienware. Wink
I think I made my point.
[Image: Death.gif]
You didn't do much on this one either all you did was use a filter for rendered clouds rendered a pic and then just put your name in it. And yes I looked at your bucket. They look the same. Except with abstract/tech brushes.

(Anferny delete this after he reads.)(You can ban me to... I'll be in the chat...)
Later I have school in an hour.
good job death, it looks nice how the scan lines are blended in on the white so you cant see em. only thing is the text, try to make it stand out as much as the sig mayb white with a outer glow. 7.5/10 great job

n fugi, it was alot more than filter>render>clouds.(its called grunge brushesRolleyes )

n can i post some of my friends work, he doesnt want to sign up???
yea you can post some of his stuff...

and 8/10 death that is pretty good
[Image: epiq.gif]
20/10 dude it is awsome
Anferny Wrote:[Image: epiq.gif]

the subtext could be a lil more blended like ur name in yellow, what did you set the render to?overlay,vivid light,soft light?


[Image: 5thsig.bmp]
please rate his newestish(has newers, but i love this one)5th element have both been workin on sigs for over a year, but he is better than me, lolRolleyes
i dont like it...theres too much going on around samus...i give it a 5/10..

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