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Sirs, I hope you like this:)

Firstly, i would like to say hello to everyone as this is my first time here, and i would really like people to read this, and tell me their thoughts about thisSmile

Anyways, i was so blur abour registering, kept thinking that the email registration was the forum registration, till i realized my mistake. Tongue

Anyways, i am here to present you with a strange and different Rabies Build, well yeah, it is a Rabies build, just slightly different damage wiseSmile

So, ladies and gentlement, first thing is first, we must first click on create a character, okay, i'm just playingTongue

Now, we'll cut the crap, and get down to business! (^_^)

For stat growth, it's pretty basic, and here it isSmile

Strength: Just enough to wear your equipment, if you have Annihilus Charms, you can have less points here.

Dexterity: 195 or maybe slightly less, remember, you'll need it as you don't have many +attack rating equipments. You may have less if you have Annihilus Charms as well, but life won't be a problem, trust me.

Vitality: Everything else here

Energy: None.

*Pretty self explanatory

Now, let's move on to a bit of Skill distributions shall we?

20 Oak Sage
20 Poison Creeper
20 Werewolf
20 Lycanthrope
20 Rabies
1 Feral Rage

It's pretty basic, and if you are wondering, Feral Rage is just a prerequisite. About specific skill placement, sorry, i can't give you that, i have not actually played this build, just tested it out at the final, but that is where you players come inSmile

Oh, you'll have a few more skill points in the end, so i'll leave it to you to choose what to use them for, i never was able to think what was worthwhileSmile

Okay, i've also been getting flames about not using carrion ring instead, but here are my reasons, kindly read them first, before flaming

I know bears are good, but so is my Mercenary

If i remove a +Skill ring, this is what i lose

-More life from Oak Sage
-More life and attack rating and attack speed from Lycanthrope and Werewolf
-A significant amount of damage from Rabies, around 1.5k-2k

What i do gain, however, is just 12% of synergy, and a bear with life.

Okay, i've given it some thought, and yes, i see the logic in having a bear, more units to go with thorns aura actually makes it somewhat useful. However, I consider keeping the damage as high a possible, and trust me, with the poison, your mercenary will rarely die assuming that you gave him the right stuff, also with Oak Sage, it makes me wonder how he actually can die. If the monsters surround him, excellent, hit one monster, sit back, and watch it spread, and grasp their hearts out like a sickening plague.
Equipment Selection

Probably the best part about guides, i think (^_^)

Weapon: Plague Bearer Socketted with 1 Shael Rune (I'll explain why we should not use a phase blade)

Emergency Weapon: Death Web Only to handle Poison Immunes, other than that, you won't need it, trust me. OR: Grief Phase Blade. They are both simply for handling poison immunes, other than that, you should be perfectly fine.

Shield: Lidless Wall Grim Shield Socketted with a 5/5 Poison Facet

Amulet: Maras Kaleidoscope Amulet

Ring: Stone of Jordan
Ring: Bul Khatos or another Stone of Jordan if you need the mana.

Belt: Arachnid Mesh

Armour: Bramble with a 50% Poison Increase ONLY.

Glove: Trang Oul's Glove

Boots: Anything that gives 40% to run/walk(I'll explain why shortly) and a hell load of resistance, stuff like Gore Rider won't work because you are not a fighter, just one nasty poisoner. Also, maybe one that converts damage to mana, there is a unique or set boot that gives all those requirements, forgot what though, sorry. So, don't bother with open wounds and critical. I am saying this out of assumption that those statuses do not inrease the rabiess damage. I'm not so knowledgable when it comes to knowing how the game works in codes.

