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Processors and Motherboards
Well, i test drove guild wars a few days ago (i think yesterday... :p ) even though i knew my computer didn't meet the minimum requirements. I thought it would be OK but was i wrong.... anyways.... this gave me some thought, "i need to upgrade..." Smile so i was wondering how to find out what kind of processors are compatible with your motherboard, and if this situation would work:

- I currently have an Intel Celeron processor in my computer

- Would any other Intel processor be compatible with my motherboard?? (i.e.: would an Intel Pentium 4 processor be compatible with my mobo?)

Smile Any help would be appreciated
NO NO NO! ALWAYS buy your motherboard and processor togather, to make sure they are compatable and that it will use the full capability of your processor. Another thing, celerons= crap. I'd sugjest AMD, there cheap, and they work just as good as pentiums. Plus they run cooler. This means you will have to buy a new motherboard and processor togather. Go here: they have some great deals on comp stuff. They usally have a motherboard/ram/processor bundle, Id sugjest that. Make sure that it will fit in your case or you will have to buy one of them too. And also if it has anything integrated into it, you'll have to consider that too. If you havent done this before, I wouldent say you should try it though.
Also, if you get somthing that doesnt come with ram, make sure you buy the right kind.
Considering that your computer is using a celeron, I'd say your gunna have to buy a new case, (celeron= usally put in pc bundles like dell, emachine, etc...) which means that its only built for the components it came with. If this is the case, salvage the cd-rom, floppy, hard drive, anything thats not integrated with the motherboard, and mayby the ram and power supply. And you will most likly have to buy another case with a power supply already in it.
All in all, if you need a case too, this will cost you probably about $200.

Thats the best explanation I can give without being there.

Also, have you ever taken a computer class, or even taken a computer apart? If you don't know what your doing you could end up with a mess.
If the Pc isnt Prefab (dell, HP, compaq, vaio, etc), then you should be able to swith the board and cpu out easily. You can find out what CPU's your board can use simply by looking in the manual for the Mainboard. Id just get a new mobo/cpu combo anyways, a friend of mine got a sweet deal on an AMD Athlon 64XP board and cpu at frys for 214 out the door. came with a fan too. MAKE SURE YOUR MAINBOARD SUPPORTS YOUR TYPE OF GFX CARD!!! If your card is AGP, which im sure it is, make sure it has an agp slot. Or PCI-X if your card is PCI-X. A friend of mine and I didnt pay attention when getting the parts for his new PC, and he had lots of trouble getting the right one.
I too was going to do this. Is there a way to see what kind of mobo your computer has in the System Information thing? Because I can't find my manual to my computer at the moment...
Tool Wrote:I too was going to do this. Is there a way to see what kind of mobo your computer has in the System Information thing? Because I can't find my manual to my computer at the moment...

I'm not sure if you can find it there, i alrdy looked
does that look ok?

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