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Question about Fcr
I'm pretty sure no, but if you have fcr on sorc above 105 but below 200, should I not bother to get 145 with spirit and use sanct for my lite sorc for res instead of spirit. All I'm using are anni and maras and it'll save me alot of str too I think. But Spirit has +2 skills.
spirit < all sheilds when it comes to caster it doesnt matter if you go over fcr bp u get 2 all skills 100+ mana res life
Unless you can easily achieve 156 str with the items you have, I don't think the extra +skill from Spirit (compared to Lidless Wall) is worth the effort. It does depend on what type of sorc you are though.

Tuna, I believe you meant "Spirit > all shields".
I decided to use spirit, against casters I guess I'll use a wizard spike
the one time i disagree with arcane is right now

lidless: +1 to all skills, 20% fcr 2 useful attributes.
spirit: +55% fhr, 20-35% fcr... 45 to all resists except fire (i believe), 22 To Vitality
+89-112 To Mana (varies).. on a sorc this is basically 11 vitality pts, and 44.5-56 energy pts added on too. = 5 attributes.

in my opinion... the extra str justifies the shield... since you are adding a bit of one attribute, in order to get 2.
Silver, what do you mean 11 vitality points? It's +22 Vit points, not +22 life. So it would add 44 life. I agree that Spirit owns any shield for a Sorc, hands down. Everything lidless has, Spirit has better.
Spirit is the best sheild for for any caster, except a hammerdin/foh. Its so priceless, that the extra str is worth it, because u get more mana nad life
oh whoops.. guess im tired.. yes i divided vit by 2 instead... when its actually 22 extra vit pts... yep spirit is better.
Hmm...I'll consider using it. The mana boost is nice for my FO/ES sorc. It seems though, based on the gear I use, I'll probably need to have 120 base str to use spirit. Would it still be worth it then?
yeah... basically you wouldnt need to put any pts into energy if your using a spirit.... so its just some str and the rest vit.
Would you recommend wearing CoH, for the 20 str boost? I wouldn't be able to get to the 105% FCR bp, but at least I wouldn't have to worry about resists.
You need the 105 fcr bp at least
I would almost never use a spirit shield to a caster unless you gonna use some other high strenght needed eqipment. Lets see about something. 2 mana = 1 energy. 100 mana would be about 50 energy points. 50+22=72 stats points. 156 strenght on shield - 72 points = 84 strenght in reality. 84 is the normal strenght sorceress have on max. Maybe i shoud start using it after all. I never looked at it the way of what you save. But then again, i use a insight so i never use energy anyways. I now change my conclution to Spirit on casters, exept necromancers who are stupid if they do, and sorcs wich try to go for 0 strenght points. Smile
Thanks silver for telling me the point i never really looked at.

Spirit shield:
+2 To All Skills
+25-35% Faster Cast Rate (varies)
+55% Faster Hit Recovery
+250 Defense Vs. Missile
+22 To Vitality
+89-112 To Mana (varies)
Cold Resist +35%
Lightning Resist +35%
Poison Resist +35%
+3-8 Magic Absorb (varies)
Attacker Takes Damage of 14
I dun play aldder so i aint really sure....How come all spirits are made in monarch?
[Image: spidermancopy.jpg]
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@[The Reaper], 105 FCR is not always necessary. I have always been, and still am, able to kill most players with just the 63%. But then again, the only sorcs I've ever used are FO and blizz sorcs. I've heard that fire sorcs do need the 105%.

Just to correct you there, Keitaro, 1 pt in Energy gives 3 mana, so we're looking at about 66 stat pts. However, for sorcs that already have enough mana, Spirit's 22 vit is the only real stat bonus.
I thought all fbs sorcs are meant to use 200?
For pure ownage.
[Image: spidermancopy.jpg]
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Even though FO sorc can do good with 63%, i find in nessessary to have 105% because of teleporting.

200% if for fireball sorceress only, though its hard to achive without sacrifise to much damage.
but casting fast=more dmg =)
[Image: spidermancopy.jpg]
If You Want To Lose Weight, You NEED To Read This First!
A|fzZz Wrote:but casting fast=more dmg =)
But not at a certant point. So, the only good fireball do with 200%, is that you have bigger chance to hit and stun, and teleport faster.
A|fzZz Wrote:but casting fast=more dmg =)

Casting faster means casting more, which increases your chances of hitting them, which in the long run means more damage.

However, if they observe your gear and realize your damage is lower than other sorcs, then they'll take into account the fact that they can tank a few more hits than usual and play more offensively.

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