Helmet: Jalas upgraded, and socketed with a 5/5 Poison Facet
8 Spiritual Grand Charms of Vitality(+1 to Shapeshifts and +40 Life)

1 Annihilus Charm, (optional, and VERY HELPFUL, feel like making this a must, but i understand it's hard to find. If you can't get it, make sure that your Bramble Armour has low requirements, and decent defense)


*Don't worry about why i chose what i chose, i'll explain it shortly
Also, if you can, or if you do not want your horadric cube, carry 10 Grand charms, you'll get a bonus of 2k-3k min and max damage.

a) Okay, i did not use the 6 socketed Phase Blade because of a few reasons
- Poison needs time to work, no point hitting them over and over again, while taking damage from them, you are a TACTICAL FIGHTER, not a HEAD ON RUSH FIGHTER, remember that, you hit, and move away, and let the poison do it's work, till it dies, trust me.
-There are better weapons, such as the Plague Bearer
So, basically, you'll be hitting much slower, but it's okay, you'll be damaging much faster, trust me, i've tested this, poisoning for larger damage is better than slashing 4 times a second. Your attack will still be reasonable because of your Werewolf skill and the socketted Shael, around 1.5-2 hits a second.

b)I do not choose to use Chains of Honour over Bramble, because a Bramble with 50% percent bonus, is incredible. Trust me. However, because of that downfall, you'll need a lot of small charms of resistance, if you can't get them and prefer chains of honour, by all means, go ahead and use them. However, be prepared for a loss of 10-15k of damage difference, your call.

c) If you feel that mana is a big issue, use double stone of jordans.

d) Life is not a problem, in hell mode, i had 4000+ life with Oak Sage, 5000 assuming if all of your grand charms adds life.

e) Do not worry about your attack rating, you'll have around 11k of attack rating, JUST ENOUGH to poison one guy, and let the poison spread.

f) The poison is very deadly, it's so strong, and the duration is actually shorter, 21.2 seconds.

g) Okay, i've calculated that Yes, death's web gives significant damage. Slightly more by 5k i think, although the status screen may show other wise. However, one must remember this,the unit you strike with Death's Web will take considerable damage, and he'll die fast, maybe too fast for the poison to spread, but even if it does spread, alot of people forget that the poison damage that has spread is still that low amount, compared to that of Plague Bearer, because you did not hit each and everyone of those units to reduce their poison resistance, because of this,i find it dangerous to try and hit everyone to lower their resistance. Hence,i find endangering yourself as not a part of the idea of a Tactical Fighter. This is why Plague Bearer is still the main weapon, because the poison damage that spreads, is excellent, where as Death's Web is considerably good to handle 1 on 1, or poison immunes. You want 61k of damage to spread, not 45k+ of damage to spread, i hope i made this clear enough, of when and where to use the Death's Web and Plague Bearer, i've gotten numerous flames from people on some other site where i posted this guide as wellSad , saying that i have not revised the build well enough. Hope it's clear, thanks for reading this edited add on.

h) Okay, i've gotten alot of flames about not having max resistances in Hell mode, saying that i'm a rubbish of a writer, sigh, oh well, if you are going to insult me on that too, go ahead, i can't stop youSad

Let me explain why i state that resistances are not really necessary, this is highly relative to your playing style, if you are tactical and evasive, you hit your opponent, you move back, and he'll die in a second or 2. If you rinse and repeat, always avoiding missile projectiles, i do not see a reason for you to get hit my elemental missiles. Of course you'll get hit once in a while, but that's from melees and a random elemental missile, so it's okay. If you are wondering what are the resistances , here is a rough view, depending on the rollings of your equipment, this is what i got


*Also, as a note, please keep in mind that these resistances were counted while equipping Gore Riders, so it would help if you could use some resistance boots.

So, it's not really that bad, at least it's not zero and below. Besides, your life makes up for the low resistance.

