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im starting a new barbarian and i wanted to kno if this would be a good stat build
Vita: high
Str: not sure
Dex: not sure
Mana: let it be
Sword Mastery 20
Frenzy or WW 20
Shout 20
Battle Orders 20
Natural Reisstance 10
sombody help me i dont know if i should be ww or frenzy barb cuz i like weps but i other ppl suggest ww help me out wit my new barb
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Joined: Aug 2005
every level up grade 2/2/1/0 and when u hit level 30 its 2/1/2/0
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Joined: Aug 2005
dude that the best barb stats points
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Joined: Aug 2005
max our ww and the wep mastery and the iron skin and some on bo's and and some into resists
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Joined: Nov 2004
wrong. u only need 1 in natural resist and put the rest into iron skin. ww is better than frenzy and i say axe is better than sword but thats ur choice.
on my barb i put ZERO in str.. enough in dex for max block. and rest in vita. just use barb lc and 20 str rings, or str ammy if u need to put on gear and u can wear archon enigma and it should take care of str.. so once thats on u can switch to angelics.
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Joined: Jul 2005
ok that sounds cool
New stats:
before 30 then after
Str: 2 2
Dex: 2 1
Vita: 1 2
Mana: let it be
Sword Mastery 20
WW 20
Shout 20
Battle Orders 20
Natural Reisstance 1
Iron Skin: rest here
any other choices i could use =)
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put ONE into battle cry just so you can cast it before your other warcryes and they instantly be +1 higher
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Joined: Dec 2004
1. You cast Battle Command twice before everything else.
2.I belive axes give more damage for ww
3. put 1 point in natural res
4. cant remember what its called but 1 point in the skill that makes you run faster. with all your items/charms it gives a huge speed boost.