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cmon now
is there any way i can find a weapon editor for diablo 2 1.10 that actually works when u add weapons
What do you mean by "add weapons" ?¿?¿

None of them really support mods, so if you are modding LoD - the answer would be no, your new weapons aren't likely going to be considered legit by any editor.

If your trying to load severely hacked weapons into the editors, they may also be rejected. There are some things that LoD considers legit that whind up causing errors with editors.

Other than those two possible problems, I say "It's like that, and that's the way it is!"

There are two editors that may help you with editing characters from games that you Mod.

1) SRV's Udie Too editor can handle most Mods, because it reads the game MPQ files. You will have to check with SVR about the details.

2) Hero Editor V0.80 and V0.82 have limited support for Mod games too. You can edit the Hero Editor.INI file to increase the stash, etc. size, and you can add up to 25 new items (i.e. weapons).

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