Good and bad points

a) He has a decent attack rating, enough to poison the opponent
b) Good life amount with Oak sage activated
c) Specially good in tough monsters that comes in clusters. An elite in this category. He takes out hell mobs faster than most sorceress builds, -I think.-

a) Not as fast in terms of attack speed when compared to a Fireclaw Brother (But trust me, you won't need it)
b) Not as much defense (Highly depends on the armour you used for the Runeword)
c) Not as much attack rating (Once again,you won't need it)
d) I can't think of anymore maybe the resistances, but i never had problems
e) One more, he won't kill as fast as a Fireclaw Druid, but he just needs to hit and move away, and watch the life seep away slowly for Act bosses, but SURELY. a funny thing is this, in normal mode, one swipe at baal, count to 15, he drops dead from the poison. I find this so amusing. Tongue

With this guy and a Fireclaw Druid, you practically make a total broken party, just the 2 of you is enough to take on Hell with ease.

Game play style

a) Always hit an opponent, and just move back, but if you really want to for the fun of it, continue hitting him,you'll still be hitting faster than a bowazon, trust me.
b) For clusters, run around, you'll be pretty fast with your +40% boots and make them clog up together, then, hit the preferably the hardest monster there, one with loads of life. I noticed that if the unit dies too quickly, maybe less than 0.7 seconds, the poison won't spread. Okay, so that's dangerous, so you want the poison to spread, or you'll have to run and hit. It's pretty simple once you get the hang of it, one at a time to be safe, for clusters, well, just wait for full 20 seconds, which happens to be the rabies duration, and i'll guarantee, the unit would have dropped dead.

The mentioned above 2 were for players without a Mercanery, however, with one, it totally changes
a) You'll just have to get your guy to tank, and then, let the poison spread by hitting one enemy, that simple.


Sorry sirs, i'm not really knowledgable when it comes to stuff like these, i'll let the masters take this on here

Final Outcome:

Erm, i would like to apologize that i do not know how to find a hoster, for a picture, but if any of you can teach me, i would be more than obliged to show you a picture, for now, this'll do. WordsSmile

Rabies Attack Rating: 11k

Defense: 1.5k (Because i used boneweaver during the guide making)

Life: 5.6k with Oak Sage

Mana: 450

Stamina: 800 (Pretty insignificant informationTongue)

Max resistances in normal

Normal Attack Damage: 600-700 Poisoned element

Rabies Damage: 6 1 k - 6 3 k

Easily boosted up with more charms or more +items, not sure if higher is possible with the current equipments, but charms yes.

Yay! Finally, a picture for you guys to see !Smile

Important stuff i forgot to add in earlier

1) The purpose of this build was made for fun, by fun, and with fun,so it is in no way a PvP character, if you want that, i think there is one guide around by Keitaro, i hope i spelled his name right, i apologize if it's wrong.

2) It is definitely not as strong as a Fireclaw Druid, because they hit like 4 hits a second, with 17-18k of damage, so yeah, it's definitely much more, but what this build offers is high damage with safety to sit back and watch an invisible force do the work for you.

3) Only play this build if you are a conservative player, if you like the head-on-combatant-druid, Fireclaw Druid is your man to go.

4) Oh,kindly not start posting stuff like "If i wear this, and that, and this and that, your build will get owned..." Please take note that ANY build can wear contrasting equipments to pawn another hero, so kindly not post stuff like that. This is an all-round druid.

5) Once again, i thank you if you are still alive reading it up to you, honestly, thank you .Just reading it is a big return for me.

That comes to the conclusion of this brief guide on how to make a Rabies Druid, i hope you liked it, and if you have any comments or some constructive criticism, feel free to speak your mind, just wanted to see more Rabies Druids in Battlenet.

Remember, once more, Tactical Capabilities are invaluable.

Do have a nice day, God bless.

Edit: Added some explanations here and there, and some changes here and there. Thank you for reading up to here ! Smile Do have a nice day.
Hmm,pretty good one,but can I have a screenshot or so?U don't have to if u don't have or cannot make one~

Made one, check it out, it's at the bottomSmile

Do have a nice day.
Very nice guide, PoisonWolf Wink
im gonna try it out in a a week or something, looks godly Smile
And Welcome to D2sector! enjoy, and stay active Wink

-Gooby and Neon401

Thanks, appreciate it.

