Unhandled Access Violation Exception errors occur when one Windows' application writes into the memory owned by another application (program).
32-bit Windows applications run in a protected memory environment. If an applications writes into the memory owned by another program, an 'Access Violation Exception' error is generated. If this exception is not trapped by the application and processed, an error code is then internally generated and the application is terminated, (the "Unhandled" portion in the error reflects this). When one application intrudes into the memory space used by another application, this is referred to as a 'memory conflict'.
Windows terminates the offending application so that it cannot affect or unexpectedly terminate another program by writing into its memory space.
In terms of Diablo try and close ALL programs not needed.. Messenger... EVERYTHING.
You can safely restart the application that has terminated without having to reboot the computer in Windows NT since it is a protected memory environment. In Windows 95, you can restart the application as well, but it is recommended you reboot the computer first because the Windows 95 architecture does not protect its own memory as well as Windows NT
For more information about this error, see technical <a href='' target='_blank'>document TD105345 "Unhandled Access Violation Exception error"</a> from the Autodesk web site.
This may give you a better understanding to what is occuring... Maybey also help you fix the prob.. spark an idea maybey..