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Most humans only make use of ~10% of they're total brain capacity and some don't even reach that high. A good majority of the brain is thought to be redundant systems or left overs that never got kicked out during evolution.
Interestingly enough computers, to a certain degree, are able to make their own decisions. Look at the AI in some of the new FPS's out there. I was playing the new game God of War last night and the minions in that game used formations and tactics. They would back off and regroup then come at me again it was rather cool to watch actually. Given there is a certain amount of predictability in what an AI will do but for the most part in about 20yrs AI might be just as human as humans.
"One murder makes a villain, millions a hero. "
- Beilby Porteus, Death, A Poem
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Wow, that was pretty cool chesh. I'm all about brain > vs computers. Brain Owns!!!. The brain has reasoning and feeling there for we will always dominate machine. Terminator was just a movie along with the matrix. I wanna know when were going to have flying cars....OWNED!
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while movies like terminator and matrix are sometimes a little bit over the top, they have very valid points. who's to say that with all the public attention and research on artificial intelligence that it's impossible? i believe 100% that if the human race does not destroy itself with nuclear weapons or virus warfare, it will be destroyed by machines
AI is predictable but so is the human mind. we all follow an established way of thinking deemed popular
so anyway, those are my thoughts. feel free to comment and contradict me
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I dout it will get that far out of control, if it did, we could design weapons useing magnets or electro-magnetic fields
anyway back to reality I believe the human race will either end from war, things like metiors, or viruses
And personnally I dont believe machines could achieve the level of inteligence to conspire against us, they will only do what there told, with the exeption of them being programed to exterminate us, but that would fall under war
but if you have ever seen the "ghost in the shell" anime show then id say thats what it will be like
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You know in the matrix didin't the humans launch mass nukes when they knew the robots were trying to take over. That's probably what would happen if anybody tried to take over....oh your takin over and ur winning huh.....well how do you like this....all american nuclear subs surface. 1 sub could take out a continent. O_o Just our subs could take out the world.....Owned!!!
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Hmm im thinking about taking all the parts out of my comp and just slappin a brain in there lol
Beholder99 Wrote:yea i think we only use like 30% of our total brain.... but thats what i have heard. its intresting in the fact that we dont use it all, the brain is so fragile though; a bump can damage you for life lol a LOT less than that tryyyy 10 percent if your real smart  martass2 i on the other hand use 4 percent lol jk
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it's actually 5%. sad...
how about this scenario. in the future, the world will be politically divided between people who have numerous mechanical implants just like people today get breast implants or plastic surgery and religious factions who are against such mechanical implants. eventually, even our brains will have mechanical implants designed to make us think faster, react faster, multitask, etc. eventually the mechanical half will become so mechanicized that the only thing left human in is the everlasting human heart. a war ensues for the "soul of mankind." the androids can augment themselves against the pure humans so naturally the regular humans are wiped out and all that is left are half human/half machine people that become more and more machine.
just wrote that off the top of my head. sounds like anime
the point is, i think that collective consciousness of a race of machines is actually kinda unbelievable.
wait a minute. i have no idea what is going on anymore. okay, it's late. sorry if this is spam but my head just hurts too much
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dacougarmech Wrote:it's actually 5%. sad...
how about this scenario. in the future, the world will be politically divided between people who have numerous mechanical implants just like people today get breast implants or plastic surgery and religious factions who are against such mechanical implants. eventually, even our brains will have mechanical implants designed to make us think faster, react faster, multitask, etc. eventually the mechanical half will become so mechanicized that the only thing left human in is the everlasting human heart. a war ensues for the "soul of mankind." the androids can augment themselves against the pure humans so naturally the regular humans are wiped out and all that is left are half human/half machine people that become more and more machine.
just wrote that off the top of my head. sounds like anime
the point is, i think that collective consciousness of a race of machines is actually kinda unbelievable.
wait a minute. i have no idea what is going on anymore. okay, it's late. sorry if this is spam but my head just hurts too much
....... thats not gunna happen, The human heart? yeah right its more likly that we will modify that then our brains
and we use 100% of our brain, but you obviusly use 5%
go ahead and do a search on it, all sites say its a myth that we dont use all of our brians
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CheshireCat Wrote:Found this interesting, thought I'd share.
I wish I could hold 100 million Megabytes of memory and be able to access it at ANY time.
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Are you thinking of installing Diablo II?
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Tahu Wrote:....... thats not gunna happen, The human heart? yeah right its more likly that we will modify that then our brains
and we use 100% of our brain, but you obviusly use 5%
go ahead and do a search on it, all sites say its a myth that we dont use all of our brians
sweet. good job but you dont have to flame me. after all it says that it is a common myth
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B!tch Wrote:Evolution kinda went down the shitter when we started using tools.
Cancer isn't a form of Evolution either. Its a disorder caused by Waste; Such as gasses, And polution. Dont forget the sin sticks either.
We are absolutely still evolving. The average man around the time of the civil war was 5'6" or 7" and around 145 lbs. What is it now, 5'10" and 175lbs or so? Granted, a lot of that has to do with all the steroids used in livestock, but still. I read somewhere, I can't remember where, that in 10 or 15 thousand years, humans will no longer have little toes. They are basically non-functional now. I don't know if cancer evolves, never heard anything one way or the other about it, but virus' certainly evolve. Many strains are immune to antibiotics that worked 10 or 15 years ago. And it will only get worse with all the antibiotic soaps, and dissinfectant household cleaners and what-not.
What was this thread about? Oh, yeah, comp vs. brain. Speaking for myself, computers passed me a long time ago.
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Quote: I dout it will get that far out of control, if it did, we could design weapons useing magnets or electro-magnetic fields
Unfortuantely we would also throw are selves back to the stone age and most likely kill off alot of other things that we didn't want to kill off.
Human evolution is slower then tehcnological evolution plain and simple computer AI will outstrip us one day, most likely will have to wait unti'll we evolve beyond a flesh body to surpass a computer.
But I put forth an ultimate science fiction question? Do sleeping androids dream of electric sheep? For any one that understands the full meaning of this congratulations your smarter then your supposed peers.
Death when you think about it, is not the end, but most likely something we can't really fathom.
When you look at it from the biological standpoint how different does are brain function from electronics? It is all just a firing of electrons that tell any living thing what to do. Were not much different from a rock...Actually that's an overstatement, but you get my point. What does seperate us though is that we have a form that actually understands and recognizes are thought patterns.
(Not saying that a rock thinks, please don't focus on that. read the entire sentence)
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America has the power to completly obliterate the earth by itself if the other countrys joined in too nothing would survive man or machine. By that time though we could evac to space. Well the important people like me and anubis
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Nah, they would end up scrubbing the whole launch about 3 minutes before they blew everything up, that's just how the world works.
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it's disturbing to me that i am nothing but a fragile, thrown-together, crappy piece of flesh and bone housing a mind that has no beginning or end. i try not to think about it but i am absolutely blasted away by the concept of my existence.
*sigh* *rubs temples to get rid of headache*
i think that the main difference between comps and humans is that comps have not yet become aware of their own existence or to ponder the meaning of it
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What if you were part machine....Like not too much I mean you don't want to be like an android but you want to be able to preform amazing task's like super hacking abiltys, or run super f * cking fast, or punch threw a brick wall or see through walls. That would be cool as Sh!t.
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Except that with all that one day we would just go totally machine, instead of being cyborgs we'd be Androids.
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that could probably be done. just in steps. like maybe prosthetics are slowly added until we become totally machine or we just download our entire mind onto a blank android. but then again, that would make us just like data on floppy discs...interesting...