I just find it so humourous that Rabies and Poison Creeper practically are non-existent skills.

Finally, a use, ! Hurrah! :laugh:

Do have a nice day people! Smile
LOL~Sorry,didn't see it~Really nice guide~I guess if u can somehow,u'll be a mod later~

Haha, thanks for that praise. Dum dee dum, I would like to wish all those who are trying this build out, good luck, and hope that it suits your playing style ! Smile Most likely, you won't be disappointedSmile

Do have a nice day.


Er, I know this sounds really stupid or anything, but, may i ask what on earth is a Death's Web, i suddenly can't seem to find it anywhere, and i remember reading it saying that it -55% to poison resistance on hitting the target? Is there such a weapon? I'm so blur, i placed it in the guide, yet i am unaware of such a weapon.
i like the build. the damage for this is almost as good as the one with the carrion wind but quick question i know you said not to ask but if you duel mainly in norm for pvp could u just take out the cube and add the two extra shapeshifter charms and make the rest charms 3/20/20 or 5resall/20 lifes

Like i said, of course you may, you'll get around 65k-66k of damageSmile

Place your cube in your stash, haha, in PvP, they better have 75% resistance, even then, it's a slim chance that they'll survive one hit, unless if they have loads of rejuvenation potionsSmile

Glad you liked itSmile

Yeap, use more small charms, and this character is good to go !Smile

Do have a nice day.
Well, Poison, nice guide. How old are you? I have never seen a single person on the internet refer to another person as Sir. I have also never seen someone say do have a nice day after each post. Welcome to D2S, enjoy your stay.
Foog Wrote:Well, Poison, nice guide. How old are you? I have never seen a single person on the internet refer to another person as Sir. I have also never seen someone say do have a nice day after each post. Welcome to D2S, enjoy your stay.

agreed, and nice guide...

Haha, i'm pretty young, just around 17+ Smile\
Anyways, yeah, thanks, glad that you guys appreciate the guide. Smile

Also, i would like to mention that every item used are non-ladder items, so i've not had a chance to test out on ALOT of runewords.

Because of these, i would like to seek the help of online players, to aid other players in their quest to make this build.

This is my question; What mercenary is suitable, with what proper equipment, which is the only part left out in the guide because i'm not so familiar there, you want a tanker with lots of life to compliment more life from Oak Sage, and something capable of slowing the Hordes down for poison to work. Some have suggested a Nightmare Act 2 Mercenary with Holy Freeze, which is something i agree on as well. However, armour wise, it would be really stupid to give it a Bramble as well, so i would suggest something like that Runeword which gives Conviction, to lower monster resistances, assuming if i think that aura is the resistance-lowering-aura.

Post your thoughts on this, help yourself, and everyone else! Smile

Do have a nice day. Smile
A Death's Web is a wand~Low damage but adds tones of poison damage~
Use Infinity if I've not mistake~It has Conviction on it~
Conviction doesn't lower poision resistance.
Nice guide as your first post here.

Death's Web is an unique wand, which can be found here.

One concern though, a Phase Blade isn't there so you can do more damage, the poison damage is all that counts, and the poison damage gets reset every time you hit someone. You use a Phase Blade for the speed, so you can hit the 5 frame breakpoint (that's 5 attacks per second). Because with your amount of attack rating (11'400 is low when it comes to dueling), you need speed to be able to hit high defence characters like Smiters.

Another way of insuring that you actually hit the enemy would be getting an Angelic's Amulet and two Angelic's Rings, which would boost your attack rating sky high. This also allows you to exchange your weapon for something like a Doom War Spike. Its level 12 Holy Freeze aura is awesome in duels, your opponent will be slowed down so much that he can barely move, let alone chase after you as you run away and let the poison take effect.

