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The other day i had posted a link to a website in one of my posts, i am aware that just about whenever you do this the link will be removed for some wierd reason so i wrote a statement saying that im not affiliated with the site and that i am not advertising, i also said that i dont condone any of the content on the site. i did this so that the link would hopefully not be removed, then minutes later my post was edited, the link was removed and my statement was changed to fit with the blabber that was created by removing the link. Then i was givin a stupid post warning and i was all like j00 i amm s0 pi$$Ed and flashing gangster signals at my monitor. So i am wondering why my link was removed, i can see why i was givin a warning but the link doesn't need to be removed becuase just above my post was an admin giving out a link with nothing else written whatsoever. I then proceded to cry, lol not really but i was just really angry.

Another point i am angry with about the forums is mods just closing threads for stupid reasons. like for example a user will make a thread asking for help then an admin will just answer the question in a wierd way and then close the thread, this isn't that bad its just annoying at times.

Feel free to post your comments on the points.

i feel that the forums is a place for people to discuss matters and admins should watch for the usual swearing/slandor and explicit content not just the little problems that dont hurt anyone whatsoever.

I would also like to know what the admins think.
The websites arent removed by a person, spit and chesh have just made it so many of the free website hosts names are blocked like curse words. if they arent blocked and its a atempt to get personal gain, or do anything illegal, then the mods will remove it. Also the admins/mods may do that becouse it was the type of question you should have pmed to them instead of made a thread about it.
Tell me who removed your link. I have a strange feeling here..
Yeah and also give a link to the post that the link was removed from.

That is the link to the thread its all about. I wouldn't have a clue who edited my post or removed the link.
Been a while since i used vbulletin but this should work To check if the link was filetered or removed, you could go back to the post then press edit, if its filtered then the link should still display when editing.
nope when i edited it it wasn't there.
i dont see what post it was, it probly was one that is blocked by the filter, plus if chesh deleted it, he had a reason.
mostly threads are closed when questions are answered.... before i became a mod i used to always like puttin my 2 cents into every topic.. but now i just post whenever theres something relevant to add or a question to answer. and yes any link to your website is advertising, and u can pm a mod about this in the future
The link to the wensite was not MY link IF thats what you think, i had nothing to do with it seriously.

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