05-31-2005, 07:41 AM
1. -Anyone got a good tradehack that actually lets you make them accept trade without using packets. If packets is only way to do it, can someone explain how to use the packets to do it because i read the sticky.
2. - My loader keeps getting the message (Guys, we have an error here) sumthin like that every time i join a second game. Like when i log in, i can join a game, but if i leave it, and try to join another game, i get that message. Before i totally reinstall diablo, can someone tell me wat the problem is?
2. - My loader keeps getting the message (Guys, we have an error here) sumthin like that every time i join a second game. Like when i log in, i can join a game, but if i leave it, and try to join another game, i get that message. Before i totally reinstall diablo, can someone tell me wat the problem is?