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ok i dont quite think that this math adds up
<TABLE class=tborder cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY id=collapseobj_warn_list><TR><TD class=thead>Warned Post</TD><TD class=thead>Warned Date</TD><TD class=thead>Warning Type</TD><TD class=thead>Warning Points</TD><TD class=thead>Warning Maturity</TD><TD class=thead>Permanent Ban</TD><TD class=thead>Comment</TD><TD class=thead>Status</TD></TR><TR><TD class=alt1>
[url=""]Post ID
</TD><TD class=alt1>On 10-05-2005 At 03:24 PM
</TD><TD class=alt1>Backseat Modding</TD><TD class=alt1>3</TD><TD class=alt1>30</TD><TD class=alt1>No</TD><TD class=alt1>Well this is really stupid post.
</TD><TD class=alt1>Active</TD></TR><TR><TD class=alt1>
[url=""]Post ID
</TD><TD class=alt1>On 26-04-2005 At 08:13 PM
</TD><TD class=alt1>DoublePost</TD><TD class=alt1>2</TD><TD class=alt1>30</TD><TD class=alt1>No</TD><TD class=alt1>
</TD><TD class=alt1>Active</TD></TR><TR><TD class=tfoot align=right colSpan=9>Total Warning Points: 11 / 15 - Number of Bans: 0</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
so if someone can explain how those other 6 points got there, that'd be greeeat. maybe one of the admins will respond now that i made this thread
The warning system has changed several times, you probably got warned by a warning that no longer exists, or they just arent displayed anymore, I'd check for you but I'm not a admin so I can't see really old ones.

Edit: I remember now I think, aferny warned you for flaming (I believe flaming used to be 6 points), aparently its just no longer displayed.
so is that still active, or should that be removed from my total points? because i'm too close to a ban to have unactive points n there. (it'd be great if an admin would respond to this)
It's still active, I think they just arent displayed after so many days, becouse I highly dout there is a flaw in the system due to the fact that your the only one its happened too.
Plus, becouse you kept geting warnings that one CANNOT expire, just wait it out, if the other warnings expire and that one dosent, then we have a problem. K?
ok. thanks. that was confusing for a while.
tahu who does ur quote refer to?

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