Anyhow, welcome to D2Sector! Polite people are always nice to argue with. Smile

Exactly my point, no point resetting the poison effect, i rather let the full effect of the 61k seep through into the enemy.

I do not think poison stacks, it only resets the duration. In that sense, it's not wise to fight with the enemy, do you not agree? I am assuming this, not too sure about the game's coding. If i recall, only poison nova's poison stacks, not too sure about this though, i am really blur about game changes and how they work behind the scenes.

However, I did not really build this guy for PvP, mostly for a normal game, to have a nice character, something uncommon.

Anyways, thanks for the comments, yeap, i know the angelic rings are good, problem is only the drop of like 3-5k of poison damage. Yeah, i made it so that the Attack rating is just slightly above average for most hell monsters, just enough to nicely poison them, and let them die, i mentioned that in the guideSmile I'm not really into player versus playerSmile

Also, don't worry, i've tested it thouroughly, Plague Bearer is definitely the main weapon.

Ive tried in hell mode using a 6 socketted phase blade, does not kill as fast as a plague bearer, if you are wondering, Plague Bearer gives a bonus of 10-15k points of damageSmile

Anyways, if you really want a pvp build, you should visit Keitaro's guide. Smile

Also, thank you to everyone who has read my guide ! Really appreciate it ! (^_^)V


Do have a nice day.
[Death] Wrote:Conviction doesn't lower poision resistance.
Ehrm, it lowers all resist. Yes that means poison too.

Hi PoisonWolf.
I see you have made a build who focus just on the damage. I know from experiance that the damage is the most dangerous in the game, but at the cost of the player beeing weak in PvP. The thing wich annoys me is that you dont make use of the carrion wind glitz in the build. You say you get 1 skill more to rabies, but renember that carrion wind glitz gives you 1 level higher syn-energy that the skill does. That is 18% more poison damage. You saves 20 skillpoints by using the glitz wich makes you have the rabies build at level 70 instead of level 90. You shoud renember that almost every characters in the game have some kind of cold damage on them, and i dont see that you have cannot be frozen on your character. Also you have 0% damage reduce. If you wold go into PvP you will be avible to own every character you "hit", but there is 90% chance that you will get owned. But as you sayd, this is not the best PvP build. Its a damage build.


Correct, i made this not solely for PvP purposes, but for normal purposes, okay, about the Carrion Ring, i would suggest using it only at level 70, while you stockpile your skill points from level 70 to 91. Once there, remove the ring, dump everything into the poison creeper.

I have tried this, and many a times, having a bear, is really no different than not having a bear, your poison will seriously, and i'm really serious about this !!! Kill most of the units off really quick....SadSomebody, anyone, listen to that statement !!! Please....Sad Boo hoo...

Haha, anyways, would like to emphasize, trust me, your bear will not change the game play much surely he has a truck load of life but his damage is nothing shocking, so most of the time, the poison will kill mobs up before they can damage your mercenary..I'm really not joking.Sad

Also, yeah, no damage reduction, that's because your mercenary is doing the tanking, not you [Image: tongue%281%29.gif] You'll be fine,t rust me, with 5.6k of life, who wouldnt be ?Tongue

Because of that, i still strongly stick to the fact that...the +skills rings are better, so much more life... but ultimately...

Your call.


Do have a nice day.


Okay, i went to check the poison creeper glitch, teh damage was


With the Bulkhatos rings, i had


So, there is your damage difference, it may not seem like much to you, but for poison effects, the greater the poison, the more damage per second, which is vital, seriously.

Also, let me explain why the Poison creeper is important for early on levels, to make leveling easier, if you do not have a rush party, it'll take you up to level 60 before you can use the Carrion Ring.

Without a carrion ring, i only did 13k-14k with all that equipment, however, the Poison Creeper is the heart of the damage, so it's vital to get it early on, especially when you can't afford a Plague Bearer,

Lastly, kindly take note that these are just my opinions, i speak with the voice of practicality of reaching the ultimate power of the build, nothing more, nothing less.

