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In light of my trials and tribulations with Comcast bugging out on me, I feel it's just time to reformat this old piece of shit. Now, in another thread, I read that all you have to do is put in the Windows CD, restart, hit F2, and go from there.

In the past with reinstalling windows, I end up having to call into Microsoft and telling them the insanely long code of numbers because my internet wasn't connecting. If I do the process (listed above) would I just be able to re-update back to SP2 through the internet? The last thing I feel like doing is trying to understand some representative from India..
When you re-install Windows XP you MUST register it. Its a bummer I know but its the only way to do it unless you happen to have a hacked version of XP that does not require registering. And yes you will have to re-update to SP2 again once you re-install unless you go buy the new version of XP with it pre-installed.
"One murder makes a villain, millions a hero. "
- Beilby Porteus, Death, A Poem
I have the keys and everything for when it asks you to register. But then there's one part where it asks you if you would like to register online or call in for an activation number. Only once out of maybe 4 tries has the internet actually let me activate that way. I was just wondering, if I leave my internet running, would the connection stay while I'm trying to activate?
You can do what's called slipstreaming, integrating a service pack into an XP install disc so when you install it, its already got SP2 on it. Theres a program you can find out about in this thread that will do it automatically.

As for whole activation deal, follow these steps Wrote:Users who reformat their hard drive and perform a clean installation of the operating system will find that they need to reactivate the product. But, as long as the new installation is on the same system and there won't be any hardware changes it is possible to transfer the existing product activation and skip having to go through the product activation process again. Follow the steps below to save the activation status information and restore it once your system is rebuilt:
  1. Double-click My Computer
  2. Double-click on the "C" drive
  3. Go to the C:\Windows\System32 folder (you may have to click on the link that says "Show The contents of this folder")
  4. Find the files "wpa.dbl" and "wpa.bak" and copy them to a safe location. You can copy them on a floppy drive or burn it onto a CD or DVD.
  5. After you have reinstalled Windows XP on your reformatted hard drive, click "No" when asked if you want to go ahead and go through the activation process
  6. Reboot your computer into SafeMode (you can either press F8 as Windows is booting up to see the Windows Advanced Options menu and select SAFEBOOT_OPTION=Minimal or follow the instructions in Starting Windows XP in SafeMode
  7. Double-click My Computer
  8. Double-click on the "C" drive
  9. Go to the C:\Windows\System32 folder (you may have to click on the link that says "Show The contents of this folder")
  10. Find the file "wpa.dbl" and "wpa.bak" (if it exists) and rename them to "" and ""
  11. Copy your original "wpa.dbl" and "wpa.bak" files from your floppy disk, CD or DVD into the C:\Windows\System32 folder
  12. Restart your system (if you followed the directions in Starting Windows XP in SafeMode you may need to go back into MSCONFIG to turn off booting into SafeMode)
Voila! Your Windows XP operating system is now reinstalled on your reformatted hard drive and you are all activated without having to actually go through the product activation process!
Remember though. This won't work for transferring activation information from one computer to another or if you alter the hardware because the information contained in your "wpa.dbl" file will not match the configuration of the computer. This trick is only for reinstalling Windows XP on the exact same computer after formatting the hard drive.
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Also check the Windows XP Tweaking Companion that i just stikied. Covers all this sort of stuff Smile

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