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Best FOH Build
I'm looking for the best FOH guide EVER. I can't find any FOH guides on this site and I'm new.... Someone please help me outSad
EDIT: i retract all my advice since you are making a pker and instead tell you to go to hell
Thanks for the help.

Any one of a full build?
heres my advice... dont max holy bolt... only put 1 pt on it because it doesnt help foh's dmg.
max: holy shock, holy shield, foh, another skill that synergises foh, and probly defiance or resist lightning if your going pvp.

---put enough pts into conviction for lvl 25 with all your gear. this is because conviction's - to enemy resists ends at lvl 25.
stats: enough str for gear
enough dex for max block
all rest in vit
non in energy

helm: perf griffons 5/5 light die faceted
ammy: armageddon sllippers or a +2 to pally skills resist ammy
weapon: +3 to foh +3 to conviction 25/25% light die faceted war scepter.
shield: umed hoz
gloves: magefists
rings: sojs
belt: arachnid
boots: ethereal treks work nicely.

switch: cta flail+a spirit pally shield.

inventory: 1 Pally torch, 1 annihilis, and 1 +5 resist all 5 faster run/walk sc. 9x pally combat gcs possibly with 12% fhr on them until u reach a fhr breakpoint over 100...and u have like 9 spaces left for any scs u want.

when this build is finished your foh should easily do over 8.5k
EDIT:advice retracted cause i hate pkers with a passion

Fist of the Heavens Receives Bonuses From
Holy Bolt: +15% Holy Bolt Damage Per LevelHoly Shock: +7% Lightning Damage Per Level

to increase foh... dont put pts into holy... only 1 pt into it.
EDIT: i retract all my advice since you are making a pker and instead tell you to go to hell
Lol...Thanks guys.

With 8.5k dmg thisll be a sick pker

thanks again
Bloodangel26 Wrote:your contradicting just posted that holy bot gives you 15% more damage per lvl and yet your saying not to max it?

backwards read do you...

holy bolt BOOSTS the holy bolts in foh... not the foh bolt.
holy bolts only hurt the undead... not players, unless u killed the player and in which case it is illogical to try and cast spells at a dead body...

Holy Bolt: +15% Holy Bolt Damage Per Level
Holy Shock: +7% Lightning Damage Per Level

read again...
ok listen.... HOLY BOLT DOES NOT ADD LIGHTNING DAMAGE 2 FOH. u knoe after u use foh and those holt bolts come out of the thing u jus killed or w/e? it adds dmg 2 those, not the foh itself. only put 1 in2 it..
thanks guys you saved me a huge amount of skills


thanks agian
np... idk even knoe y they added that holybolt crap under 1 of the synergies!
Why when the makers of diablo made the pally make him w/ holy bolt. its a big noob trap


EDIT: i retract all my advice since you are making a pker and instead tell you to go to hell
thanks for the useful responses blood....
serious-i: if you want to make a pker... thats your choice... your paladin will also be a viable match for any player too... not many people can take 8.5k light dmg..
good thing u no that now
I tested a FOH build once, I just used the whole Gris Set and put light facets in everything, except the shield, which I um'ed.
i saw an foher with griz set too.. but he had perf lite facets in everything ven the shield. theyre pretty good but theres an easy way to beat them.. like with a barb. all u have to do is wear a 4x Ptopaz monarch, which gives 160 to light resist which actually adds 10 resists with the fohers -150 conviction.
just throw on tgods and some wisps and its ezpk.
Seems like alot of trouble for a barb to go through though just to kill one oppenent Sad

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