Do have a nice day.
PoisonWolf Wrote:okay, about the Carrion Ring, i would suggest using it only at level 70, while you stockpile your skill points from level 70 to 91. Once there, remove the ring, dump everything into the poison creeper.
That is probably not clever at all, consider that you loose all syn-energy for a big period of time. Renember that leveling to level 90 takes time, and you do that so you can have 500 rabies damage more and 0.4 sec longer duration. Its foolish if you ask me. And if you make use of the carrion glitz, you dont have to use the skill on a bear. Skills that are good to put the remaining skills on are: Fury, Fereal Rage, Cyclone armor. You might laugh at the last one, but it aint that stupid if you do this early. 1 point in hurricane and 20 points in cyclone armor. This means you have bigger damage than doom weapon, and you have a lower version of the slow effect. To make this work, you have to activate cyclone armor and hurricane before you go into wolf shape. If you gonna use a doom weapon, this is not something you wanna do. Silver Ice sayd something to the first rabies guide i made on the forum wich were almost the same as yours, only a bit mroe PvP friendly. He sayd upgrade the Plague Bearer. I diddent see any reasons why that time, because i was nothing near my knowledge of diablo that time as i am now. By upgrading it you get weapon range of 2 instead of 1 wich will help you hit people you chase.
My advice to your build PoisonWolf-Chan, make use of the glitz, and take the build to another level. Wink

I said s t o c k p i l e .

Means you do not use it, you just keep the skill points lying around. ONLY at level 91, do you use all 20 skill points on Poison Creeper. Read carefully next time.

Are you trying to argue with me or something? Cause seriously, if you want to argue with me, i'll start one with you since you seem so keen. Why can't you get it into your head that my guide is n o t yours? You have your guide, and I have mine. You made a choice with your build, and I mine. I believe that this path is decent for people to take and use, you believe that your path is decent to take and explore too, so, can't you just let the players decide on which guide they want to follow? After all, diversity is good when it comes to guides, gives players a option to choose. You don't have to convert each and every poison rabies druid guide that gets posted here to yourstyle.

And one last time, i have said that this is an all-round druid, i am not interested in PvP remarks, go and post that in your thread section okay? If you want to build a whole new line of druids that has slow and what not, by all means, go ahead, in fact, if it's better, i'll salute you, however:

Just because a guide does not conform to your beliefs does not make it less superior, or inferior in any way, that my friend, is a show of the level of your intelligence for a person of your stature. To judge based on such a system....

Enough of that, i agree that one should upgrade whatever equipments posted in the guide, as long as the damage increases, upgrading is worthwhile, even better with range, so i thank you for telling me that, never knew that upgrades increases range.

And i honestly do not find it practical to keep on casting Hurricane. It's going to have a short duration. And Cyclone Armour too, it's absorption in hell will disappear to fast you'll just forget about recasting it. You'd rather recast your Oak Sage more often that the Armour. I've tried this Cyclone armour distributions earlier, it's in my very first guide posted at Gamefaqs, on the board section. The cyclone armour was just too weak to be considered a good "Dump" of skill points. Try it for yourself, it may look good on pen and paper, gameplay wise, it'll be different. Yes, i know hurricane is really good to slow mobs down, but i think that is where my Holy Freeze Mercanery comes in. He does the same job, so it's cool, i don't really need to slow units down in that sense. Can't refreeze an ice, can you? Because of that the impracticality of continuous recasting of it, does not appeal to me. I speak that as a game player. Not as a guide maker. On pen and paper, it definitely looks good to have hurricane. Another thing is this, there is really no need to freeze the victim in the first place, if you follow my gameplay style, you go in, you hit once, move out, evade, wait for the victim to drop dead, rinse and repeat. If you follow that exactly, everything should be perfectly fine.

Do have a nice day.

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