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I need a donation :S
I'm not kwite sure if this is the right place or not and I'm not even sure if I'm allowed to ask this, but I would really be greatful for any kind of donations........ I'm looking to change my account name and I need 5350.00 points to do so :confused: . If you do give me a donation, I will be in your debpt and will reward you generously later when i get enough points, or I will give you good stuff for free on ladder when I get any or even help you out on quests where I'm able to help, for exemple right now i can rush norm ladder and help a lot if not even rush you in nm. Thank you all in advanceSmile
Never do this type of thing again; i gave you the points only so you could stop talking about it; good day.

[Image: 2cxck74.jpg]

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