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I've read through mot of the bowazon guides and still got some questions.
Some say 100 to vit rest dex, others say enough dex for gear rest for vit.
Also is strafe viable for pvp? I made a strafer on open with 160/60 armor and 120/45 helmet and it shoots quicker then ga.
Lastly whats a good average of pnts into dodge/avoid/evade, some say 15 other say below 10.

I was thinking of makin a GA/Strafe zon I believe I got the right gear setup but I could be wrong. (I never play zons)

Bow: botd,wf, buriza whatever i can get my hands on
Helm and armor: ias
Rings and ammy: algelics and raven (need ar for strafe if i do the min dex build)
ravens nad highlords (if i go for min vit build)
Gloves: ias gloves w/ str n other mods
Boots: gores
Belt: Unsure here dungos or some ias belt.

Any ideas/commends/help would be greatly appreciated.
lemme clear one thing for u;

now that thats outta the way, lets adress the passive skills;
you MUST have enough in dodge/evade/avoid/CRITICAL STRIKE<-- (very good)
to have at least 50% if u wanna own duels
if u get spare skills, it doesnt hurt to get slow missile/valk as they can come in handy in caster duels
(also put a few skills in multi as it owns in duels and remember ur bonuses from items if u get ne)

Most elite bows require Mass dex, so u should only put enough to suit ur bow's needs
Unless u have enigma and shit like that u wont be able to get much vita no matter what
so get enough str and dex for ur stuff (count ur str charms and items, we need vita to survive!)
and rest to vita
160/60 life with 450+ def is what i suggest
12-45 life with 120+ def also
DO NOT use armors or helms with low def
KEEP a ss on ur other hand, and if u can afford, any doom as it greatly slows down ppl chasing u while the ss gives 35% DR

Double raven is good but if u can find rings with mass dex + all res it is quite better
highlords or cats eye is a very good choice for ammy

if ne1 thinks i made a mistake somewhere, do correct me
Strafe rapes casters and chargers normally.
[Image: fuggyleetsignj8il7.jpg]
Nobody can handle the leetness of this sig.
' Wrote:Who loves orange soda?
Kel'thuzad loves orange soda!
Is it true?
OK so hows this sound,

enuff in passives to give around 50% for D/A/E and Critical?
so that way its all around, can us strafe and multi if i need to but still having a good GA
i agree with that guy.......strafe sucks period..... max ga thats it for bow skill rest 100 skills put into passive i would max everything in passive = cri pierce dodges if u hav enough skills definately valk too to take ts or other crap

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