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RPG of a drunk
this thread my be closed whith in the first 5 mins of posting it but w/e
this is a thread where you can pretend your a drunk trying 2 get home and the mishaps you encounter along the way

I was coming home form the bar and i was stumbling along when a wino came up 2 me and asked me for booze money so i looked at and him and laughed and said hey man can't u see im drunk. there was a long pause then he said no, so i left him there still wondering what just happened, and i triped over my self and fell into a gutter and fell into the sewer being as skinny as i am and i floated down the sewer and dident know what was happening sience i was drunk i though i was on a dirty log flume or sumthing while i was floating down stream, then i floted into a place where strange people lived they were mutants i was made the leader and we took over the over world, who ever though i would rule the workd from being drunk,

your turn...
well let me get drunk first, shouldn't take too long.
lamo i was drunk when i wrote that, now write sumthin, lmao
i was drunk walking home and decided to cross the street when a car came speeding out of no where and swerved to avoid me but ended up hitting a a power pole which electrocuted the driver who turned out to have just robbed a bank and had a briefcase full of money inside it so being drunk i ended up taking the money and investing it in the stock market becomming rich and buying dozens of weapons that caused me to go to court for discharging them where i then pleaded insanity and was taken to a mental institution and escaped shortly after and was shot and killed on the way home by some random person.

the end.
So I was drunk..

I mean not really, I had taken about 100 shots of superpowered whiskey and I was slightly buzzed. I drank about 500 fifth, then I was drunk.

I had shared my love. 15 shots (not whiskey) in 18 random holes; I was on a roll.

Then I had a shot up my hole.

Such a sobering experience.


Do we need to be drunk to do this? Or drink at all? I hope not

So I was drunk the other day, when I decided to go home when all of the sudden I see Clinton with Pantallicas mom, I said "HOLY CRAP" How did Clinton get with pants mom? Whena ll of the sudden I started walking home, suddenly, I fell, as I was falling I started to feel dizzy, all of the sudden I hit my face on the pavement, it felt kind of cool. Then I see this beautiful woman, but she was really a blade of grass, so I pocketed the grass and began to thrust at bilboards, of beautiful women, Suddenly a car drove by, a man in a black suit and a gun put me inside and said that I was somethig called "Drunk in public" so I had this cool ride to the secret black suit headquarters, it was cool in there, they gave me a bed and everything, my roomate was named bubba, he was cool, when all of the sudden I woke up, I was just day dreaming,

I guess that's what hapens when you drink and think about Pants mom..
i think weve all learnd a great lesson from being drunk...don't think about pants mom
Correction, Don't think about pants mom WHILE drinking...any other time such as secks is fine
ok well here's a new RPG

lets pretend i'm two chicks who were drinking lots of beer at a spring. i(the entity of two girls) get in the car we drove there in (with around a .2 BAC, easy) and started driving home. because we have super livers of steel and brains that cannot be tarnished, nothing happneed for a long time. but then, there was a stopsign. sinse we were only about 10 minutes from home i ran it. i, smashed my car head on, into the drivers side door of a 2001 chevy pickup. i totalled his truck.

but the awesome thing is, i was so wasted, i didn't really grasp what was happening. the only thing I could do was make sure all the beer bottles in my car (the ones we'd been drinking the whole time we were driving home) were threw into the woods on the side of the road before the cops got home.

true story. drunken college sluts are failures at life.
nice i wish i was thet cretive

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